36. A Fight With Frank

"You can do anything for it-after all, you're the senior trainee with the highest score, fighting thousands of monsters," Jansen replied.

Without waiting for Richard's words, Jansen resumed his steps. Jansen suddenly didn't feel like doing the mission the system had given him. His feelings were already very doubtful if there was Richard beside him.

As a result, Jansen now turns his steps in the direction he came from a few moments ago. He intended to rejoin the trainees.

"Hey, where are you going?" asked Richard who was holding Jansen's shoulder. "I thought you came this way because you didn't want to join the training. Now do you want to join the others?"

At that moment Jansen was still walking without listening to Richard's words. As he walked, Jansen was startled by the system's LED screen that suddenly appeared in front of his face.


"Ah, damn it. Wh
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