37. "Don't You Dare To Attack Me, Jansen!"

"I don't think I saw you last night. Where did you go?" asked Ryann in a friendly tone.

While preparing his clothes for today's serious training, Jansen replied, "None of your business."

Ryann frowned somewhat surprised at Jansen's answer. During the silence, she exchanged glances with Joseph, asking about Jansen's reaction through facial expressions.

"Oh, right. We're not close enough for me to know what you're doing," Ryann replied with an awkward laugh.

Jansen closed the wardrobe door, then faced Ryann and Joseph. He had a flat look on his face as he put the clothes on his body.

"Did you prepare for today?" asked Joseph. "I saw that you were very good at fighting monsters in the trial ring room."

Jansen shook his head after hearing Joseph's question.

"I don't need to prepare anything. I'm in The Loser People dormitory anyway," Jansen replied indifferently.

Joseph and Ryann looked at each other again. They looked somewhat surprised at Jansen's answer, which didn't se
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