Daren's Plan

This morning, Daren was at a restaurant. He is wanted to go in to meet Jackob as promised last night. But, when Daren was about to enter, the security guards immediately blocked him, and of course this shocked Daren beyond belief.

“Who are you? What are you here for? Do you have money to pay for food here?” The question was directly addressed to Daren. Of course Daren was shocked beyond words. Until finally he realized that if they weren’t wrong, it was his clothes that were wrong. Daren was wearing shabby clothes, clothes whose colors were even faded and looked very shabby. The security guard must have thought that Daren was a beggar.

“I had an appointment with Mr. Materna, and he booked table number eighteen.” Daren answered calmly.

The two security guards whispered to each other, then both smiled again and looked at Daren still with mocking looks.

“Do you mean Mr. Martena who is the right-hand man of the Wiles family?” asked the security officer.

Daren was quite happy to hear that, it was a sign that he didn’t need to bother explaining because Jackob was already quite well known in this restaurant.

“Yes. So can I come in?”

“Do you think we will believe your boasting, sir?” said the security guard.

Daren was confused again, he didn’t know where he went wrong so no one believed him, until finally Daren held his breath perfectly.

“Listen to me—”

“You’d better get out of here before we throw you out harshly. Go look for another Mr. Materna who is at your level. There are so many beggars here who pretend to be rich people like you, sir. Act as if you have acquaintances and then riot in this restaurant. So go, because we don’t want the visitors to feel nauseous and lose their appetite just because they see your shabby appearance.”

“Trust me, you guys will regret it after saying this. I really know Mr. Materna well, and you guys dare to chase me away? I’ll  remember your faces. I’m sure you will be fired from your jobs and will not be accepted anywhere even though you are busy looking for work.”

Angrily, Daren was about to leave. Until finally an expensive car arrived, the figure Daren was waiting for ran towards Daren in a panic.

“Young Master Wiles, what are you doing?”

Daren then glanced at the two security guards  in front of the door who were still looking at him with that strange look.

“Look at them, am I that bad in their eyes? I was kicked out by them from here, and I was considered a beggar. Do you think I am still willing to stay here like a fool?”

“Sorry for keeping you waiting, Young Master Wiles. Alright, let’s go straight in and I’ll reprimand them.”

“Just call the manager of this restaurant and tell them to fire those two security guards who have no manners. Close all access to their jobs for two or three months, I want to see how they can still act when the job is gone from their hands."

“Yes, Young Master Wiles.”

Daren immediately entered, glancing at the two security officers arrogantly, while shaking off his shabby clothes of course. He sat next to Jackob, making many visitors looked at him strangely.

“Here are new clothes for you, Young Master Wiles. I hope that when we meet in places like this you will always use it. They look at you as if they’re mocking you and I don’t like that.”

“Ignore their stares, Jack. Right now I want you to do something for me.”

“What’s that?”

Daren immediately handed him a file wrapped in a brown folder and Jackob immediately took the folder and looked at its contents.

“Request to extend the business agreement between the Hoodie family company and the Wiles family company?”

“Yes, that’s what I want.”

“But, Young Master Wiles. Just so you know, the current leadership of the Hoodie family company is really incompetent. If this cooperation continues it will have a bad impact on the Wiles family company. Besides, why would Young Master Wiles come and ask for this? Do you know anyone in Hoodie’s family that they asked you to do this?”

“I am the son-in-law of the Hoodie family, Jack. However, no one knows that I am the second son of the Wiles family. This is one of the challenges that my wife’s grandmother asked me to do, and if I succeed in getting an extension of this business cooperation, I will take care of several businesses from the Hoodie family which are related to the Wiles family company. So you don’t need to be afraid that the Wiles family company will experience losses.”

“But, Young Master Wiles. Instead of you working at the Hoodie family company and doing something like this, don’t you want to go back and take over the power currently held by your brother? The company got weird after you left there.”

 Daren was silent for a moment then he shook his head. “I don’t want to go back to the Wiles family company or go home, Jack. At least for now. I’m sick of Dad always comparing me to Erdward. Now I want to see whether Erdward is able to manage the Wiles family company well or not, so that Dad knows which of his sons can actually make him proud.”

Jackob realized that there must be feelings of hurt, because all this time Mr. Wiles had almost never appreciated Daren’s efforts and hard works, which had repeatedly been able to lift the Wiles family company to the top. In fact, the only person who was alwayss praised and proud was Erdward, as the first son and predicted to be the successor to the leadership of this giant business empire.

“Very well, Young Master Wiles. I am sure that this cooperation contract will be approved. More than that, maybe this is also an opportunity for you to prove to Mr. Wiles that you can, and I am sure that if you are able to prove it then Mr. Wiles will stop continuing to ignore you. Because now every now and then Mr. Wiles looks for you every time trouble comes.”

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