
“I'm sorry if all of this surprised you or even made you uncomfortable, Mrs. Wiles. Believe me, I did all these things because there were many urgent events, one example is when there is a document that is incomplete but suddenly our business relations want the document to be complete or even sent on the same day, whether like it or not is something that it was really hard to ignore, so I couldn't help but contact Mr. Wiles. So sorry once again, right now I've started to organize everything, before going home I immediately sorted and chose several things that should and shouldn't be, some documents that I think are urgent or not to be sorted out immediately, and maybe that will take a long time or even make Mr. Wiles has to come home late, but at least it will be enough to make Mr. Wiles calm at home and I won't disturb him at all, of course.”

Serena smiled, she felt that now there was no need for one thing to be an excuse for Serena to act awkwardly and make small talk, of course thi
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