Moving Forward

Danny woke with a start, his phone alarm blaring in the quiet of the dorm room. He groaned, fumbling to switch it off, his body heavy with exhaustion. The party had raged into the early hours, and he'd stumbled back to the dorm with Tariq just a few hours ago, the first hints of dawn peeking over the Manchester skyline.

He sat up slowly, his head pounding in protest. The room was dim, the only light coming from the crack under the door and the faint glow of streetlamps outside the window. Danny blinked, trying to orient himself in the gloom.

Something felt off. He glanced over at Tariq's bed, expecting to see the familiar lump of his friend curled under the covers. But the bed was empty, the sheets undisturbed.

Danny frowned, a prickle of unease running down his spine. He reached over and flicked on the light, squinting against the sudden brightness.

Tariq's bed was definitely empty. His backpack was gone too, and his trainers were missing too. It was like he'd never been there at all.

Danny checked his phone. 5:00 AM. Where could Tariq possibly be at this hour?

He thought back to the party, to the wild look in Tariq's eyes and the tension in his shoulders as JB pulled him away into the crowd. Danny's stomach clenched with worry.

He knew, deep in his gut, that wherever Tariq was, that JB guy was definitely involved. And that could only mean trouble.

Danny sighed heavily, swinging his legs out of bed. The floor was cold under his bare feet, and he shivered slightly as he padded to the bathroom.

He brushed his teeth mechanically, his mind still churning. He'd only known Tariq for a short time, but he couldn't shake the feeling that his friend was in trouble. The signs were all there, in every forced smile and evasive answer.

Danny spat into the sink, rinsing his mouth with a handful of cold water. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, taking in the dark circles under his eyes and the worried furrow of his brow.

He felt helpless, frustrated. He wanted to do something, anything, to help Tariq. But what could he do? He was just a kid, new to the city and its weird structure.

He dressed quickly, pulling on a tracksuit and his favorite trainers. Maybe a run would help clear his head, let him think.

He slipped out of the dorm room, easing the door shut behind him. The hallway was deserted, the only sound the hum of the vending machines and the distant thrum of traffic outside.

Danny made his way out of the building, stepping into the crisp, cool air of the early morning. The sky was just beginning to lighten, the inky black fading to a deep, bruised blue.

He started to run, his feet pounding against the pavement in a steady rhythm. The streets were empty, the city still slumbering. It was peaceful, in a way, the quiet broken only by the sound of his own breathing and the occasional chirp of a waking bird.

But even as he ran, Danny couldn't escape the nagging worry in the back of his mind. Tariq was out there somewhere, caught up in something, maybe dangerous. And Danny had no idea how to help him.

He thought of Taji's words from the night before, her eyes serious as she leaned across the bar.

"Watch yourself, kid. Keep your wits about you. Cause 'round here, we're all just tryna stay afloat..."

Danny pushed himself harder, his lungs burning with the effort. He felt like he was running from something, or maybe towards something. He wasn't sure.

All he knew was that he couldn't shake the feeling that Tariq needed him. And it was so frustrating he couldn't think of a way help him.


Entering the dorm room, Danny was relieved to see Tariq's sleeping form in bed. The knot of worry in his chest loosened, and he felt a rush of warmth. His friend was safe, at least for now.

"Oi, Tariq," Danny called softly, closing the door behind him. "You alright, mate?"

Tariq stirred, his hand emerging from the tangle of blankets to wave Danny off. "Mmph. Tryna sleep, bruv."

Danny nodded, taking the hint. Tariq sounded exhausted, his voice thick and slurred. Glancing at the clock, Danny realized it couldn't have been more than an hour since he'd left for his run. Tariq must have stumbled in just before.

The questions burned on Danny's tongue - where had Tariq been? What had he been doing? Was he okay? But he swallowed them back. As much as he'd come to care for Tariq, he knew it wasn't his place to pry. Tariq's life was his own, and Danny had to respect that, even if it worried him.

"Just... take care of yourself, yeah?" Danny said quietly, grabbing his towel. "I'm gonna shower. Got class soon."

Tariq grunted in response, already burrowing back into his blankets.

Danny slipped into the bathroom, his mind still churning. He hoped that whatever Tariq was caught up in, he'd be able to find his way out before it was too late.


Freshly showered and dressed, Danny slung his backpack over his shoulder. He cast a final glance at Tariq's sleeping form, a lump under the covers.

As he opened the door, his phone chimed. Danny's jaw clenched as he read the notification.

[You have not completed your registration. Would you like to finish now?"]

It was the same damn app. Danny swiped the notification away with a scowl and stepped out into the hallway.

Behind him, Tariq rolled over, one eye swollen shut and already darkening with a bruise. He stared at the closed door for a long moment before turning his face to the wall, curling in on himself.


The hallways were busy, students rushing to early classes or stumbling home from late nights. Danny navigated the crowd with ease, his head down and his strides purposeful.

He was used to the looks by now - the appreciative glances from girls, the lingering stares from guys. He knew he was fit, with his athletic build and sharp features. But he didn't let it go to his head. Looks were just luck of the draw, nothing to get chuffed about.

Stepping out into the crisp morning air, Danny breathed deep. His phone rang, the cheery tune at odds with his mood.

"Yo, Jenna," he answered, recognizing his sister's ringtone. "What's up?"

"Danny!" Jenna's voice was bright, almost manic in its enthusiasm. "How's my favorite brother doing on this fine morning?"

Danny rolled his eyes. "I'm your only brother, you muppet. And I told you, lay off the sugar. You're gonna vibrate out of your own skin one of these days."

Jenna laughed, the sound warm and familiar in Danny's ear. "You're no fun. But seriously, how are you? Settling in alright?"

Danny hesitated, Tariq's face flashed through his mind. "Yeah, I'm good. Just... lots of new stuff, you know?"

There was a pause, and Danny could almost see Jenna's frown. "Danny... is everything okay? You sound a bit off."

Danny forced a chuckle. "Nah, I'm aces. Just found out they added another class to my schedule, 's all. More work, innit?"

Jenna groaned in sympathy. "Oof, that's rough. But you'll smash it, I know you will. You're a smart cookie, Danny boy."

"Cheers," Danny said, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. "Alright, I gotta run. Class in a few."

"Wait, before you go," Jenna said quickly. "Have you seen my boyfriend around campus at all?"

Danny's lip curled. "Jenna, I don't know what your bloke looks like. And to be honest, I ain't keen to."

"Aw, come on," Jenna wheedled. "Why you gotta be like that?"

"Because," Danny said, his voice flat, "the last thing I need is the mental image of some wanker defiling my sister."

Jenna squawked indignantly. "Defiling?! Danny, you can't just-"

But Danny had already pulled the phone from his ear, stabbing at the 'end call' button. He loved his sister, but there were some things a brother didn't need to know.

Shoving his phone in his pocket, Danny shouldered through the doors of the Arts building. Another day, another set of challenges. But that was life, wasn't it? You just kept moving forward, one step at a time.

Even when it felt like the whole world was conspiring to trip you up.


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