As I stepped into the guild hall, it felt like diving into a whirlwind of relief and curiosity. The NPCs were buzzing with excitement, practically vibrating in anticipation of my return.


[You Successfully Completed The Trial]

[You Received a Title: The one who save Unknown]

[You Received a Title: The one who experienced special treatments]

Wow so loud, “SPHYNX, you’re back!” the guild master boomed, eyes twinkling like he'd just stumbled upon a hidden gem.

“Wait, wasn’t he with me?” I muttered, catching my breath and looking around.

“How did the trial go?” he asked, his curiosity peaking.

“It was a trip, but... weren’t you with me?” I said, confused.

“I swear you were right there.”

“That’s impressive,” the guild master said, puzzled, like he was piecing together a puzzle.

“Me? How so? You suddenly vanished…”

“Uh, what? Then who was that?” I blinked, completely lost.

“Right,” I said, pulling up my quest log.

“Looks like I’m supposed to bind a young black dragon. That was the plan, after all.”

“Binding a dragon is no joke,” the guild master said, shifting to a serious tone.

“You’ll need to be thoroughly prepared.”

“I get it,” I replied, scanning my quest list.

“I’ll make sure I’ve got all the essentials—materials, equipment, all that jazz.”

“Indeed,” the guild master agreed. “The dragon’s in the Obsidian Caverns, deep within the Crystalline Mountains. It’s a perilous area, so be cautious.”

“Got it,” I said, nodding like I’d just been handed a treasure map. “I’ll head to the Crystalline Mountains and find those caverns.”

“Before you go, double-check your gear,” he added. “You might need some special items for the binding.”

“Thanks for the heads-up,” I said. “I’ll gear up and be ready.”

I quickly reviewed my inventory, gathering binding runes, enchanted chains, and a bunch of potions. I was nearly out the door when the guild master called after me.

“Remember, SPHYNX, this dragon will test your skills and wits like never before.”

“I’m ready,” I said with a determined nod. “Bring it on.”

With everything set, I headed toward the Crystalline Mountains. “Time to find those Obsidian Caverns and wrap up this quest.”

As I ventured deeper into the Obsidian Caverns, the ground shook with a roar that rattled the cavern walls. The young black dragon’s fierce green eyes locked onto me.

“I don’t want to hurt you, but I need to bind you!” I shouted over the roar, hoping the dragon could hear me.

The dragon’s fiery gaze and thunderous voice responded, “You think you can bind me? This is my domain. I’m not easily subdued.”

I raised my staff, unleashing a torrent of water magic to douse the dragon’s flames. “I’m not here for fun. This is a job, and I have my reasons!”

The dragon shook off the water, wings spreading like ominous shadows. “Reasons? You intrude on my home and expect me to accept this? You’re just a nuisance!”

“I’m here to complete a quest,” I said, conjuring a fiery shield to block another wave of flames. “Binding you is part of it. I mean no harm.”

The dragon snarled, eyes narrowing. “Fire doesn’t scare me. I am shadows and flame!”

I smirked, using earth magic to lift jagged pillars from the ground, trying to restrict the dragon’s movement. “I’ve faced tougher challenges. You’re just another hurdle.”

The dragon roared, smashing through the pillars effortlessly. “You’re persistent, I’ll give you that. But persistence alone won’t bind me!”

I dodged a sweeping tail strike and countered with a gust of wind magic, pushing the dragon back. “Persistence and skill are my strengths. I’ll use everything I’ve got.”

“Wind won’t change this fight,” the dragon growled, shaking off the wind’s effects.

Feeling the strain, I added, “Wind’s just one tool. I’ve got purification magic too. It’s crucial for the binding.”

The dragon’s eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. “Purification? That’s rare magic. But will it really bind someone as powerful as me?”

Focusing hard, I channeled my purification magic. “It’s not about overpowering you. It’s about creating a bond that respects your strength. It’s the only way to make this work.”

The dragon hesitated, clearly struggling. “You speak of respect, yet you invade my home. How can I trust your intentions?”

“I’m not asking for your trust,” I said as a purifying light enveloped me. “I’m asking you to understand that this is necessary. It’s about balance.”

The dragon, visibly worn from the fight, fought against the binding runes I’d deployed. “If I surrender, what then? Will you leave my home in peace?”

My expression softened as I completed the final incantation. “Yes. Once you’re bound, I’ll ensure your home remains untouched. You’ll be free once the quest is done.”

The dragon’s eyes met mine with a flicker of resignation and a hint of respect. “Very well, human. Do what you must.”

With a final surge of purification magic, I completed the binding ritual. The dragon was now securely bound, though still fierce and defiant.

“You have my word,” I said, catching my breath. “I’ll make sure your domain stays safe.”

The dragon’s eyes, dimmed by the binding, showed a glimmer of gratitude. “Then I’ll wait for this ordeal to end. Perhaps we’ll meet again under better circumstances.”

I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and accomplishment as I prepared to leave the cavern. “I hope so. Until then, take care.”


[Congratulations! You finished the Quest perfectly]

[You will receive your rewards!]

[You received your class ‘Creature Tamer’]

“I see, finally a little step from the cat cafe door” I whispered as I left the cavern.

Walking back into the guild hall, I was greeted by the usual hustle and bustle. The guild master, ever the picture of composure, stood at his desk, looking like he’d been waiting for a grand announcement.

“SPHYNX!” he exclaimed as soon as he saw me. “Welcome back! Successfully binding a dragon is extraordinary!”

“Ehh? DeJa Vu?”

I walked up to his desk, still catching my breath from the epic battle. “Thanks. It was intense, but I managed to get it done.”

The guild master’s face lit up. “The system has recognized your achievement and granted you a new class: Creature Tamer. Also, I’d like to offer you an additional title—Dragonbinder.”

I paused, feeling a bit conflicted. “Dragonbinder? Sounds cool, but I’m not sure it’s really me.”

The guild master raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? It’s a prestigious title, especially for someone who’s bound a dragon. It shows your skill and dedication.”

I shrugged, trying to explain. “I appreciate it, but my real dream is different. I’ve always wanted to open a cat café. Cats are my thing, and I want to create a space where people and cats can chill together.”

The guild master looked taken aback. “A cat café? That’s quite a change from dragon-binding. I didn’t expect that.”

I nodded, smiling. “Yeah, it’s a bit different from battling dragons, but cats bring me a lot of joy. I want to build a place where people can relax with them.”

The guild master’s surprise turned into understanding. “I see. If Dragonbinder doesn’t fit with your dreams, we should respect that.”

He pulled out a sleek badge with a cat-themed design from his drawer. “Here’s a badge that reflects your true passion.”

I took the badge and examined it—it had a cute cat design in a cozy café setting. “This is perfect! Thank you so much. It really means a lot.”

The guild master smiled warmly. “You’re welcome. Follow your passion. Your journey doesn’t need to fit a conventional mold.”

Feeling a wave of relief and renewed determination, I said, “I will. This adventure taught me a lot, and now I’m excited to focus on my cat café.”

“Good luck with your café,” the guild master said. “I’m sure it’ll be a success. If you need any more help or have other quests in mind, just let me know.”

“Thanks! I’ll definitely keep in touch,” I replied, feeling a sense of closure.

With a final nod, I left the guild hall, the new badge hanging proudly around my neck. The town outside was bustling with evening activity, the streets glowing with warm lights.

I stopped by a cozy café that always intrigued me. It wasn’t a cat café, but its ambiance was inviting. I found a spot by the window and pulled out my plans for the cat café, jotting down ideas and dreams.

The café owner, a warm-hearted woman, approached. “Hi there! You look deep in thought. What’s up?”

I looked up with a smile. “Just working on plans for a cat café.”

Her eyes lit up. “That sounds lovely! I’ve always wanted to visit one. If you need any advice on setting up or managing a café, I’d be happy to help.”

I felt a wave of relief. “That would be amazing. I’m still figuring out the details, so any guidance would be great.”

The next morning, I leaped out of bed like a cat spotting a feather toy.

The world outside was bathed in the soft, golden light of dawn, and it felt like the universe was saying, "Today’s the day to turn your cat café dream into reality!"

As I strolled through town, I couldn’t help but daydream about turning each potential space into a feline paradise.

I passed by an old bookstore with a charming exterior and big, inviting windows. It practically purred at me to come inside and take a look. I decided to check it out.

The shopkeeper, an elderly man with a warm smile, looked up from behind the counter. “Good morning! Can I help you with something?”

I beamed, excitement bubbling over. “Good morning! I’m thinking of turning this place into a cat café. Also, I’m planning to build a house. Is it available?”

The shopkeeper’s eyes widened with interest.

“A cat café, you say? That’s quite an unusual idea around here. And yes, if you want to build a house and connect the door, I don’t see any problems with that.”He started.

“The bookstore is indeed available. It’s been a bit quiet lately, and it could use some new energy.”he added.

I wandered around the store, envisioning it filled with comfy cat beds, playful areas, and people enjoying coffee. It was a perfect fit.

“This place is just purrfect,” I said, turning to the shopkeeper. “What’s the rent and what are the terms?”

We went over the details and settled on an agreement. With the location secured, my excitement grew, but I knew there was still a lot of work ahead.

Next, I needed to focus on supplies and design. I made a list: cat furniture, cozy blankets, food and water stations, and décor that would make the café inviting. I visited several stores, picking up items and gathering ideas.

With the location secured and supplies on the way, I dove into the fun stuff designing the layout, choosing colors, and making sure the café would be a cozy haven for both cats and visitors.

The café was connected to my house, so it felt like the perfect extension of my own space a feline-filled sanctuary just steps away from where I lived.

Finally, the big day arrived. I was a bundle of nerves and excitement, ready to see my dream become a reality.

The café, adorned with cat-themed decorations, was stocked with treats for both felines and their human friends.

One of the first guests, a cheerful young woman, approached me. “This place is fantastic! I’ve never seen a cat café like this before.”

I beamed with pride. “Thank you! I’ve always wanted to create a place where people can unwind with some kitty company. I’m thrilled you like it!”

The woman petted a cat who had cozied up in her lap. “The cats are so friendly. It’s clear you’ve put a lot of love into this place.”

“I have,” I said, feeling a warm glow. “I’m so glad it’s all coming together.”

Throughout the day, the café buzzed with positive energy. I chatted with visitors, made sure the cats were comfortable, and enjoyed seeing everyone interact with the furry residents.

“They said there were half-breed mythical cats around. Can I even encounter them?”

A voice broke the tranquil atmosphere.”Hey, human, cats said everyone is welcome here. Can I become your son?”

I turned to the source of the voice, only to find a cat sitting on the counter, looking at me with an air of curiosity.

I stammered, bewildered.“A… A cat is talking!?”

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