[Congratulations Player SPHYNX!]


Pardon? Did I wish for something that I didn't know?

[You wished to not leave here…..]

What!? That's a ridiculous claim! That's not my point.

The words floated in the air, shimmering like a holographic display. I stared at the screen, my mind struggling to process the implications.

I tried to move, but my limbs felt strangely heavy, as though they were bound by invisible chains. My heart raced, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

“What… what’s happening?” I stammered, my voice trembling as I tried to make sense of the surreal situation.

The guild master, who had been smirking with a sense of superiority, now wore a more serious expression. “It seems the system has a surprise for you, SPHYNX,” he said, his tone grave.

“What kind of surprise?” I asked, a note of fear creeping into my voice.

“It appears that the system has triggered a special event mode,” the guild master explained.

“This isn’t something that happens often, especially not with VIP statuses.”

I attempted to open my menu to check my status or access any other features, but the screen was filled with error messages. Lines of red text flashed across the display, rendering it completely inaccessible.

“No, no, this can’t be real. What’s going on?”

The guild master’s expression shifted from amusement to concern.

“You must have triggered something unusual. This is beyond standard protocol. We’ve never seen an event mode like this before.”

“Does this mean I’m stuck here?” I asked, my voice rising in desperation.

“I’m afraid so,” the guild master replied.

“But you’re not alone. I’ll try to provide guidance as best I can.”

The air grew colder, and I felt a strange pressure on my chest, as if an invisible weight was pressing down on me.




“Event mode?” I muttered, more to myself than to anyone else. The words on the screen seemed to pulse with an otherworldly glow.

I glanced at the guild master, who now appeared more like an enigma than a mere NPC. His demeanor was serious, and a hint of unease flickered in his eyes.

“Yes,” the guild master said, his voice taking on an almost mystical tone.

“It seems that your VIP subscription has unlocked a hidden feature. You’re about to experience something completely different from what other players encounter.”

“Different how?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. “What should I expect?”

“Expect the unexpected,” the guild master said with a grave nod.

“The system is reshaping your game experience. You’ll face challenges that go beyond anything you've encountered before.”

“So, what do I do now?” I asked, my anxiety mixing with determination.

“You need to adapt quickly,” the guild master advised. “The system is pushing your limits. Be prepared for anything.”

My surroundings shifted rapidly, the familiar guild hall dissolving into a vortex of colors and lights. I felt disoriented as I was transported to a new environment.

“The heck is this place….” An eerie mist hung in the air, and strange, glowing eyes peered out from the shadows, watching my every move.

“Where am I now?” I wondered aloud, my voice barely more than a whisper. The oppressive silence of the forest was punctuated only by distant, unsettling noises—a rustling of leaves, a distant howl.

The guild master’s voice echoed in my mind, cutting through the eerie quiet.

“Welcome to the true New Underworld. This is where reality and the game world blur together. Your adventure is just beginning.”

“This is insane!” I exclaimed. “How am I supposed to survive in this place?”

The guild master’s voice was calm yet insistent. “You’ll need to rely on your instincts and adapt to the new environment. The forest is a living entity; it changes and reacts to your presence. Stay alert.”

“Any advice on what to look out for?” I asked, trying to gather any useful information.

“I wish I could provide more details,” the guild master replied, a hint of frustration in his voice. “This situation is entirely new. The forest itself may hold the key to your survival.”

“Great,” I muttered. “So it’s a game of trial and error. Just what I needed.”

The forest seemed to pulse with a life of its own. The ground beneath me shifted with each step, and the trees seemed to bend and sway in an unnatural rhythm.

“Are there any hints or tips you can give me?” I called out, trying to make sense of the surroundings.

“I can only offer general advice,” the guild master’s voice echoed. “Trust your instincts, and be prepared for anything. The forest’s behavior is unpredictable.”

“Alright,” I said, determined. “I’ll do my best.”

I glanced at the new interface that had appeared before me, which was different from anything I had seen before. It displayed an array of unfamiliar icons and messages:





“Survive the night?” I muttered, feeling a mix of anxiety and determination. “This is going to be a long one.”

“Keep your wits about you,” the guild master’s voice advised. “The forest is dangerous, but it can also be revealing.”

Every sound seemed magnified in the stillness, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

I decided to move cautiously, keeping my senses sharp. “If I can just find some kind of landmark, maybe I can get my bearings,” I said to myself.

As I ventured deeper into the forest, I noticed strange symbols etched into the bark of the trees. They glowed with an eerie light, casting an unsettling glow on the forest floor.

“Are these symbols significant?” I wondered aloud, reaching out to touch one. “Maybe they’ll provide some clues.”

The deeper I went, the more the forest seemed to shift and change. The forest seemed to be alive, constantly changing to disorient and challenge me.

“Why does everything keep shifting?” I complained. “It’s like the forest is trying to confuse me.”

“I’m afraid I can’t offer much help with that,” the guild master’s voice said. “The forest is a living entity. It adapts to your presence.”

I found a small clearing and decided to take a moment to gather my thoughts. In the center of the clearing was a stone pedestal, upon which rested a glowing orb.

Curiosity piqued, I approached the pedestal and examined the orb. It pulsed with a rhythmic glow, and as I reached out to touch it, the air around me seemed to vibrate. The orb’s glow intensified, and a new message appeared on my interface:




“Interact with the orb or not?” I debated aloud. “It’s a risk, but it might be the only way forward.”

“It’s your call,” the guild master’s voice suggested. “It might lead you to a safer route or deeper into danger.”

After a moment’s deliberation, I decided to interact with it.

As soon as my fingers made contact with the orb, a burst of light engulfed the clearing. The path seemed to beckon me forward, and I felt a sense of urgency.

“Well, here goes nothing,” I said, steeling myself as I stepped onto the new path.

The forest was even more foreboding now, with twisted branches reaching out like clawed hands. The air was thick with an unsettling silence, and the occasional rustle in the underbrush kept me on edge.

“Just stay calm and keep moving,” I told myself

I had to navigate through treacherous terrain, avoid hidden pitfalls, and confront strange creatures that emerged from the shadows.

“Avoid the pitfalls and stay alert for any signs of danger,” I reminded myself. “I need to keep moving.”

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before—an amalgamation of various animal features, twisted and deformed.

“Is that one of the unknown enemies?” I wandered aloud, gripping my weapon tightly.

“Most likely,” the guild master’s voice confirmed. “You’ll need to fight or find a way to avoid it.”

I took a deep breath and prepared for battle. The creature lunged at me with terrifying speed, its eyes blazing with malevolent intent. I dodged its attack and countered with a quick strike, but the creature was agile, evading my blows with ease.

“Come on, focus!” I urged myself. “I need to find a weak spot!”

After a tense battle, I managed to land a decisive hit, and the creature collapsed into a pile of shadows. I breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from my brow.

“Are there more of these things?” I asked, panting heavily.

“There could be,” the guild master replied. “Keep your guard up. The forest is full of surprises.”

I pressed on, the forest growing darker as the night wore on. I stumbled upon a small grove where several strange artifacts were scattered around.

“What are these?” I wondered aloud, examining the artifacts. “Do they have any significance?”

“Artifacts can often provide valuable information or tools,” the guild master suggested. “Examine them closely. They might be useful.”

I picked up a small, intricately carved box and opened it, finding a glowing crystal inside. A new message appeared on my interface:




“This could be exactly what I need,” I said, tucking the crystal away.

As I continued through the forest, the crystal began to glow more intensely. I followed its light, which led me to a hidden passage concealed behind a thick curtain of vines.

“Let’s see where this leads,” I said, pushing aside the vines and entering the passage.

The passage was narrow and dimly lit, with strange markings on the walls that glowed faintly. At the end of the passage, I found another clearing, this one dominated by an ancient, crumbling stone structure.

“Another landmark,” I noted. “This must be important.”

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows—an NPC, but with an air of mystery and authority. He wore tattered robes and had an enigmatic expression.

“Greetings, traveler,” the NPC said in a deep, resonant voice. “You have ventured far into the forest. What is it that you seek?”

“I’m just trying to survive and find a way out of this place,” I replied, trying to gauge his intentions.

“The forest has its own way of revealing truths,” the NPC said cryptically. “You must prove your worth to uncover the deeper secrets.”

“Prove my worth?” I asked. “How do I do that?”

The NPC’s eyes glinted with a knowing look. “You will face a trial, a test of your resolve and skills. Only by overcoming this challenge will you earn the right to proceed.”

“I’m ready,” I said, steeling myself. “What’s the trial?”

The NPC raised his staff, and the stone structure began to glow with an ethereal light. “The trial is one of endurance and wit. Overcome the obstacles that lie ahead, and the path forward will be revealed.”

As the light from the stone structure enveloped me, I felt a surge of energy and determination. “Alright,” I said, taking a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

The trial began, presenting me with a series of puzzles and physical challenges that pushed me to my limits. Each challenge seemed to test a different aspect of my abilities.

“This is intense,” I muttered as I tackled yet another obstacle. “But I’m not backing down.”

Hours passed, and the trial seemed endless, but I finally emerged victorious. The stone structure's glow intensified, and a new path appeared, illuminated by a soft, inviting light.

“You did well,” the NPC said, appearing beside me once more. “You have proven your worth. Proceed through the path, and you will find the answers you seek.”

“Thank you,” I said, stepping onto the new path. “I appreciate the guidance.”

The path led me to a serene glade, where the first light of dawn began to break through the trees.

“Surviving the night was just the beginning,” I said to myself. “There’s still so much to discover.”

“But I need to go back, my cat cafe is waiting for me….”

Speaking of cat cafes….. “Hey! Guild Master, how about my quest for binding a dragon!?” I said, as I remember it.

He looked at me, “It was replaced ... .when you complete this, you'll get the title” he said as he thought.

A smile spread across my face as I jumped and shouted,

“Cat cafe, here I come!'”

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