**Welcome to the New Underworld.**

**You’re now in the Mixed Creatures' paradise, Elyium Land.**


I’m mesmerized by my surroundings; it feels like I'm in a fantasy world.


[:Try making private calls:]

“Hmm… Let’s see.” I rested my fingers on my chin, with my left hand on my waist as I bent my body, intently looking at the hologram screen.

When I called Ethan, he answered instantly.


I shifted my feet, settling into the surroundings with a sense of excitement.


The idea of finding something cool had my heart racing, making me feel a bit like a maniac. But hearing Ethan's voice ruined it.

My imagination…

Was shattered. “Wow… Don’t want to hear it from the guy called OBEDIENT MAN.”

Clenching my hand, I smirked, really wanting to punch him even in my imagination. I kept walking, eager to see what I might find. Maybe a cat or something?

Wait… Is there even a cat here?

**Where are you now? I'm at the Asmea starting hall, and I can't see you here.**

Oh… I forgot about that. I grinned mischievously, laughing to myself.


“Well… of course you can’t,” I sneered, casting a sideways glance at the rock.

**What? What do you mean by ‘of course I can’t’?**

Can I tell him now? I rested my thumb and index finger on my chin, tilting my head back and staring into the air as I thought deeply.

“.......” I grinned, deciding to let him take a guess.

***This… This jerk! You went to Elyium!? Bastard! Are you really in Elyium!?***

“E… ehem! So… s-sorry, I think the call is a bit choppy,” I cut myself off, trying not to laugh as I raised my left eyebrow and lied to throw him off.

Come on, I want to focus…

***What do you mean choppy!? That doesn’t exist in the New Underworld. Create a new excuse***

I stuck out my tongue and gave a wink. “Your voice is breaking up, or maybe the server is breaking up because of your voice.”

As I glanced and slightly opened my mouth, I felt a pang of guilt.

***This punk! If you started in Elyium, there’s no telling when you’ll get out.***

Yes, yes. It’s not like I’ll leave here. Who said I want to leave? No way. Hehe.


I rolled my eyes in annoyance, smirking as I let out a sigh. “Dude, I’m not sorry, so please give me some peace.”

***This pu–***

“I’ll stay here, let me stay here…”


“You piece of shit…” I mumbled, feeling as if the wind was embracing my wild side.


[:ObedientMan: HAS BEEN BLOCKED]

“Hehe! I knew it… I made the right decision,” I whispered as I looked around.

Looks like the forum was right; there aren’t many players here. “Though there are a lot of creatures.”

“Great! Then for now… wow, I don’t know what to do.” I did look on the forums and checked websites about VRs, but I guess a first-timer will always be a first-timer.

As I kept walking, I could feel the breeze surrounding me. “Really, this place gives me chills,” I whispered.

Widening my eyes, I saw a black cat sleeping under a tree. “......”

“HOHO!” I couldn’t hide the smile on my face as I walked carefully toward the cat.

I bent my knees. “Cat Cafe, here I come,” I uttered as I patted the cat.

[;System: YOU CAN'T TAME THE CREATURE YET. Go to the Summoning Guild]

“What?” I didn’t say I wanted to tame it, just touch it.

[:System: YOU CAN'T TAME THE CREATURE YET. Go to the Summoning Guild]

“Why?” I stood upright, seriously looking at my screen, as I sadly looked at the cat in front of me.

I don’t understand; the forums said it’s fine to touch animals here. There was also no information saying you have to be a summoner first to touch a creature. Isn’t being a tamer more suited?

“Dang! I shouldn’t have blocked Ethan.” Gritting my teeth in annoyance, I realized I just didn’t know.


Dang it, karma strikes fast today. “YEAH, I know.” I shifted my gaze slightly, biting my shirt, wondering why I made a bad decision in life.

As I sighed, I swung my arms and stepped onto the grass. “I’ll just have to find the Summoning Guild.”

As I explored, I saw that there were no players here.

“Maybe they’re just hiding?” Hiding where? Idiot Shian. I crossed my arms as I walked.

Am I the only player here? Though that feels refreshing, I do not like the chills here. “Hoh! There it is…”

Is it because no one goes here, or is it just designed like this? At first glance, it might be a guild, but it looks more like a cavern club.

“Sorry, New Underworld, I’m just telling the truth…” The sun was almost down, and the moon was coming up.

“The time here went by really fast, though it’s a good sign for me,” I mumbled as I smiled.

I opened the door of the Guild, and there was no one. “Hello?”

“Anyone?” Maybe I was the first one to take this class. I grinned, laughing heartily with a serious tone.

“Why do I feel like everything is hard to take?” As I crossed my arms, I sighed when I found a stairway.

I also don’t know why I came here. The only thing I want is to take care of a cat. Do I really have to tame them?

“Well… at least the cat didn’t run, right?” I whispered, remembering how calm the cat was when I touched it.

“It’s melting my heart, really.” I stepped up the stairs to the guild.

Looking at the surroundings, I’m really the first one to arrive. “I don’t know if that’s good or not.”

No matter what it is, there is just one room here. Sometimes I don’t understand the designer’s mind.

“Why create a second floor if it only has one room?” I crossed my arms and let a smirk control my facial expression.

I kinda feel like a jerk…

Never mind, I just have to enter and be done with it.

Or so I thought.


[:Capture the ‘Black Dragon’ in the Elysmor Plain:]

[The Summoner Guild Master Rackley’s wife said she wants Young Black Dragon scales. A ‘Black Dragon’ is said to appear in Elysmor Plain, so bind it and bring it to Rackley.]

[Quest Difficulty: F]

[Reward: Summoner (Creature Tamer) Class]

[:Will you accept this Quest?:]

[Yes] or [Of course]

I raised my left eyebrow and gazed slightly at the screen, the corner of my lips lifting into a faint smile.

“Why not ask me to die?” I muttered as I looked at my system.

Losing my composure, I couldn’t help but bite my fingers. They asked me to bind it because there was no way I could kill a dragon.

Raising the corner of my lips as my eyebrows met, “How dare this game ask me to bind a dragon when I can’t even bind a cat?” I mumbled, creating a serious look as I crossed my arms.

The guild master broke the silence with his annoying chuckle. I knew it the moment I saw him. I already knew he was no good.

Everything is ridiculous, but what’s more ridiculous is the choices. Why ask me if “Yes” or “Of course”? This game is really annoying.

It made my blood boil earlier, but I should calm down because the cat here accepted me as their daddy.

“Dear player, you didn’t look at your status window, did you?” Out of the blue? Didn’t he know I was embracing the memory of that cat?

“Seeing your reaction… You probably didn’t,” he said. I was stunned because he was telling the truth.

I gulped. “That… Is that required?”

Waiting for his response, I admit I felt guilty for not looking at it. Well, it’s not like I’m the only one who’s like that.

He surprisingly laughed. “It’s not, but everyone does that. That’s how a gamer’s life is, isn’t it?”

Everyone…? What do you mean everyone?

Isn’t it normal to forget about it?

When you start playing, are you really supposed to look at your status window first?

And how can he say “Gamer” like he knows he’s just an NPC?


“Don’t look like that. I didn’t do anything to make you think I’m a suspicious person,” he said, showing a bright smile like he knows everything.

It’s giving me chills, making me feel something is really wrong.

Is he really an NPC?

“Haha! Yeah,” I answered, looking in another direction. There’s no way I’ll figure that out.

“Status window,” I muttered, crossing my arms. For now, I’ll just forget it and focus on my cat café.

Whether he’s an NPC or not is not my problem.

[;Status Window:]

;Profile; ✓VIP

Name: Lu Shian

Nickname: SPHYNX

Level: 1

Class: N/A

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Height|Weight: 185.5cm|75.5kg


Double Screen [Level 100]+100

Charme [Level 50]+50

Focus [Level 2]+2

Mist [Level 2]+2

Mana Refill [Level 1]+1

Fire Magic [Level 1]+1

Earth Magic [Level 1]+1

Water Magic [Level 1]+1

Wind Magic [Level 1]+1

Purification [Level 1]+1

[Hp: 1000/1500]+1000

[Mp: 2500/3000]+2500

[Strength: 15/500]+15

[Vitality: 16/200]+16

[Agility: 15/100]+15

[Intelligence: 6]+6

[Luck: 25]+25

[Life Force: 5]+5

*You have unspent Attribute Points*

[Remaining Points: 1500]+1500

**Since you have a ‘Double Screen’ skill, all skills, stats, and remaining points will be x2. You will also have 2 different classes, which is only possible for you.**


Did I cheat? Of course not! This is impossible.

I looked at my status window again. I bit my nails, seriously examining it. “This is a scam. How can this happen? Did I hack the game before entering it?”

Wait, I don’t have a bind skill. How can I bind if I don’t have that? This game really doesn’t make sense.

“Bind skills do not exist unless you create them on your own.” I stiffened at his sudden words.

Really… This man, I widened my eyes. “Are you asking me to become a mage?” I started.

“Then shouldn’t going to the Magic Tower instead of here have been a wise decision? Why would I have to be a mage before becoming a summoner?” I added, making him laugh so hard.

Do I look like a clown? He’s laughing more than he should.

“Ahem! Being a first-time gamer really sucked, right?” My eyebrows lifted, and my eyes widened in surprise. My chance had come; there was no way I’d let my curiosity slip away.

“Do NPCs treat every player like this?” I mumbled in curiosity, though they say curiosity kills the cat.

Hang on, babies! Your daddy will save all of you, I thought as I closed my eyes and struck a victory pose.

“No, you’re just different. Very different. You didn’t even notice that you don’t have a log-out sign.” I was stunned for a moment, gasping for air as I looked at the logout sign and realized he was right.

I looked at him, who was perfectly smiling, as I looked at my screen. Everything I saw was a word: Error.

“W-what is this?” I felt my muscles tensing up as I couldn’t move, frozen in place.

[;System Update;]

[Congratulations Player SPHYNX!]



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