Chapter 29
As soon as Dave mentioned having his own money, Ava’s parents, Greg and Joyce Smith, exchanged sceptical glances.

Greg shook his head, unable to believe Dave's audacity.

How could a nobody like Dave have the guts to say he had money?!

“Money, huh?” Greg scoffed, his voice thick with derision.

“You expect us to believe that you’ve got your own money, but you’re still here, living off of our daughter?”

Joyce folded her arms tightly across her chest, her eyes narrowing as she looked Dave up and down.

“You see, we know your type. Just trying to get a free ride, aren’t you?

Do you think you can mooch off our family and live comfortably without lifting a finger? Well, let me tell you, it’s not going to work!”

Dave stood calmly, his face betraying no emotion despite the biting words being thrown at him.

And before everyone knew it, Gordon, Ava’s grandfather, stepped forward, his presence commanding immediate attention.

“Enough!” Gordon said firmly, his voice carrying
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