The Billionaire Son-in-law
The Billionaire Son-in-law
Author: Temmywrites
1. The Phone Call.

Lucas Williams was seated in front of the young man before him. It was another day in front of a company's employer, and that day, he was waiting for a positive reply. Until the man began to say;

'We're sorry to inform you that…' 

The rest of the lines grew redundant to his ears. They'd rejected his job offer. Again!

He glanced up to the ceiling and his eyes filled with hot tears. Shutting them tight, Lucas hoped the tears would stop. His lips pursed, pale blue eyes burning with hurtful rage. 

He went home, his shoulders slouched and head not leaving the ground. That was how his life was. So pathetic and useless! What kind of a man was he? Such a disappointment. 

Ivy, his beautiful wife, had been blessed with all the amazing features that could ever make up a successful woman. She was rich, smart, gorgeous and kind hearted. But he? He was a disaster for a husband. 

So he thought, even though his wife had told him countless times that they were just going through a rough ride, and they would someday get over it.

He was still poor after all of his hard work! There was almost no company in New Jersey that didn't know him, as he'd visited them all, submitting his CV for employment, but for some unfortunate reasons, they'd all declined him. 

He got home and his wife attended to him. "Hey love," she said, smiling at him. 

He wasn't smiling however. "They rejected me again." He announced bitterly, and the young woman squeezed him into a tight hug. 

Lucas blinked fast, his eyes still red from his suppressed tears. He hoped Ivy wouldn't notice. 

She said their family was more important, but Lucas begged to differ. 

Money mattered too. Ivy was the breadwinner of the family, and he wasn't complaining. But for how long? 

"I love you, Lucas Williams." She said to her husband, the corners of her mouth were curling up, and the compliment brought up a warm smile on his face. 

"I love you too, honey." Lucas replied. 

Ivy loved her husband, and it was in that moment that it struck her. Oh how she wished her husband would get himself a job, and so he would be smiling more often. She decided to offer a solution to their problem, even though she knew he might not like him.

"Lucas," she said as she walked him over to the living room. It wasn't until they'd both sat down that she began to say. 

"I was wondering if you would be able to talk to my mother to find you a job," 

There it was. 

The slight frown that hinted the right amount of disgust in his eyes. 

"No, listen. She is the right person to help, don't you think? Mother is well established and I've asked her myself to support you, but it would be more respectful if you could bring yourself to meet her as well." She quickly defended herself. "Think about it, honey. Mother is well connected, and she can help you with it."

Well Lucas couldn't deny. He knew she was right, but it was a terrible idea. He couldn't tell her his side of the story, because it would only end up hurting her. He smiled instead, "okay. I will." 

She was filled with immense joy. "Alright honey! Thank you for listening." She sighed in a breath of relief. 

She knew her mother so well. If Nathan didn't come up with a good job soon, her mother would force her to divorce him, and marry her off to some frightening but wealthy old man!


Ivy was so pleased to hear the news. 

"Pregnant?" Her eyes widened with joy. 

The doctor, a man in his middle age, nodded a reply. "Yes, Mrs Mochi. 

"Thanks so much." She was so happy to hear. "Thanks so much, doctor." 

Immediately Ivy reached home, she was about to deliver the good news to her husband, but the man had suddenly been in a hurry. 

"Lucas! Lucas, where are you going?" 

There was no reply. 

What had happened? 


As evening casted her dusky gown, when the air became fresh and restful, the time of joyful reflection had arrived. 

He needed to clear his head, and so he dashed out, plodding into the silent street of their little town. 

He decided to take a slow walk, one that wouldn't lead him down the busy areas where shops and bars and restaurants dominated the surrounding, as well as the location that habited the crowds. He needed to think straight - alone.

The cool breeze pricked his skin, holding the scent of earthy fragrance around the surrounding. 

His wife was a lovely woman, the only problem was her family. 

When Lucas was only ten, the Mochi family had taken him in and since then, adopted him.  They weren't nice people and often treated him poorly. 

They hated him all because he and their daughter had fallen in love, and ran off to do a secret wedding. 

Lucas had already asked his mother in law, Blanche, for a job before. 

He could still remember her reply. The woman had bursted out in a thundering laughter, her and her son, Peter, before she told him that he should keep dreaming. 

"After what you've done? How dare you even ask for my help!" She had said, and mocked him, throwing him out of her house. Both his mother in law and son in law. His father in law hated him too, but the man was always quiet. 

Lucas couldn't share that tale to his wife because he knew she would not have been happy at all to hear. 

The phone in his pocket vibrated, and he brought it out to see it ringing. There was no name on the screen. Who could that have been? The number rang for a short while. 

He hadn't been familiar with the number and because of that reason, he declined it, and went on with his stroll. 


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