2. Our Young Master.

The phone in Lucas's pocket vibrated again, not long after the first time, and he quickly brought it out to check the caller. 

His brother in law, Peter, yelled out. "You son of a bitch, how dare you even try to breathe?" 

Lucas rolled his eyes in disbelief. What had he even meant! "Hello, Peter. Good evening." He greeted in the most nicest tone he could find. 

Peter still wasn't pleased. "Hi? Is that all you can say to your brother-in-law?" the voice of Peter, shrill and filled with hatred spat out. 

Before Lucas could speak, his brother in law continued. "I can't even believe my dear sister would marry a poor sad man like you! First thing tomorrow, if you don't let go of her, mother will denounce my sister Ivy, her daughter, and disown her and her unborn child. Can you hear me, huh?! If you know what is best for you, leave her alone!" His brother in law threatened. 

When Lucas was about to speak, his brother in law yelled out again. "I'm still talking, so shut up! Just listen, alright?" There was a pause, then a menacing chuckle. "Can't you even see this is the reason you don't get jobs around? We don't like you!" Then he hung up. 

Lucas paused, thinking of what he'd meant. How is that enough reason for him not to get a job? Then again, his wife's mother was a very powerful woman and she had lots of connections around the city. Could she really have been hindering his job search? 

See! The Mochi family were truly evil and disgusting. So terrible people. 

But he would not falter. He would succeed no matter what. 

How could he successfully get a job and prove his enemies wrong? He stood by the road side, thinking of his next step. 

Unaware to Lucas, a Lincoln limousine had driven straight past him, and some men had sighted him. Having fully confirmed that he was their target, the car pulled over just a few meters away from him. Some huge bulky men, just a few of them, stepped down, and quickly brought out a black bag with them, then hurriedly pulled it over Lucas's head. 

Whilst fear overwhelmed him, he struggled and tried to scream for help, but the men dragged him straight into the car. 


Lucas's heart pounded heavily in his chest as his vision darkened. Nothing made sense. He heard no sound except for the quick jerking of the car's tire sweeping the ground as it accelerated to motion. Could he have been kidnapped? 


It wasn't right. It had to be a dream. If it wasn't, then he was truly done for. There was nobody  who'd care for him except for Ivy. A sudden wave of fear instantly gripped his heart tight as he feared the unknown. He was suddenly worried about his wife. An unborn child? He really hoped no harm would come to the child. 

More importantly, he silently began to pray that he survived the incident so he could live to see his child. 

He couldn't see anything but he could hear some voices.

"We need to hurry up, our boss is waiting." One of the men said out, and another agreed. 

"Well that's true. How about you talk to the driver then?" another one said. 

Lucas was patiently listening, but they were only speaking about a boss. Who the hell was he! 

"Hello?" He finally managed to say. "Please who are you guys? My wife must be really worried." He said, and none of them replied. 

Until later, another man said. "Please wait a little. Our boss will see you soon." 

And so, Lucas hoped it would all end. 

After what seemed like a long drive, the car suddenly pulled over. 

He heard the struggling of men's feet pounding against the ground, and soon, a firm hand gripped him, pushing him down. Where he was being dragged to, he didn't know. He only hoped for one thing and one thing alone. That he would be safe. 

The creak of an iron door instantly sent shivers to his body, and he began to wonder who his kidnappers had truly been. The soft wind whispered what sounded to his ears, a mournful song, and although he knew he'd only been exaggerating, he was still shaken. 

In a flicker of a second, the blackness that clouded his sight from the dark sack was instantly pulled off, and he could once again, see clearly, the blinding sun piercing through his eyes. His eyes opened, and the exquisite view of a mansion stood before him. 

The mansion stood there as if the surrounding nature had embraced it, that the flora flowed within it as much as around it. For the architect had loved the trees so much that there was a mighty oak in the center, centuries old, and the great house had been built around it.

Its windows were as shy as eyes, large to welcome any ray of sun. The rock walls belonged right where it was, as if perchance it had grown up right from that hallowed ground. It was as if it had been called into existence to protect those who came to dwell within, to quell the elements and allow a heat to build from hearths into the inhaled woodland air.

He just caught a glimpse of the people who had, and he couldn't bring his eyes to face them. They were massively taller than he was, and their huge and muscular shapes frightened him. They each wore suits so they resembled bodyguards of a very expensive billionaire. Then, just at the front as he squinted his eyes, he could make the figure of a man ambling towards him. He was walking much fast and Lucas feared he would come straight and smack him with the walking stick in his hands.

The old man, Grover, had been no other than the butler to Lucas's family, years ago. He was a man in his mid sixties, pretty old but the man was a stubborn man who didn't always want to believe he was already old. 

Grover couldn't believe his eyes, and just as quickly as he'd seen them, he was aroused with rage. He shouted as soon as he saw that he was close enough for them to hear him. 

"How dare you treat our young master this way?" 

Young Master? What had he been talking about?

"Young Master?" Lucas asked,

"Please let him go. Free him!" The old man ordered, and immediately, they began to set him free. "Free our young master!" 

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