Asher enjoyed his life as an heir. Although many eyes disapproved of him replacing Aberon, even one by one, the subsidiaries managed by his uncle rebelled, demanding Aberon to take back full control of the company. The news of Asher terminating the partnership with the Alexander Company spread quickly.

Asher didn't pay much attention to the protests from the Dixon subsidiaries. Like it or not, they had to follow his policies if they still wanted to lead branches of the Dixon company.

After successfully causing significant losses to Darren’s company, Asher reviewed all the partnership documents with other companies.

Who knows, maybe the Halbert company had worked with Dixon. If true, Asher would make that company suffer the same fate as the Alexander company.

Kailos rose from the sofa and walked towards Asher's desk. He handed over a document for a partnership with another company in the furniture sector for the hotel's facilities. "Sir, this is a proposal from a furniture company recommended by Mr. William for the hotel facilities."

Asher received the document from Kailos. Reading the proposal that presented various luxurious furniture with elegant designs, it could captivate anyone who saw it. For a moment, Asher’s expression soured when he read the name of the furniture company.

Asher looked up at Kailos while placing the proposal on the desk. "How long has Dixon been working with the Halbert company?"

Kailos looked at Asher with fear. A bad feeling suddenly dominated his mind. "Almost four years, Sir. Even the Ezoc Company subsidiary has made a significant investment in that company."

Asher stared sharply at the proposal lying on the desk. He had been thinking of a revenge plan for his ex, but it had not yet materialized. There was another clue to achieve his goal.

A sly smile framed his face; Asher wouldn’t waste this opportunity. Asher looked back at Kailos and asked, "Ezoc Company, who leads that company?"

Kailos took a deep breath before explaining to Asher. "Ezoc Company is led by Mr. William Eldorict. Before partnering with Halbert, Dixon first partnered with Rudwick Company."

Asher gave Kailos an order, "Please bring the proposal from Rudwick Company. I want to compare the furniture designs with Halbert's."

Kailos complied. He walked towards the sofa to fetch the proposal Asher requested.

"Here is the document, Sir," said Kailos, standing before Asher, handing over the proposal.

Asher accepted the proposal. His eyes focused on reading and examining the various designs presented. The corner of his mouth curved upward into a thin smirk.

"Why do Rudwick and Halbert's designs look identical?" Asher asked after comparing the seemingly identical designs in the proposals. "Did Dixon propose the partnership with them or vice versa?" Asher's gaze sharpened, intimidating Kailos, who stood rigidly before him.

Kailos bowed in fear. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became oppressive and tense. "For partnership proposals, usually, their companies propose, not Dixon," said Kailos, looking fearfully at Asher.

Asher looked pleased at the two proposals on the desk. The opportunity to avenge his hurt was just a step away. He could take advantage of the design similarities between the two companies.

Asher looked back at Kailos, this time with a firm and commanding expression, emphasizing every word, “Cancel the partnership with Halbert Company! I don’t want to work with a company whose designs are stolen. Also, contact Rudwick Company and ask for guarantees on the quality and intellectual property rights of their designs.”

Kailos nodded in understanding and promptly carried out the order. He needed to prepare the cancellation documents and address the plagiarism in the furniture designs.

Before Kailos left the room, Asher stopped him. “Please bring me the investment fund documents from Ezoc Company that financed Halbert!”

“Understood, Sir!” Kailos truly exited Asher’s room. First, he would prepare the documents outlining the plagiarized designs and the partnership cancellation. Secondly, he would report the investment funds as requested by Asher.

Asher took a deep breath. His body leaned back against the chair's headrest. His face was radiant, anticipating the response from Halbert Company. Besides that, he also wanted to prepare a surprise for Olivia to make her realize that Halbert’s success involved stolen designs. It seemed fun to bring down two traitors simultaneously.

Asher took his phone from his jacket pocket. He called Wilson, asking for help in finding evidence of Halbert Company plagiarizing Rudwick Company's designs. Then, Asher returned to his work.

Two minutes later, Kailos re-entered Asher’s office, holding a sky-blue invitation in his hand. “Sir, I apologize for interrupting your work. I just received an invitation to Halbert Company’s anniversary party. Does the partnership cancellation still stand?”

Asher glanced briefly at the invitation. A sly smile crossed his face. It seemed he had to attend the party, introduce himself to the public, and plan something to embarrass Olivia later.

Asher snapped at Kailos, “I don’t like repeating myself, Kailos!” Asher looked at Kailos sharply, full of intimidation.

Inside, he was satisfied, thinking about his plan for Halbert Company's anniversary party. The sly smile became more evident on his face.

Asher issued another command, emphasizing each word, “Cancel the partnership with Halbert Company! As for this invitation, let’s attend and deliver the bad news on Cody Halbert’s special day!”

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