Chapter 2: The Affair

Damian stared at his reflection in the mirror, admiring his neatly styled hair and polished appearance. His red and black plaid shirt and trousers made him feel confident for tonight's family dinner.

"Camille, are you ready?" Damian called out.

Camille left the room wearing a stunning red mini-dress and red heels. Damian couldn't help but appreciate how sexy she looked, but he wondered if her nightclub attire was suitable for a formal family dinner.

"I'm ready. Are you coming too?" Camille asked, sounding surprised.

"What do you mean? Of course, we're going together. My father has been eagerly anticipating your arrival," Damian replied, confused by Camille's reaction.

"Family dinner?" Camille looked bewildered.

Camille seemed confused, but Damian was even more perplexed by her unusual response. "Didn't I mention it to you this afternoon in a message?"

"Yes, you did. I need to grab a glass of water first," Camille quickly excused herself, rushing to the kitchen. There, she poured some water mixed with sleeping pills. Camille pretended to drink from the glass and returned to Damian, ensuring he saw her drinking. She then handed Damian the glass she had been holding.

Since Damian had seen Camille drinking from the glass, he accepted it without hesitation. It didn't take long for the sleeping pills to take effect, causing Damian to pass out.

Damian had hard slap to the face from Camille, ensuring he was sound asleep. "I have something more important than your boring family dinner. See you later, Damian."

The jazz bar was buzzing with activity as usual. The lively atmosphere, accompanied by the soothing jazz music, gave the bar a luxurious vibe. This exclusive jazz bar was part of a penthouse apartment building and could only be accessed by those with special memberships.

As Camille entered the bar, all eyes turned towards her, admiring her beauty. Spotting a man waiting for her, Camille smiled.

"You look amazing tonight, Darling," Marcel said.

Marcel enveloped Camille's slender waist in a warm embrace. Camille pressed a kiss on Marcel's cheek. It had been several days since they last saw each other, as Marcel had been away on a business trip.

"I haven't thanked you yet for helping me secure the promotion to finance manager. As I expected, you always come through," Camille praised.

Marcel had been the company's financial director for three years. Their paths had not crossed at work since Camille held a different position. The intensity of their relationship grew stronger once Marcel got engaged to Davina two years ago.

"They promoted you to finance manager? How could that happen while I was away on a business trip?" Marcel questioned, struggling to hide his confusion with a happy expression. While he didn't know the company's inner workings during his absence, he was delighted that he had fulfilled Camille's wish with little effort. This could lighten his workload.

"Thought it was a surprise from you," Camille said.

Marcel masked his confusion with a smile. "Of course, your promotion came about through my influence. Tonight, let's celebrate your success. I can assure you a bonus that surpasses anyone else's."

"Then, let's have a fun night. I’ll prioritize your satisfaction," Camille whispered.

Marcel and Camille passionately kissed, the longing they felt after being apart for a week evident in their embrace. Their kiss ceased as they ran out of breath.

"I had planned on partying with you, but there seems to be something more urgent than a party tonight," Marcel confessed, running his fingers through Camille's hair.

"What is it?" Camille teased, gently rubbing Marcel's chest.

"There's a desire within me to touch you even more," Marcel whispered, causing Camille to laugh playfully.

Marcel and Camille entered the ornate elevator. The bodies pressed together in a passionate embrace as they ascended toward the opulent penthouse apartment on the uppermost floor of the building. Fueled by desire, their fervent kiss continued unabated until the elevator doors opened at the destination.

Approaching the lavish penthouse, which was not theirs, Marcel and Camille pressed the doorbell. Dressed in comfortable pajamas, a woman answered the door. Unperturbed by the person's presence, the lovers disregarded Lordland's existence and immersed themselves in the heated kiss, boldly making their way into the apartment.

The audible sound of their contented sighs, a telltale sign of their passion, reverberated throughout the luxurious space, reaching the ears of Davina, who stood outside. Regrettably, this was not the first time Davina had witnessed such audacious displays.                 

"Why must Camille's moans be so displeasing? I can't help but pity Damian," Davina muttered softly.

To shield herself from the din, Davina adorned a set of earphones. She retreated into the intimate sanctuary of the workroom, and solace alone diligently attended to tasks.

Upon waking, Damian instinctively clasped his throbbing head. It took him a few moments to comprehend what had transpired.

"Two o'clock in the morning? Ugh, I saw Camille drinking that water. What kind of sleeping pills did she give me this time?"

Damian sighed, exasperated. This was not the first instance where Camille's medication had caused him to succumb to a deep slumber. Recalling something important, Damian hurriedly dialed his father's number. Damian and Camille had inexplicably missed their family dinner, leaving his loved ones worried and without any news.

"Dad? I'm sorry for missing the family dinner," Damian apologized, guilt gnawing at him.

"Why didn't you come? Has something happened?" Atlantis inquired with concern etched in his voice.

"I had an accident." Damian concocted an alibi, hoping it would still hold up. He couldn't possibly disclose to Atlantis that Camille had drugged him, rendering him unconscious.

"An accident? Are you all right? Have you sustained any injuries?" Atlantis' tone dripped with worry.

Damian adjusted his position. "No, I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy. My head is still spinning, but I've not got any injuries."

"Where are you now? The hospital? I'll come right away," Atlantis offered, desperate to be by his son's side.

"You don’t have to go. Everything is fine.” Damian insisted, deterring Atlantis from rushing over.

"What about Camille? Is she all right?" Atlantis inquired, a note of concern evident in his voice.

Damian fell silent momentarily, wondering what his wife could be doing in the dead of night without returning home. "Camille? She must be fine," Damian responded cautiously.

"Have you checked your condition at the hospital?" Atlantis sought reassurance that his only child was truly unscathed.

"I'm not injured, I promise. Don't worry. Is there something important you wanted to tell me tonight?" Damian recalled that with Atlantis' busy schedule, his father would only initiate a call if there was something significant to discuss.

"Never mind. We can talk later," Atlantis dismissed the matter, sensing the urgency of time.

"No, it's all right. You can tell me now."

"I wanted to inform you that it's time to end your leisurely pursuits and assume company control. You are my sole successor," Atlantis declared, his tone firm and unwavering.

Damian felt grateful that he and Camille had canceled tonight's family dinner. He was not prepared to divulge his secret to her at a time when their marital relationship was on shaky ground.

"I once mentioned my desire to become a writer and retire early. Wouldn't it be wiser to entrust the company's affairs to a professional?" Damian expressed his disinterest in overseeing the company from the start.

"Stop talking nonsense about becoming a writer. You haven't even managed to publish a book yet. Even if you become the CEO, you can still pursue your writing. Why should I hire someone else to handle our family company? Aren't you a professional as well?" Atlantis disdainfully dismissed Damian's notion.

"Forget it. Your persuasion won't work. Our family company is no longer a unicorn or decacorn company but a hectocorn company. Its valuation has soared to one hundred billion dollars. Aren't you concerned that the company might incur losses under my leadership?"

"You're my son. If I can achieve greatness, then you can surpass me. Don't waste your talents by catering to your wife's every whim at home," Atlantis asserted firmly.

Damian shook his head, knowing Atlantis couldn't see the gesture. "The point is, I'm not inclined to take over the company. We can discuss this later. It's already midnight. Go get some rest, Dad."

"Think carefully. You must inherit my company, or you'll regret it for the rest of your life," Atlantis threatened before abruptly ending the call.

As soon as the call concluded, Damian scoured every room, desperately searching for Camille. As expected, she was not at home. Damian consulted the GPS tracker he had discreetly installed on Camille's car since he heard whispers of her questionable activities at the company.

"Why is Camille at the jazz bar in the penthouse apartment?"

In pursuit of Camille, Damian finally arrived at the jazz bar's parking lot. He spotted the car she had been driving, now neatly parked there.

Just as Damian prepared to enter the jazz bar, he was halted by two imposing security guards.

"Show your bar membership card if you wish to enter," one of them ordered.

"Is it necessary to possess a special card before entry?" Damian queried, taken aback by the unexpected requirement.

"If not, you could call your friend inside to pick you up here," the security guard suggested.

"Please, just let me in. I need to go inside for a minute to find my wife," Damian pleaded desperately.

"I'm sorry, but we cannot grant you entrance," the security guard responded firmly.

"Please, I beg of you. My wife is in there, and I promise I won't stay long. I won't even have a drink. Just let me enter the bar," Damian implored, his voice tinged with desperation.

Damian tried to enter the bar forcefully, but the security guard held him back, causing a scene at the entrance.


The mention of his name halted Damian's tracks, and his attention shifted towards the person calling him.

"Davina?" Damian strained to recall who this woman was.

"It's okay. He's with me," Davina assured the security guard.

The security guard relented and allowed Damian to enter the jazz bar.

"He won't be going inside tonight. However, the next time he comes, you must grant him entry as my guest," Davina instructed the security guard.

"Understood, Miss," the security guard acknowledged, following Davina's command.

Damian regarded Davina perplexedly, realizing his assumption about being invited inside to meet Camille was incorrect.

"How did you end up here? This isn't a public place," Davina inquired with intrigue.

"I checked the GPS, and it led me here," Damian responded, trying to make sense of the situation.

"And did you come here to find Camille?" Davina guessed, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"How did you know I was looking for Camille? Has she been with you all along?" Damian wondered, his mind racing with questions.

"Come with me," Davina instructed, leading Damian away from the jazz bar area.

Unclear of where Davina was taking him, Damian followed her obediently. As they walked, he couldn't help but notice Davina's attire: a combination of sleepwear and a coat, her lengthy hair tied in a charming half-bun.

"Is it your birthday today?" Davina asked after a brief pause.

"What's the matter with birthdays?" Damian questioned, unsure of Davina's line of inquiry.

"Do you enjoy surprises? If you do, I have a surprise in store for you that you'll never forget."

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