Chapter 3: Welcome Back

"Where are you taking me?" Damian looked at Davina, his confusion evident as she urged him to accompany her to the building across from the jazz bar. Obligingly, Damian followed her to the apartment building.

"If I can't finish mine, you should at least finish yours," Davina broke the silence with a firm statement.

"What do you mean?" Damian questioned, still at a loss as to Davina's intent.

Without further explanation, Davina strode into the top-floor apartment unit. Damian complied, removing his shoes and slipping on the pink slippers from the shoe rack. He couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be the first man ever invited into Davina's living space.

"Please, have a seat on the sofa. What beverage would you prefer?" Davina busied herself in the fridge, preparing a drink.

As Damian settled onto the sofa, he examined the modest interior of Davina's studio apartment. Its compact size allowed him to take in the entirety of the space with a single glance. However, one object captured Damian's attention—a professional telescope.

"No need to go through the trouble of preparing a drink for me. Could you let me know why you invited me here? We're not exactly acquainted," Damian reminded Davina.

"Perhaps after this, we'll get to know each other better," Davina answered, handing Damian a can of soda.

"I specifically told you not to bother with the drinks," Damian refused.

"Who said it's for you? I want you to open this can of soda for me," Davina retorted, successfully defusing Damian's resistance.

With a sigh, Damian complied and unsealed the can for Davina. She took a few sips, leaving half of it behind. Damian couldn't help but notice her evident thirst.

"Since you're so curious about my telescope, why not give it a try?" Davina suggested, observing Damian's interest.

"May I?" Damian's eyes lit up with excitement. Before his marriage, Damian had a penchant for venturing to different countries to pursue the most breathtaking celestial views.

"Not to gaze at the stars, but rather to peer into the penthouse apartment across the street," Davina hinted, a mischievous smile.

The surprise Davina had carefully orchestrated for Damian unfolded flawlessly. Damian double-checked, his astonishment evident. Davina couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment as she witnessed Damian's reaction.

Through the expansive and unobstructed window pane, Damian gained a clear view of the activities transpiring within the opulent penthouse. Familiar faces engaged in passionate encounters, their actions illuminated by a cascade of bright lights on the kitchen table.

Today, Damian became a firm believer in the rumors circulating about Camille. The evidence was laid bare before his eyes, leaving little room for doubt. Even during Damian's marriage to Camille, Damian had never had such hot sex with Camille. Today, Damian could see that Camille liked the aggressive style of intercourse.

"Though you arrived late, you certainly didn't miss the show," Davina remarked, strolling over to the computer.

"Care to take a listen?"

Without awaiting Damian's consent, Davina activated the speakers. The penthouse apartment was equipped with an intricate network of cameras and voice recorders, allowing Davina to possess substantial evidence regarding the events that unfolded within its walls.

Damian was speechless upon hearing Camille's sigh, a sound he hadn't encountered in what felt like an eternity. Meanwhile, Davina relished in the spectacle, savoring her soda as she absorbed Damian's stunned expression.

"After all this time... how long has Camille been carrying on like this?" Damian finally broke his silence, and the voice was laden with disbelief and despair.

"They've been at it since dinnertime. I've lost count of the number of rounds they've gone," Davina confided, her words punctuated by a heavy sigh.

"I mean, how long has Camille been in a relationship with that guy?" Damian corrected his question.

"In the last two years," Davina replied, turning off the speaker as her ears throbbed from Camille's unpleasant sighs.

"Even though my third wedding anniversary with Camille was just celebrated a few days ago. No wonder Camille is always avoiding me," Damian said despondently.

It was already four in the morning, and Davina couldn't longer fight off her overwhelming sleepiness. She urgently needed rest so she could face the day at work.

"Camille has been asking me to prepare the divorce petition for a few months, but I only completed them earlier this month. You can take the memory card in my telescope if you want proof. However, I can't provide evidence of the voice recorder," Davina explained wearily.

"Why did Camille ask you to prepare the divorce petition?" Damian asked, surprised yet again.

"It's because I'm a lawyer and Camille's best friend," Davina replied, lacking the energy to answer more of Damian's inquiries.

"I'm going back to the penthouse apartment, and you can stay here for as long as you need. You can also use my computer if necessary. Tonight's surprise has left you in quite a state of shock. I'll give you some space to gather your thoughts and decide what to do next."

Davina exited the apartment, leaving Damian alone in the modest space, filled with disbelief. She didn't offer Damian another opportunity to ask her any further questions.

Through the telescope, Damian observed as Davina entered the penthouse of the adjacent apartment. He turned on the computer speakers to eavesdrop on their conversation. Upon encountering Camille and Marcel, Davina's expression remained composed, indicating her familiarity with the situation.

Damian could see and hear everything occurring within the penthouse from her modest apartment.

"Davina, where have you been?" Marcel inquired.

"At a jazz bar," Davina replied curtly.

Upon entering the workroom, Marcel intercepted Davina. "I can detect the scent of men on you," he sniffed her body.

"Don't be ridiculous. Jazz bars are filled with men," Davina dismissed, uninterested in conversing with Marcel.

"But you are not drinking alcohol," Marcel pointed out, his nose failing to detect any trace of Davina.

"Are jazz bars exclusively for alcohol consumption? I had a soda. Now, move out of my way. I need to sleep so I can go to work. I have an important meeting this morning," Davina asserted, proceeding into the workroom and reclining on the sofa amidst the chaos created by Marcel and Camille.

Davina entered the workroom and settled on the sofa, seeking solace from the chaos that Marcel and Camille had left in her room. Davina was disgusted by the sperm and other fluids from their intercourse.

However, as soon as she closed her eyes, Camille's body, which was only covered by a blanket, barged into the workroom without regard for her need for rest.

"Davina, we are in an exhilarating mood. Let’s join us to do a threesome. We've never done it before. It would be fantastic if we could have a threesome!" Camille exclaimed, her enthusiasm evident in her voice.

"I have no interest in joining you guys. I'm exhausted from my work today," Davina replied, her eyes still shut.

Camille sat on the sofa's edge, close to the tired Davina. "I forgot to mention that I have become the finance manager of my company. Remember how I told you that Marcel could help me secure the position?"

"Well, good for you if it worked," Davina responded with disinterest, showing little engagement in the conversation.

"Marcel is remarkable. There's truly no comparison between him and Damian. Marcel fulfills me through his professional endeavors during the day and our intimate desires at night. He even promised to buy me a new car. When do you think it would be the right time to divorce Damian? I can't tolerate useless men like him for much longer. Ugh, he gives me the ick." Camille continued, unaware of Davina's slumbering state.

Realizing that Davina had already drifted off to sleep, Camille muttered under her breath, "Damn. How could you fall asleep while I'm talking?"

Damian stood dumbfounded, struck by the surprise Davina had sprung upon him. This revelation jolted Damian awake. How could he have been deceived for three whole years?

"How can I be such a mindless fool?" he cursed himself, his words filled with frustration and self-loathing.

With the first hints of daylight on the horizon, Damian contemplated his predicament until dawn. Suddenly, Camille's suspicious behavior and the rumors surrounding him started to make sense. Glancing at the clock, which displayed nine in the morning, Damian realized that he was still within the confines of Davina's apartment.

"Your time for thinking is over, Damian. Now is the time for action."

Damian mind was consumed with thoughts of Davina. He needed to find her, talk to her, and make things right. But first, he had to obtain her contact information. With a determined expression, Damian reached for his phone and dialed a number.

"Please," he said urgently, his voice steady but filled with underlying desperation, "find me information about Davina Claire. I need her contact details as soon as possible. She's a lawyer, but I don't know which law firm she works for. And while you're at it, gather information about Marcel as well. There are numerous people by that name, and I need to find the right one who works at my family's technology company."

Once he finished the call, Damian couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He was slowly piecing things together, making progress towards finding Davina. But there was still so much uncertainty and unanswered questions in his mind. Damian took a deep breath and dialed another number.

"Daddy," he began, his voice filled with determination, "I've changed my mind. I no longer wish to retire early. I want to inherit our family company."

A brief silence was on the other end of the line before Damian's father responded. "I don't know what brought this sudden change, but I'm glad to hear it. I'll see you at home."

As Damian's taxi pulled up in front of the mansion, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of nostalgia and apprehension. It had been so long since he set foot in this place since he decided to leave it all behind for love. But now, things were different. He had to let go of the past, of his marriage, to move forward.

With each step he took into the mansion, Damian felt the weight of his responsibilities pressing down upon him. The familiar faces of the maids, bodyguards, and assistants reassured him, reminding him of his place in this world. This was his home, his birthright.

"Welcome back, Young Master," their collective voices echoed through the grand hall, filling Damian with purpose and determination. It was time to take action, to reclaim what was rightfully his.

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