I'm freaking rich

After about three to four hours, the car arrived at a very big Mansion.

There was a giant black gate at the outside, with a giant stylish B with gold color on it, the gate was made with high technological gadgets. Sam pressed an icon on his smartphone and the gate automatically opened.

 Marcus opened his mouth in awe seeing the magnificent design, its designs were beyond top notch, most of the colors were gold and white, and at the top of the mansion a stylish written 'BLACKWOOD' could be seen.

Sam packed the car at a Conner and opened the door for Marcus to come out, Marcus was not used to this kind of treatment, he just ignored and came out. Marcus could now see the mansion properly, there were some beautiful sculptures and a spring at the center.

"Can we go in, young master?" Sam interrupted Marcus's view.

"Oh sure"

Sam led Marcus inside, the interior design was beyond the words from a dictionary, the walls were decorated out worldly, priceless arts, crystal chandeliers and there were many workers moving to and fro probably the maids. Marcus kept imagining, if what Sam was saying is true, does that mean all these were indirectly his?

They stopped after reaching a door, Sam knocked twice, before a voice replied from inside. 

"Come in"

The duo walked in, there was nothing too luxurious inside, it was just a neat room, with a lot of bookshelves, it seemed like an office or a study. A man was sitted on a chair, and a table in front of him, he was busy with the many files on the table, making him ignorant of their presence.

"Boss, I found him"

Sam replied like a bell to the man's ear, as he quickly closed the file and looked at them, he was clearly in his late 6os with brown hair mixed with gray ones, some visible aged wrinkles, but yet he remained handsome and healthy obviously because of the wealth around him.

"Marcus Blackwood?" He asked to be sure.

"Yes boss, he is the one, young master Marcus Blackwood" Sam replied with respect.

The man stood up from his seat and walked up to Marcus who was already nervous.

"It's really him, after so many years we have found you, and you look just like your father," he said, giving Marcus a tight hug.

Marcus quickly disengaged from the hug.

"Sorry but I don't know you, I don't know any of you" Marcus said.

"It's okay, that's why you are here, to know the truth, to know who you are" the man replied with an assuring smile.

"Have a seat" he gestured.

Marcus obeyed and sat, he was more nervous than ever.

"Firstly my name is Richard Mortimer, I was the personal assistant of your grandfather Harold Blackwood and also the butler of the Blackwoods" Richard introduced, 

Marcus became extra shocked, the name he just heard 'Harold Blackwood' wasn't just any, Harold Blackwood was the richest man on the planet during his time, Marcus didn't meet him, but he read about him, as a business administration student, and Harold was popular. 

According to history, Harold held the record of being the world richest man for over forty years, until he died at his eighty's. Eversince his name or his family name were never heard again, it was said his children couldn't handle all his businesses and so it crashed, but still no one had reached his record. And this man is telling him he was his grandfather, unbelievable.

"You mean the real Harold Blackwood, the richest man in history?" Marcus asked.

"Yes Marcus, he is your grandfather"

"How's that even possible?" Marcus was puzzled. He was so confused if that was so, why would he even end up in an orphanage? If he hails from the richest family in history, why was he suffering, why would his parents even drop him in an orphanage, everything felt so unreal.

"Then where are my parents?" Marcus asked.

"I was coming to that. You see after your grandfather died the Blackwoods were devastated, your father Alex was the only child of your grandfather, he tries to handle the family's business, but it brought rivalries and nemesis, many other family businesses tries to steal the Blackwoods fortune, one of them were the Steels. 

The intensity of the situation increases and so Mr Alex Blackwood and Juliana backwood your parents decided to travel far, making sure you weren't caught up with the calamity, after handing over everything to me to handle" Sam said then gave a sad sigh.

"Then what? What happened next?"

"After that we received shocking news, your parents were ambushed while traveling, but then there were no traces of you, but deep down I knew you were still alive, and I promised to find you no matter the cost. And I'm happy after 26 years I finally found you"

Marcus became sad after hearing the tragic story, at first he thought he was going to meet his real parents.

"But all that is the past Marcus, it's time to focus on the future, you are the only heir to the Blackwoods Webchain" Richard said.

"Web chain?"

"It was a name given to the Blackwoods business by your grandfather, it was to describe the massive global expansion of the business. The Blackwoods has a very large conglomerate, all connected, with 41 companies as it's owner, 15 oil Wells and has 80 to 95% shares in over 101 businesses and companies all over the globe" 

Marcus was lost in all these explanations, how could a single person have all this.

"I've already written your name as the new head of the Blackwoods Webchain, I've signed all the necessary documents and send a mail to all the managers"

"Wait what? So sudden? I don't think I'm ready for that" Marcus said.

"Sure you are, don't worry I'll guide you, but for now I want you to have something"

"So are you the one who sent me the $100,000,000,000?" Marcus enquired.

"Yes I am"

"Then why'd you ask that question, it felt like a scam at first"

"I wanted to know how you'll react after hearing such an amount. I already knew you weren't living so well, so I wanted to test your morals. First I thought you would reply hastily begging for it, but you didn't. Then next I sent you the money, thinking you would make a lot of spendings out of it, but still you didn't. Why though?" 

Richard became curious.

"I would touch a money I knew nothing of, I thought it was a mistake, hoping that the owner would call back, but no one called"

"That explains you have a good upbringing, and would be a good and disciplined leader"

Richard walked from his chair, then went to a part of the office, returning with a briefcase that has the family's logo on it, a stylish b.

"This belongs to only the head of the Blackwoods, I've kept it safe for twenty six years now" Richard said before opening the case, Marcus expected many things to be in it, but there was only one item, a black card, with a golden b logo.

"This is the most precious item in the Blackwoods, it holds all the earnings of the Family's WebChain, an exclusive credit card embedded with a DNA recognition system that requires the user's unique DNA pattern for activation. The card has a built-in scanner that reads the user's DNA before allowing any transaction, so basically only a true Blackwood can use the card."

Marcus' head felt like it would drop on the floor, so much for just a credit card, however it was made specific for only a Blackwood, he sure would like to give

it a try to see if he was truly the person they were looking for.

"Can I test the card?" He asked.

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