The New Heir II

The hall later became quiet as everyone was anticipating on Marcus to give a speech.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed members of this remarkable conglomerate, I stand before you tonight not merely as a newcomer, but as a bearer of legacy and evolution. " Hearing the voice Maxwell was certain it was the Marcus he knew, but he still wasn't so sure, he can't help himself but doubt it, it seems impossible, no it can be him.

"As the newly revealed heir to this distinguished empire, I am both honored and humbled by the weight of responsibility that accompanies this legacy." He continued.

"The tapestry of this business, woven by the collective toil and vision of those who came before me, stands as a testament to the pinnacle of excellence we have achieved. Tonight, I stand at the threshold of a new era, one characterized by the fusion of tradition and innovation, a chapter I am ardently committed to scribing with each of you. Let us, collectively, inscribe a tale that transcends the bounds of tradition and propels us into a future where our achievements know no bounds. Thank you."

The crowd clapped, before Marcus walked away, after which Hannah arrived.

"You're back" Maxwell said.

"Yeah, and it looks like I missed the introduction of the new heir, goddamn it"

"Actually he looks familiar"

"Familiar?" Hannah asked.

"Yes Hannah, he looks alot like Marcus"

Hannah burst into laughter after hearing the joke told by her fiance.

"Are you serious, we both know that is impossible" she said while still laughing.

"It's not funny Hannah, and I'm serious about it, plus they both bear the same name" Marcus said.

Hannah still finds it hard to believe what Maxwell was telling her, there is no way Marcus could be the one, it's impossible, he's an orphan for that matter, how would he have propelled himself into being the heir of the richest family in the world overnight, even the house cleaners here are ten times richer than that church rat Marcus.

But then Maxwell pointed Marcus for her to take a look, but she couldn't see him properly from the croud, Richard was busy introducing Marcus to some of the important member of the empire.

All Hannah could see was his back, so couldn't decide if it was really Marcus so she just concluded.

"Come on babe, it isn't him, this guy is way more handsome and a little bit taller than him, stop thinking of Marcus okay, he's in the past and you are my present" she locked her lips on Maxwell's so he could get his mind over it, and hell did it work, her magic works all the time.

Marcus's eyes then turned at the wrong time and direction, as he saw his ex and her partner kissing passionately, he tightened his teeth and clenched his fist, anger cursing through his veins. 'what are they both doing here?' he asked himself.

But then Richard noticed his sudden expression and intervene. "What's wrong Marcus?"

"Who are they to this conglomerate?" Marcus asked, but now calm.

"Oh, that's Maxwell Luther. He is in charge of managing one of our industry, the H&M fashion industry, you familiar with him, not a surprise Maxwell is indeed very popular in Starling City."

"Oh really" Marcus replied.

"Should I introduce you to him?" Richard asked.

"No that's not needed at least not now" Marcus said.

"Alright, enjoy the party I'll have to go check on something" Richard said before leaving.

A wide sinister smile enveloped on Marcus's lips, fate has brought his enemies below his feet, like an ant crawling in the pat of an elephant, and he would crush them so badly that they won't be able to get up, the law of karma has started playing it's role.

Marcus then left, he didn't want them to see him, he was sure they haven't noticed him, otherwise Hannah would have approached him by now.

Marcus walked outside of the party, he moved around the compound, analysing it's vast design, he then turned around looking at the gigantic mansion, he dipped his hands in his pocket and then a confident smile escaped his lips.

"It's beautiful right?" The voice of Richard sounded from the Conner, as Marcus turned to look at him.

He smiled then replied "yeah it is"

Richard then walked close to him, he then taped Marcus's shoulder saying "don't worry, you'll get used to it"

Marcus looked at him, smiled then focused back on the mansion.

"How does it feel Uncle. How does it feel to be rich and powerful, with all these wealthy how do you relate with the poor and ordinary people" Marcus asked, his voice sounding a bit lost.

"The truth is Marcus, weather you are rich or poor we all have the same life, the same feelings, the same emotions. I've lived a rich life and I've lived a poor life, and I choose rich all the time. You know why?"

"Why?" Marcus asked.

"We live in a society where no one cares about you if you're poor, poverty can make you loose everything, it makes love fades, it makes even the most perfect relationship vunreble. But when you are rich, everyone comes close to you, you earn respect, your love ones loves you more. But all at the end, it's just you, no one really cares"

Richard's words explains everything, it was infact the truth, his words were as though it explains Marcus's life's story.

"What about family, you've got any?" Marcus asked.

"Well I do have a wife and a son"

"Then where are they?"

"You see at that time I wasn't where I was, I haven't met the Blackwoods, I was just a bartender and my wife left me because I was broke, she ran away with my son and left a note on the table, I tried looking for her but to no avail, this is why I hate being poor Marcus, there is a big difference" Richard said, the pain evidence in his eyes, even though he was trying to hide it.

"I'm so sorry about that" Marcus said with concern.

"It's okay, so what about you, any wife, girlfriend?"

"Same thing with you Uncle Richard, she betrayed me, she left me for a richer guy, upon all I did for her."

The pain was fresh in Marcus's face, and Richard could see it, he gnash his teeth in anger.

"So now that you have all the money in the world, will you go back to her? Will you win her back?" His question left an anticipation in the air.

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