"Win her back? That's never gonna happen Uncle, she never truly loved me, that's why she left me for another guy." Marcus said his thirst for vengeance still visible in his eyes.

"The choice is always yours Marcus, but don't get too hard on yourself" Richard adviced.

"Thanks uncle Richard"

"Do you care for some drink?" Richard asked widening his eye.

"Nah, I don't do alcohol"

"Then we'll go for non alcohol"


"Come over here Sam" Richard called out to Sam, he had been around Marcus all along, even Marcus wasn't even aware, and he smiled how professional Sam is with his job, he never gets his eyes of him.

Sam answered to Richard, as he was sent to order for a wine, Richard's favourite non alcoholic wine. The screaming eagle, one of the most expensive wine ever made.

In less than an hour Sam returned with the wine on a small fancy tray, allong with two glasses.

"Toast on your new life" Richard said as he poured for both of them and they both made a toast.

The party was soon over, and everyone had left, the day was off, and all the house helps in the mansion were tidying the place up. Marcus walked up the stairs to his room with Sam still tagging behind him.

"It's alright Sam you can go, you need to rest for tommorow" Marcus said nicely to his guard.

"Thank you young master" with a slight bow he left.

Marcus then closed the door, he removed his shirt, take a bath before changing to his night wears. He lay on his bed, a nourishing smile of comfort enveloped his face. Tomorrow he will officially start his work, and Maxwell's division was the first on the list. The memories of seeing them kissing lately just reopened his wounds, after all Hannah did to him, she still looks very happy as though she didn't do anything. Well very soon it'll be the opposite, he'll be the one smiling while they'll be crying, it's just a matter of time, and the clock is ticking very fast.


Marcus was up early, he was already in his newly arranged office, dressed in a black fitting suit, the office was a lot more fancy looking than that of Richard's, his has some computer set, an iPad, and also a tv, the documents were neatly arranged on the shelves, there was enough space in it and a conducive temperature, with Sam standing by his side.

Marcus scroll through the iPad, it has all the records of the family's conglomerate.

He was really amazed seeing the number of top companies they had shared with. The have a very large shares with almost all the top hundred companies in the world, with 20% of it as their own. Companies like the apple Inc, Microsoft, F******k, MasterCard and many more. The least of the company was Ultimus Inc, which made $2 billion annually, and there are some that ranges from 2 to 15 trillion dollars annually, the money just pumps in every minute, and all Marcus has to do is to monitor the movement and growth of each of them, he should know when something is wrong, and when the income of a particular division dwindles. And right now non has any problem at all, but yet he shifted his attention to the H&M fashion industry, were Maxwell was in charge, the industry makes approximately $80 Billion annually.

Marcus tapped on the H&M option, viewing more details on the functionality of the industry, the manager was doing a great job at the companies development, and their are some pending projects offers which was waiting for Marcus to approved, but he wanted to study it well before making a decision, especially when it's for his ex's boyfriend.

Studying through Marcus discovers how Maxwell made more money with the interests coming from the purchase of raw materials, the amount written on the expenses documents wasn't actually the exact amount he uses in buying them, he buys them cheaper. Marcus grinned, it was normal for a manager to have an extra changes from the company, but Marcus wasn't going to let that happen.

He then sent a mail, ordering the company to stop ordering for raw materials as he would arrange a personal body that would be in charge of their supply.

With this he off the iPad.

"Sam looks like we are going to visit somewhere" Marcus said.

"Alright young master Marcus" Sam then arranged his laptop and iPad inside a brief case.

Few hours of driving they arrived at their destination, Sam was first to come out, as he opened the door for his master to follow suit.

"You can wait for me in the car Sam, I just want to take a view of it" Marcus said, as Sam replied with a nod.

Marcus glanced at the big building in front of him, it was the fashion world of H&M, the designs were elegant, a revolving glass door that allows customers to move in and out. The facade, adorned with subtle LED displays showcasing glimpses of runway glamour, the building has some kind of sense of transparency that attracts pedestrians into the world of fasion.

Marcus just moves around his hands dipped in his pocket, suddenly he noticed a car that arrived, a black spotless car, it wouldn't take a second to know who ever owns that would be tremendously rich. Not long the left part of the drivers seat was opened, as a man came out. It was Maxwell the manager of H&M, he then moved around opening the door for Hannah to step out, just a few days and Hannah is already looking like the wife of a president. Marcus frown seeing this. It looks lik Richard haven't been paying more attention on all the companies, otherwise why would a manger come to work with his girlfriend.

The two couples held each other as a couple would, as they made their entrance towards the door, but then they noticed a familiar presence.

"What in the world…what is he doing here?" Hannah asked, her mood changed immediately same with Maxwell, he felt like to crush Marcus, remembering what Marcus did to him in their last encounter.

"What'd you think you're doing here trash!" Maxwell walked up to him, together with Hannah.

"He asked you a question, what are you doing here Marcus?" Hannah chipped in.

Marcus however remained silent.

"Oh, looks like he came hoping he might get a job, he even borrowed a suit" Hannah taunted after noticing Marcus's dress.

"Oh yeah, right it's obvious. Anyways Mr Marcus you better find your way out of my company before I loose it" Maxwell warned.

"Your company? You are only a manager in here, you aren't the real owner" Marcus then said, still maintaining a calm posture.

"How dare you" Maxwell was furious.

"Just think about it Maxwell, what would be of you, if the real owner shows up and sees what you're turning his company into, coming to work with your shameless girlfriend"

"Shut the f*ck up!" Maxwell attempts to throw a punch but Marcus was quick to evade it by grabbing his hands.

"Don't even think of it Maxwell, I might have speared you last time, but check around your bouncers aren't around, you might have some few broken bones" Marcus was fierce while threatening Maxwell

Maxwell immediately retreated himself, even if he was trying to prove brave in front of his girlfriend, Marcus was right, his bouncers are not around at the moment, things might get ugly.

Hannah was looking worried the whole time, something was off about Marcus, he changed, even if he has always been brave and tough but now his attitude towards matters had changed completely. He. Speaks with so much confidence as though he had a back up or something.

"I don't know what you're trying to prove Marcus, but just leave, don't cause any trouble here" Hannah said.

"What if I say no, I mean I have the right to go to anywhere I like" Marcus gazed at her, and this made her even more worried, his expression shows he had completely lost all feelings he had for her, it was what she had expected but she still don't know why it troubles her.

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