Chapter 11
A week had passed since the incident. Now, Morel sat at the dining table, enjoying the delicious breakfast served by his servant, Doris. The food served in front of him looked appetizing, showing the skill and care with which Doris had prepared it. While Doris was just standing behind Morel's seat.

“Doris, why don't you sit next to me and eat with me?” Morel invited happily.

Doris looked surprised at Morel's request. Quickly, she bowed her head as a sign of respect before replying, “Sorry, Master, I can't do that. My duty is to serve you.”

Morel sighed, then placed the spoon and fork on her plate. “Doris, after everything that has happened, I feel that there are many things that must change. You've done a lot to help me.

Doris bowed her head politely, refusing Morel's offer in a respectful yet firm tone. “I'm sorry, Master. I can't do it. It is my duty and honor to serve you, not to sit and dine with you. It would be inappropriate.”

Morel realized that Doris was sticking to his ethi
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