The Billionaire's Secret
The Billionaire's Secret
Author: Alexa Adam
Chapter 1

                            The  Cursed Child 

“Kim, hurry, you need to see this” A nerdy looking student said to Kim who was sitting alone in a messy building. The building was covered with overgrown weeds and the entire environment looked gloomy. It was the old school building of Vernon's high school. 

The school was popularly known for its famous architectural designs, and its towering height, but it was abandoned due to the many cases of high school students committing suicide due to bully. 

Rumors began to circulate that the dead souls of those high school students' spirits are roaming around the building. Since then, the building was shut down, sealed in dust, but now, a student is seen there, cuddled in a ball.

At a first glance, he looked malnourished with a gloomy air surrounding him, but one could clearly see on his hand, some visage that could evoke the envy of elf and demons.

The entire scene looked off no matter it's looked at. “I'm coming” the boy stood up as he walked out slowly. Seeing Bradon, the kid who called out to him with a loud voice, Kim was so amused. He was so scary and disgusting that he was being treated like a virus everyone needed to keep their distance from.

After walking for 15 minutes, he finally arrived at the entrance of the Majestic Vernon's High School building. He was a student of the school, but the number of times he set foot into the school could be counted within a twinkling of an eye. 

Looking at the once familiar building, Kim felt a pang of pain in his heart, Once he stood in front of this building, full of hope and joy, thinking he could finally leave his sad past and start a new life. 

But he thought wrong. Turns out life wasn't done playing with him.

“ Whoa, that's so beautiful, Mira is such a lucky girl, I wish I was in her place” 

“ Humph, you are not any better, you fat slug of flesh!” 

“Whatever that Mira is a lucky bitch, how did she manage to catch Miller's attention? She's not even pretty. Have you seen how much makeup she wears?” The voices of some girls gossiping in a distance interrupted Kim's melancholic moment.

“Mira?, what happened to Mira” Kim asked as he grabbed the shoulder of one of the girls.

“Let go of me, you cursed bastard! Let me go before your bad omen rubs on me” the fat girl screamed as she pushed Kim away from her. 

Her voice attracted the attention of the crowd up ahead as they turned their eyes to the scene. At the forefront of the crowd stood a dazzling young man, donned in a white elegant suit, his elegant dressing perfectly complimented his deep western features and by his side, stood a glamorous lady in red.

 Her carefully styled make - up and hairdo perfectly enhanced her face and hid the fact that her face had gotten some work done.

All in all, they looked like a dream couple. The crowd parted to give them space as they stepped towards Kim.

“Mira, how could you be with Miller, weren't you always enemies with him? Kim said in a cracked voice. Mira has always been the person who stood up for him whenever he was bullied. 

She gave him attention and care, but now she's with Miller and had a beautiful smile on her face. Kim doesn't even need a soothsayer to know that Mira and Miller are in a relationship.

"Hahaha, you guys are in this together, for what? What have you derived from humiliating me and making me feel this way?” Kim smirked.

“Gain! I gained a lot, Kim, you are bad luck, you should know that, for you to get into the prestigious Veron high school ------ me a lot, you don't deserve to be in the same breathing space with me.  

To see you survive the bully pissed me off, so I thought to give up hope and then cruelly take it away from you. Words alone cannot express how happy I am seeing you hurt. It's so refreshing, vicious words came from the elegant youth.

“Seriously, Kim, I can't believe you fell for such a lousy prank, how did you think I care about you, how did you think I will care about you, a cursed bastard who killed his own mother?”

“Shut Up! Shut up! Mira you can humiliate me but don't you ever bring up my Aunt Eunice, you don't dare say her name!


Punches and kicks rained down heavily on Kim he is once again assaulted by Miller's gang, Kim is beaten until he almost lost consciousness.

“Trash. How dare you talk back to Mira, you deserve every bit of what you are getting” The scornful voices of the students landed on Kim's ears as they all walked away.

Kim was left in pains right there until noon, the students all passed by scoffing at him while the teachers walked past him without a single feeling of pity for him. To them, he was a bad omen who needed to be destroyed. 

As the afternoon glow recedes slowly, the cold air of the evening blows forth, after what seemed like an eternity, Kim is whisked back to his abandoned school building by the security guards.

Kim sneers at the gesture, he knows that Miller's purposely left him to dry out in the sun to torture him the more; the guards are only helping him because they were protecting the image of the school and issues like this can mar the school name.

The high school graduation was the next day, and reporters and newscasters will soon be trooping in.

Kim sighs in frustration, with each movement he could feel his body falling apart like a house of cards, he urgently needed treatment but no one cared. No one except for that one lady, Kim thought as he dived back into the sea of memories. 

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