Chapter 2

                               The Bad Omen 

Kim was born to wealthy parents but was proclaimed a bad omen. Having passed through a series of setbacks, his parents, too proud to blame themselves for their incompetence, accused him of being cursed and abandoned him. 

They took in Miller, a lucky star that was born the same day his was born, by an unknown lady at the same hospital.

The head Nurse, Eunice Sanchas, could not accept the prediction that the boy was caused, so she took him in and nursed him like her own.

 Eunice was severely suppressed by the Larkens when they found out she took him in. Rumors of Kim being a bad omen circulated round the hospital, and Eunice lost her job in the process.

Eunice never left Kim for once, they were living happily with the little she's got. His world came crashing when he clocked 5.

The Larkens figured Kim would be traced back to them in the nearest future, due to his resemblance to Vera, so they made arrangements to kidnap Kim and toss him to Africa, but during the brawl, Eunice was unfortunately murdered. 

Eunice's death only served to cement that Kim was a cursed child. From that time on, love became a foreign wood to Kim.

“Haha, Aunty Eunice, After 17 years I'm finally free from this torture called life” Kim muttered as he can feel his consciousness slipping away. Suddenly, a sharp pain came from the left pocket of his school pants.

“Oh, I forgot about you”. Kim said as he reached out into his pants and took out an ugly looking stone that was black and stone. 

He found the stone when he was scavenging for food and precious materials at a junkyard. Due to the extreme hardness and unique shape of the stone, he picked it up and sought to pawn it, but no one wanted to have anything to do with a cursed child like him. 

Kim was sent out of every shop he tried to sell the stone. So he decided to keep it, who knows, it might result in something rare.

As Kim brought the stone closer to himself, the stone contacted his blood and immediately cracked to reveal a shining blue light.

“Waoo! What sort of magic is ..... Ahh!” Kim's words were cut short as the orb rams itself right between his brows and disappears right into his brain. The extreme pain forces Kim into a coma.

[Ding! Blood contact has been made between system 001 and host Kim Larken]

[Analyzing compatibility: 5%….10%…55%….100% compatibility is perfect. System 001 is binding with the host]

[Ding! Detected that the host has weak vitality and might not survive until tomorrow]

[System is providing immediate help...... Providing starter pack: white jade pill]

[White jade pill: a pill formed from over 100 rare materials that can bring a person an inch of death back with a perfect health]

[System authorizing the use of white jade pill on the host]

As the white jade pill dissolved in Kim's blood streams, he began to undergo tremendous transformation. The scars both old and new began to fade and his once scary and dry skin looked tender and soft like that of a baby.

His black hair changed to white and his previously brown eyes turned blue like a cluster of sapphire stones. After the center of his brows came a tattoo, in the shape of the blue orb.

If before Kim was evoking envy, now Kim was a walking trouble, he was simply a fairy that descended to earth, so real and yet so impossible to be true. 

“Oh… My head hurts like crazy, Gosh! I almost died right now” Kim said as he slowly woke up. “Wait, where are my injuries?” Kim suddenly pranged up while checking himself, he was shocked to see his skin looking so fresh.

“I was evidently beaten by Miller's gang, how come the scars disappeared, how is my skin so fresh, tender and white, what's this? What is going on?”

“Oh! The ugly stone, where is it? Kim said, as he searched all around to find it but with no success. He ventured deeper into the school building, he saw a mirror covered with a white cloth, the room was previously used by the dance students during ballet practice, but after a female student hanged herself in the classroom, no one dared step their feet in there again.

He saw a 187 cm tall high schooler, with long white hair, galaxy-blue eyes, a, or like tattoo at his brows and skin as tender as tofu. “This is me, but how did I get this handsome? 

This is bad news, many people hate me already, now with this look, I am never going to rest, this is the handwork of that ugly stone, who knows what kind of sorcery is performed, that's freaking ugly......”

 [Host, if you utter more curse, you will be totally animated from the face of the world] A slightly angry voice sounded.

“Who are you? Show yourself” Kim panicked [Come and see me for yourself.] The system is altered as it drags Kim's cautiousness to another dimension.

“Where is this place, Kim altered as a 6 himself in a void-like space surrounded by clusters of Galaxies.  

It looked like it was in space, a shiny white bridge connected one galaxy to another, forming a web of some sort.

 “Wow this is just like a multiverse in the doctor strange movie, eh, who is that, Hey are you the voice that spoke to me some minutes ago? Who are you and where is this” Kim says as he sees a person behind him in the distance. “Hello, Kim, I am the AI of your system, the super sign in system or rather, the ugly looking orb” A voice that sounded just like Kim said. 

“Hey, who are you, why do you look the same as me?” Kim retreated backwards as he saw the face of the so-called AI “look I'm bad luck, you will get nothing from possessing me you are just wasting your time on me”.

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