Chapter 7


Silence descended as the men gawked at the lady with lid in their eyes and the man with envy.

“And who are you?” Vera spoke through gritted teeth. She harbored extreme dislike for the woman she just met for some strange reason, as if the woman stole something precious from her.

“Also, the guts of the woman to question her also made her hate the lady, the beauty of the lady that made her look like an overdressed peacock in front of the woman. She didn't just like the lady”

“Me! I am Shantel slate and I am Kim's mother” Shantel replied with pride in her voice. She had been searching for over seventeen years for Kim, and now she found him being bullied by a group of adult thugs. She was incensed.

“Putchi, hahaha ha, this is hilarious, Kim you have really put in great effort haven't you?''

“This crazy mission of yours is really first class, first, you fabricated the transfer agreement, now you paid off some good-looking low-budget actors to pass off as your parents “you are simply disgusting” miller chimed in from the side.

He was more than happy to see Kim land into trouble, and couldn't help but add more wood to the burning fire. He knew Vera larken, she was the type of person that wouldn't tolerate any defection, in her opinion, her disowning Kim was only for the greater good but Kim doing the same is an abominable act.

Never mind, Kim, even Miller himself was feeling a bit ashamed of her. It was too shameless.

“How do you know? “


“How do you know that they are not my parents, I mean, they could be my long-lost parents who l recently found “Kim asked with a bit of teasing in his eyes

“No, they are not your parents, " Vera replied confidently. Her confidence caused some changes in the expression of the parents there, why was she so adamant that Kim didn't have parents, she couldn't have had any encounter with him poor to today, right?

“What makes you so sure” Kim kept on teasing her 

“You, what nonsense are you getting at, naturally because l am your best ….”

“Kim, that's a relief, you finally found your parents. My mom here was just worried that you could end in the wrong hands. You are the adopted child of her friend, she still looks out for you "Miller smoothly diffuses the tension.

 With a couple of sentences, he made Kim an unreasonable child who was simply finding fault with Vera who was looking out for him. As expected, the crowd once again berated him.

“He has the gift of garb, honestly aren't you taking too long in this, l getting tired of all this” zero whispered from within Kim.

''I was biding my time, the high they elevate themselves, the more painful the slap will be”

“What's the big deal there, isn't it such a private high school, my son being the director is even lowering his status “Jayce, Kim's father commented from the side, he didn't get their concern at all

To him, it all seems natural, Kim's siblings have countless businesses under their palm, and any one of them could crush the third rate school.

“l have already called our old director, he was so incensed when he found out that someone was trying to pass off as our new director, you better brace yourself, Kim, very soon you will have no place in white city”

“Really, that's good, let's properly seal the entrance so that he doesn't get away” the poor parents chorused as they blocked the little entrance.

“ If the director comes in and I am proven the new director, what will you people do to compensate me for this humiliation, “Kim asked cunningly

“I will call you father and even kowtow to you”a fat man replied, other parents echoed the same thing, but some wisely chose to be silent.

“Excuse me, let me through,” an old man said as he struggled through the crowd “oh my, Mr. Kim, you are here already? I assure you I will handle that impersonator immediately” 

“ This stupid people, why did they not keep this news under wraps, now the new director has found out, what if he goes back on his word due to this” old director Bars muttered under his breath

“ Di....., director, that's the impersonator" the shaky voice of the announcer replied

“ Hmph, are you the best… Cough cough cough, " Mr. Bars choked on his words when he saw the announcer pointing at Kim.

“You idiot, that's the new director, when did he become an impersonator “director bars scolded the announcer. The announcer could already feel his mind buzzing and just as he was about to please for mercy, an annoying voice cut him off.

“Wow, so even the old director has been switched as well. How many more actors have you staged for this play, Kim? “ Vera chuckled from the side.

Vera is a simple housewife who mainly just socializes with women in her circle by playing chess and having tea. She has never been involved in the shareholder's meeting. How would she know the face of the old director?

“Shut up, apologize to Mr. Bars immediately” Jones, who knew Bar's identity, hurriedly chastised his wife.

“Sir, please my wife is still not versed with you, it was a mistake, l apologize to you for that”

“Hei, don't apologize to me, apologize to your new director who has 60% shares of veron high school”

Clank! The sound of a student's phone disrupted the silence that ensued.

Everyone was thinking the same thing, “l am screwed”

Those parents who were silent secretly lit a candle in their hearts, while the others grieved in tears in their eyes.

The smug smile on miller's face was frozen as he thought to himself, “How!!! What kind of sorcery is this, does this mean that Kim has been bullied in his school, but how is this possible?”

The students who at one point bullied Kim were shocked senseless, some weaker ones even started crying "Kim, no, director Kim, we were deceived by miller here, he said you were a curse "

“ Yes, yes, Kim we don't know anything at all, we don't withhold our diploma, we need it to enter college" the other students begged.

Seeing them like this, kin felt even more angry” oh, you know a diploma is as important as a life for a student but when you all framed me and l lost my diploma, why didn't you guys feel pity for me”

“ But, don't worry, l have no interest in your diploma, all l want is what is mine, my trophy that was stolen by miller here" 

“Ha”the students heaved a sigh of relief when they heard that. As for Miller's issue, none of their business, most of them have long harbored hatred for miller, so they couldn't wait for miller to suffer.

The faces of all the parents changed as they heard what their kids said about miller, the all-talented getup miller struggled so hard to create all crumbled like a pack of cards.

The eyes of disdain of all the parents were like slaps on his face. “Kim, you have no evidence that the trophy is yours''miller 

Struggled to say, he made sure that he left no direct evidence that points to him, so Kim's statement won't cut it

“I knew you deny it, miller, l was just giving you a chance, but you are adamant to die, don't cry later” Kim grinned

“Oh, and lest i forget, your parent still owe me a kowtow” Kim said as he saw the parents planning on slipping away.

“Kid, save us some face, it's a misunderstanding you don't expect is to kneel in front of you" 

“Why not, l expect that, when you guys made the bet, you should have made a bet you can fulfill, don't tell me you want to renege”

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