0008: A Hidden Lair

25th June 2***, the Hughes family was abuzz with excitement as preparations for the Yves family's grand ceremony began.

The Yves family, known as the third richest in the city, was hosting an opulent event that promised to be the talk of Coston City for months.

While the Hughes family was wealthy, their true specialty and difference laid only in their mysterious aura and regal presence, which set them apart from the straightforward opulence of the Yves.

As the Hughes family members prepared for the evening, Kendrew watched from the sidelines.

His father, Master Hughes, had made it clear that Kendrew would not be attending. Instead, he was to stay at home, under the watchful eye of Martha.

"You will stay here," Master Hughes had commanded, his voice brooking no argument. "Martha will look after you."

Kendrew had no choice but to comply. He nodded obediently, still playing the part of the childlike simpleton.

In the grand hallway, the Hughes family members were adorned in their finest attire. Gowns of rich silk and velvet flowed around the women, while the men wore tailored suits that spoke of old money and refinement.

The air was filled with the scent of expensive perfumes and colognes, mingling with the excitement of the upcoming event.

Kane adjusted his cufflinks, smirking as he glanced at Kendrew. "Enjoy your night in, little brother," he taunted, his tone dripping with condescension. "Don't cause the servant too much trouble."

Kendrew kept his gaze down, pretending to be engrossed in a wooden toy Master Hughes had recently gifted him. "Yes, Kane," he mumbled, ensuring his voice sounded appropriately childish.

Martha, still in her stern demeanor, hovered nearby. "You heard your father," she whispered, her voice lacking warmth. "You stay here and behave."

Kendrew nodded, his mind already whirring with stuffs, not particularly focused on Martha or her hostility.

‘It has been days and all do is act like a kid, work, get insulted and get points. I'm no longer satisfied with just those,’ he thought, though he was sure All Sufficient could hear him clearly.

[How about you work outside of the Hughes House?]

‘Hmm? Outside of the Hughes House?’

‘oh yeah, that's right. The flower store. With the All Sufficient System I could get that small forgotten store to it's apex!’ he was excited in his thoughts but suddenly wrinkled his brows conflicted.

‘How do I do that when I'm pretending to get a kid? How do I convince them? How do I…’ he paused in his thoughts and then smiled. ‘All Sufficient! I am All Sufficient now.’

As the Hughes family prepared to leave for the Yves family's grand ceremony, Kendrew gathered his courage and spoke up, his voice trembling with feigned innocence. "Papa, may I go to Mama's flower shop? I miss it there."

Master Hughes paused, his brow furrowing as he considered the request. It was unusual for Kendrew to ask for anything, well, Kendrew never had a chance to demand anything and besides, the request seemed harmless enough.

Or rather, Mr. Hughes felt himself being driven by heart to say yes to every of Kendrew's request. What was that feeling? Guilt! He didn't know why but, in all these years of being unruly and unfair to Kendrew he's suddenly feeling guilty at one request?!

He exchanged a glance with Mrs. Hughes, who shrugged slightly, indicating she saw no harm in it.

"Very well," Master Hughes said reluctantly. "Martha, take him to the flower shop and make sure he stays out of trouble."

Kendrew's heart leaped with excitement, but he kept his demeanor subdued. "Thank you, Papa," he said quietly.

‘And thank you, All Sufficient for fondling with his feelings,’ he completed in his thoughts.

Two white limousines arrived, their wheels clattering against the cold tiled driveway. The Hughes family members filed out, their polished shoes tapping rhythmically as they made their way to the waiting vehicles.

Kendrew watched them go, a feeling of relief and happiness settling in his chest.

Once they were gone, the grand house felt eerily quiet until Martha broke the silence. “Come on, put on your filthy shoes and let's get going to the stupid store!” She commanded.

Martha escorted Kendrew to the flower shop, as they went all the way on foot. Yeah, they weren't worthy to ride in the Hughes family vehicle… well, for Kendrew, not just yet!

The small, quaint shop was a remnant of happier times, filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and memories of his late mother. The woman who adopted him.

Though, the shop was really lacking good flowers like the old times and most were withered already.

‘Did someone take care of these blooming ones? Or are they fleshly plucked?’ Kendrew thought to himself because, last time he checked, none of the Hughes family members or servants came here or were allowed to.

It was a part of the Hughes that was considered dead and gone.

[All Sufficient is reviving the dead plants]

‘Oh, so that's it!’

Once they arrived, Martha busied herself with addictive gossip outside, leaving Kendrew alone in the shop.

He glanced around, ensuring no one was watching, and then whispered to the System. "System, I have an idea. Can you create a hidden room underneath the flower shop? A place where I can be alone, like a lair. It should be spacious, at least three plots of land in size."

[Understood, Host]

[Initiating construction of a hidden lair beneath the flower shop.]

[This process will take a few moments.]

Kendrew felt a slight tremor beneath his feet as the System began its work.

The shop's floorboards seemed to shimmer and shift as a hidden trapdoor appeared behind the counter. Kendrew hurried over and lifted the door, revealing a staircase that descended into darkness.

He descended the steps cautiously, his heart pounding with anticipation of impossible possibilities.

As he reached the bottom, he found himself in a vast, underground space.

The lair was expansive, with high ceilings and ample room for anything he might need. The walls were lined with smooth stone, and the floors were polished, creating an eerie but impressive environment.

[Construction complete!]

[Your hidden lair is now ready.]

[Would you like to do something else next?]

Kendrew marveled at the space, his mind bubbling with amazement. He smiled and then thought of something. "System, can you furnish this place with everything I might need? A comfortable living area, a study, a training room, and any other essentials."

[Consider it done.]

Within moments, the lair transformed right in front of his eyes.

Plush furniture appeared in the living area, a large desk and shelves filled the study, and a well-equipped training room materialized in another section.

Everything was designed to be functional yet luxurious, providing Kendrew with a perfect hideaway.


Feeling satisfied with his new secret base, Kendrew returned up to the flower shop. He made sure to close the trapdoor behind him, ensuring it was well-hidden.

Just as he finished, Martha reentered the shop, having no slightest idea of what had transpired.

"It's time to head back," Martha said, her tone brusque. "The family will be returning soon."

Kendrew nodded, a small smile playing on his lips as he followed her out of the shop.

He now had a secret place where he could plan, train, and gather his thoughts away from prying eyes.

“Just you wait you all, I'd show you how it's done,” he muttered, smiling smugly as they walked on. The real game is about to begin now.

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