0007: Facade Skill Unlocked

[Additionally, you need to enhance your skill set through targeted practice and resource acquisition.]

Kendrew nodded, feeling a renewed sense of enlightenment. “Alright, I need to strategize. Let’s focus on what’s immediately achievable.”


[Given your current situation, gaining the trust of part of your family while maintaining your cover is crucial.]

[Use this time to gather information, improve your skills, and identify potential allies.]

Kendrew spent the next hour in the System Haven, reviewing possible strategies and planning his next steps.

When he felt ready, he asked the System to return him to his room. “Hey, All Sufficient, can you send me back? Thanks.”

As he lay back down in his bed, the System spoke in a whispering robotic tone.

[You have the potential to accomplish great things, All Sufficient. Stay focused, and remember: your journey has just begun.]

‘That was deep.’

With a deep breath, Kendrew closed his eyes, feeling less isolated. He felt had no reason to be a lone anymore. Was it a good idea to trust a robotic helper? Perhaps.

The challenges ahead were daunting, but he was no longer alone. With the All Sufficient System at his side, he was ready to face whatever came next.

The next morning, Kendrew was jolted awake by Elder Ray’s insistent shaking. "Get up, you lazy lad," the old butler growled.

Kendrew had prepared for this moment. In fact, he had even dreamt about it. Being woken up by Elder Ray to get back to working as a rejected, stupid young butler. Haha, nice try next tim. Not again.

Going into acting, he began crying, a high-pitched, childish wail that echoed through the house. "Papa! Papa! It hurts!" he cried, tears streaming down his face.

The commotion quickly drew the attention of the household.

Master Hughes stormed into the room, followed closely by the rest of the family. "What is going on here?" he demanded, his voice sharp.

Elder Ray stepped back, his face pale. "Sir, I was just—"

"How dare you lay a hand on Kendrew!" Master Hughes yelled, a rare fury in his eyes. The room fell silent, everyone stunned. No one had ever seen Master Hughes defend Kendrew, especially not with such intensity.

Kendrew on his part was stunned too. His father had never called him by his name ever since he was eight!

Elder Ray stammered, "I—I was just trying to wake him, Sir."

"You will apologize," Master Hughes ordered, his voice cold. "Now."

Elder Ray’s lips trembled. He was going to apologize to the dirt. Yet he had no choice. "I... I'm sorry, young master Kendrew," he muttered.

[Congratulations, Host! You’ve successfully manipulated the situation to your advantage.]

[REWARD: +7 points intelligence. Core skill Facade Skill Unlocked]

As Kendrew wiped his tears, he noticed his brother Kendall’s face. There was something in his expression he couldn't quite grasp.

Kendrew felt a surge of curiosity. "System, can you read Kendall’s mind to get his current emotions?" He mumbled.



[Jealousy, Hate and Suspicion]

[ADVICE: Beware of this one]

‘Hate? Really?’ Kendrew clenched his fist. He never expected Kendall, of all people, to harbor such feelings toward him. Kendall, the eldest, who had everything handed to him, while Kendrew had to scrape by with nothing.

He had always thought Kane was the one who hated him the most.

[REMINDER: You need to win over at least half of your family members.]

Playing his part and adding more spice to the show, Kendrew ran to his father, wrapping his arms around him. "Papa, it hurts," he whimpered, looking up with wide, innocent eyes.

Master Hughes patted his head awkwardly. "There, there. It’s alright, Kendrew. Elder Ray won’t bother you again."

The rest of the family watched, their expressions a mixture of shock and confusion.

Kendrew could see the wheels turning in their minds. He knew he had to maintain this charade, to act the part of the helpless, childlike Kendrew, if he was to survive and ultimately thrive in this house.

As the family slowly dispersed, Kendrew thugged his lips up in a sneaky sly smile. This was just the beginning.

With the System’s help, he would make sure to go through the treacherous waters of the Hughes household, winning allies to his side, uncover the secrets that had kept him in the world, him included, for so long and maybe at the end, destroy them since he was not truly one of them.

Later that day, as he performed his butler duties with exaggerated clumsiness, Kendrew's mind raced with plans and possibilities.

Though, he wasn't given much work, in fact, barely given work to do based on Mr. Hughes orders.

Still, he had to carefully balance his act, appearing innocent and harmless while slowly gathering information and strength.

Every smile, every act of kindness, every tear he shed—all were carefully calculated steps toward his ultimate goal. And with each passing day, Kendrew grew more determined to see his plans come to fruition.

One of the days, Master Hughes decided to take Kendrew to the dining table. As they walked in, the rest of the family fell silent, their eyes filled with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.

Instead of letting Kendrew sit at the table, his father called for a stewardess.

"Bring him food," Master Hughes commanded, his voice devoid of emotion. "Feed him."

‘That is a start,’ Kendrew thought. At least, he was eating outside of his hole of a room and eating good food as well. It's a start.

He was even being fed by his fellow servants. Haha! Who knows? Tomorrow he might be allowed to sit with the other Hughes on the dining table.

The stewardess, a stern woman named Martha, hesitated. “Why do I have to feed the lowlife,” she grumbled. She clearly didn't want to comply but had no choice.

She brought a bowl of porridge and sat Kendrew on the floor.

Martha began feeding him with a wooden spoon, but her movements were rough and unkind. Each spoonful was more like a jab, and Kendrew winced with every bite.

Around the table, his family members exchanged glances, their murmurs barely audible. They hated the idea Mr. Hughes initiated.

"Why should we even entertain someone who just appeared out of nowhere?" whispered Kendall to Kane. "It's suspicious, don't you think?"

"Yes," Kane replied, his eyes narrowing as he watched Kendrew. "How did he come back from the cliff? Did anyone see him enter the house?"

Kendrew's mind was as well not at peace. He knew he needed to maintain his facade, but he also needed to address their suspicions.

"All Sufficient," he thought, "help me with this. Make them believe my act."

[Understood, Host]

[Optimizing facade.]

[Current optimization: 30%. This will make your act seem more real to everyone observing you.]

A strange sensation washed over Kendrew then a slight tingling feeling as well as the System worked its magic.

Suddenly, his act of childlike behavior became more convincing. He began to rock slightly, his eyes wide and unfocused, as if genuinely lost in a childish state.

The family members continued their hushed conversation, but their expressions softened slightly, their suspicions beginning to wane which each glance they shot at him.

"Maybe he did hit his head," one of the aunts murmured. "He does seem different."

"Still," Kendall said, his tone cautious, "we should keep an eye on him. This could be a trick."

[The facade can be increased to a perfect 100% each time you perform actions that reinforce their perception of you as harmless and childlike.]

[Also, it increases with each person you could be able to stick closer to as well]

[Continue behaving this way, and their doubts will eventually disappear completely.]

Kendrew nodded internally. He continued to play his part, letting Martha feed him, even though every rough spoonful made him want to recoil. He had to endure this if he was to succeed. He still had a long way to go, but this was a start.

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