All Chapters of The Butler's Retribution With The All Sufficient System: Chapter 1 - Chapter 8
8 chapters
0001: Kendrew, Young Butler
"And where are you off to, young butler?" came the familiar, condescending voice from behind.Kendrew froze, his heart sinking as he turned to face his second older brother. "K...Ka... I mean, Sir Kane."He had almost slipped up, almost called him by his name, a mistake that had earned him a sharp slap across the face last time."I was on my way to my... t..the flower shop to..." Kendrew's voice trailed off nervously."What did you call me?" Kane's eyes narrowed dangerously, his voice laced with disdain."Uh? I... I..." Kendrew stumbled over his words, fear tightening his throat.SLAP! The sound reverberated through the hallway as Kane's hand connected with Kendrew's cheek. Kendrew winced, feeling the burning sensation spread across his face, but he managed to hold his ground, trying to steady himself."I am the second young master of the Hughes family, and I expect you to address me as such!""But Kane, I am your br—"SLAP! This time, the blow was even harder, knocking Kendrew slight
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0002: Candy's Betrayal To Kendrew
Evening had arrived, bringing with it the usual routine. Kendrew sighed in relief that Candy hadn't shown up, at least sparing him a reason to call it a good day. However, he couldn't slip away to visit the flower shop, a small solace he usually clung to.He retrieved his worn set of evening white boxers from the drawer. He only had six pairs, which he rotated over two days — a necessity in the Hughes House where strict bathing and attire rules of thrice a day prevailed. He couldn't afford more; his last three months' salary had gone towards buying a pixie wig for Candy. It was a gift he had hoped would surprise her and make her smile, despite knowing she was seeing another man he didn't know behind his back.The thought brought a bittersweet smile to his face. Even after everything, he couldn't shake his feelings for Candy. Perhaps one day she would realize what they could have had together and return his love. Wasn't that how it worked in romantic comedies?“Love-stricken me,” h
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0003: The All Sufficient System
Kendrew couldn't sleep. Despite his exhaustion, he had to follow Kendall's instructions. He slipped out of the Hughes mansion and made his way to Coston Bay Road. It was already past eight, and the darkness was thick and unsettling.When he reached the end of the road, a desolate spot near the cliffs, he pulled out the card and dialed the number. His hands shook as he brought the phone to his ear."I have a package for you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.A few minutes later, a car's headlights pierced the darkness, and a sleek vehicle pulled up beside him. A man stepped out, his silhouette tall and imposing against the night sky."I'm Barry Lincoln," the man introduced himself, extending a hand. He looked to be about thirty-six, just a few years older than Kendrew.Kendrew handed him the envelope without a word, the sense of unease growing in his chest. As he turned to leave, three expensive cars roared up the road, their headlights blinding. He shielded his eyes as the
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0004: Yukodives
Kendrew felt the ground beneath his feet, the rich earth and the ancient atmosphere of Yukodives, though it was dark. He wandered down a dimly lit path, trying to grasp his mind around the reality of his new surroundings. The night was silent, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant howl of some nocturnal creature he had no idea was.As Kendrew walked along the dirt path, he couldn't help but be struck by the stark contrast between this world and his own time. The road was lined with cobblestones, uneven and worn from years of use. Small wooden cottages with thatched roofs dotted the landscape, smoke curling lazily from their chimneys. The air was filled with the earthy scent of freshly tilled soil and the distant aroma of baked bread.The moonlight illuminated his path, casting long shadows and adding an eerie beauty to the night. He kept looking around, curiosity evident in his every glance. As he continued, he noticed an old lady struggling by the side of the r
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0005: Time Travel Skill Unlocked
It was late, and the comforting warmth of the hearth in the old lady’s home was beginning to lull Kendrew to sleep. He lay on a rough straw mattress, covered by a thick woolen blanket. The house was small, with wooden beams overhead and walls made of wattle and daub. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows, evoking a sense of the ancient and rustic life of the 16th century.Suddenly, shouts pierced the quiet night. “Fire! Fire!” The cries were frantic and urgent.Kendrew sprang up, heart pounding, and rushed outside. The cool night air was filled with the acrid smell of smoke. In the distance, he saw flames licking the sky, illuminating a nearby barn. The barn’s wooden structure, thatched roof, and surrounding hay stacks were engulfed in a fierce blaze.People from the village, dressed in simple linen tunics and woolen cloaks, were running towards the barn, carrying buckets of water from the well. Their faces were illuminated by the firelight, reflecting fear and desperation.K
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0006: Act Like A Child
Kendrew sat up from and in his bed, his mind replaying everything that had just happened. Whether it was real or just a dream, he didn't care, he just wanted to live like this forever. He then took time to look at round where he was. The familiar, cramped confines of his room in the Hughes House felt surreal after his journey to the past. Before he could gather his thoughts and come out of it, the door burst open, and the head butler, Elder Ray, stepped in to clear the room. The death of Kendrew had been told to every living thing in the Hughes House and secrets like that remain buried in the house as for employees, they took the Hughes secrets to their graves and Kendrew's suicide was just one of them. Immediately, he got in Elder Ray's eyes widened, and he let out a shriek. "What in the name of— Ghost! Ghost!" The shouting soon drew the attention of the entire household. Within moments, the rest of the family and servants rushed in, their faces plastered with a mix of shock
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0007: Facade Skill Unlocked
[Additionally, you need to enhance your skill set through targeted practice and resource acquisition.]Kendrew nodded, feeling a renewed sense of enlightenment. “Alright, I need to strategize. Let’s focus on what’s immediately achievable.”[Understood.][Given your current situation, gaining the trust of part of your family while maintaining your cover is crucial.][Use this time to gather information, improve your skills, and identify potential allies.]Kendrew spent the next hour in the System Haven, reviewing possible strategies and planning his next steps. When he felt ready, he asked the System to return him to his room. “Hey, All Sufficient, can you send me back? Thanks.”As he lay back down in his bed, the System spoke in a whispering robotic tone. [You have the potential to accomplish great things, All Sufficient. Stay focused, and remember: your journey has just begun.]‘That was deep.’With a deep breath, Kendrew closed his eyes, feeling less isolated. He felt had no reaso
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0008: A Hidden Lair
25th June 2***, the Hughes family was abuzz with excitement as preparations for the Yves family's grand ceremony began. The Yves family, known as the third richest in the city, was hosting an opulent event that promised to be the talk of Coston City for months. While the Hughes family was wealthy, their true specialty and difference laid only in their mysterious aura and regal presence, which set them apart from the straightforward opulence of the Yves.As the Hughes family members prepared for the evening, Kendrew watched from the sidelines. His father, Master Hughes, had made it clear that Kendrew would not be attending. Instead, he was to stay at home, under the watchful eye of Martha."You will stay here," Master Hughes had commanded, his voice brooking no argument. "Martha will look after you."Kendrew had no choice but to comply. He nodded obediently, still playing the part of the childlike simpleton. In the grand hallway, the Hughes family members were adorned in their fine
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