0004: Yukodives

Kendrew felt the ground beneath his feet, the rich earth and the ancient atmosphere of Yukodives, though it was dark. 

He wandered down a dimly lit path, trying to grasp his mind around the reality of his new surroundings. The night was silent, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant howl of some nocturnal creature he had no idea was.

As Kendrew walked along the dirt path, he couldn't help but be struck by the stark contrast between this world and his own time. 

The road was lined with cobblestones, uneven and worn from years of use. Small wooden cottages with thatched roofs dotted the landscape, smoke curling lazily from their chimneys. 

The air was filled with the earthy scent of freshly tilled soil and the distant aroma of baked bread.

The moonlight illuminated his path, casting long shadows and adding an eerie beauty to the night. He kept looking around, curiosity evident in his every glance. 

As he continued, he noticed an old lady struggling by the side of the road. 

She was pulling a wooden cart laden with hay, the wheels creaking under the weight. Her back was bent with age and effort, and each step seemed to be a monumental task. 

Kendrew slowed his pace, watching her struggle from behind.

The woman's progress was agonizingly slow, and Kendrew could see her faltering. She suddenly stopped, her hand going to her back as she hunched over, clearly in pain. 

Without hesitation, Kendrew hurried to her side. "Are you alright, ma'am?"

The old lady looked up, her eyes filled with suffering. "My back... it hurts so much. I don't think I can make it home."

Kendrew knelt beside her, instinctively placing his hands on her back. He wriggled his hands then channeled his focus on his hands.

[All Sufficient System Activated]

With this, Kendrew could feel a warm, soothing energy flowing from his hands into the old lady as he began to massage her back. 

Her pain visibly eased, and she stood up straighter, her expression one of astonishment.

[ACTION: Healing an old lady.]

[REWARD: 10 Experience Points.]

"Thou... thou hast healed me," she said, tears of gratitude welling in her eyes. “Surely, thou art a godsend!”

‘god sent? Prrr! I'm far from that Ma'am.’ This he would have said but instead just remained silent while watching her gap like a fish thrown into water after a long time of being on the shoreline sand.

But what was in his mind… how could this old lady let him even place his hands on her? Back in Coston City, he was filth and so no one, not even the market women and kids wanted him in close contact.

Is it perhaps, because this is the 16th century and no one really cared who anyone was? Perhaps, in the 16th century people trusted people?

[The All Sufficient System is capable of anything. Lulling an old lady to let the All Sufficient carry on its task is a minor request]

Oh! So that was it.

"Madam, are you in need of help?" he asked, his voice gentle as the thought of helping her carry the cart blew into his heart.

The old woman looked up at him, her face lined with years of hard work and worry. "Oh, bless thee, young man," she croaked. "These old bones aren't what they used to be."

Kendrew didn't waste any time. He moved to the front of the cart and grasped the handles, taking the weight off her shoulders. "Allow me to help you then," he said.

With a grateful nod, the woman straightened up easily, no longer feeling pain. 

Kendrew began to pull the cart, surprised at how heavy it was. The wheels dug into the soft earth, making the task even more difficult. As they walked together, the old lady began breathing steadily.

"Thou really art a godsend," she said, her voice filled with relief. "I was fearing I'd never make it back home."

As they approached the woman's cottage, she pointed to a spot where the hay needed to be unloaded. 

Kendrew carefully positioned the cart and began to lift the bundles of hay, stacking them neatly. The woman watched him with a mixture of amazement and gratitude.

Once the task was done, she invited him inside. “Oh dear, hast thou a place to stay? Thou dost wander about at night like a young lad at his daytime play. Why so?” 

The old lady asked, smiling brightly at Kendrew who she looked up to because of his tall height.

“How about thou lodgest at my abode?” she asked, offering him shelter for the night. 

Kendrew hesitated, shaking his head in gesture of a No.

"My sons are all gone from home, laboring for the nobles and the king. None shall trouble thee at my abode,” she insisted, leading him to her modest home nearby. 

When they got to her house, Kendrew couldn't help but feel a bit sad for her. It was what his brother Kane would call ‘shit hole’. 

Still he went in. He was used to such a place and he could actually survive with or without a roof above his head. Hughes had helped him make it possible.

Yet, in such a time, her home was modest, with a hearth crackling warmly and simple wooden furniture scattered about. "Please, sit," she said, motioning to a sturdy chair. "I owe thee a debt of gratitude.”

Inside, the old lady prepared a simple meal, her hands still trembling from the miraculous healing. She couldn't believe in a few seconds she lost all the pains she had been feeling for weeks.

[NOTIFICATION: Good Deed Accomplished! System awarding +50 Energy Points and Healing Skill Upgrade.]

Kendrew felt a surge of strength and newfound ability coursing through him. He looked around the old lady's humble home, feeling a sense of peace.

[NOTIFICATION: Mission Box Unlocked.]

He stared at the blue light glinted box in a holographic form for some seconds not knowing what to do but was curious of what it entailed. Cluelessly, he stretched his hand to tap it. The tap opened the mission box.

[Mission 1: Establish a Safe Haven for Yourself]

[Reward: Increased System Abilities And Information on Actions To Take.]

As Kendrew read the mission details, he felt a resolve building within him. This was his chance to make a real difference, to use the power of the All Sufficient System to better his own life. 

With the task in mind, he went towards the part of the house where the old lady was. Right now, he doesn't know anything or anyone in the world but, he'd definitely find himself a safe haven or make one.

Upon seeing the lady, he rushed to her. "Thank you for your kindness," he said to the old lady. 

The old lady didn't go close to him or try to touch him. She had concluded in her heart that Kendrew was a god sent, touching him would be too audacious. 

"I must needs offer thee my deepest gratitude, dear friend. Thou hast succored me in my hour of need, and I fervently hope that thou shalt extend such benevolence to others who endure the same afflictions that beset me in Yukodives. Truly, thy aid is much required,"she said. 

She definitely saw him as a miracle worker now.

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