0005: Time Travel Skill Unlocked

It was late, and the comforting warmth of the hearth in the old lady’s home was beginning to lull Kendrew to sleep. He lay on a rough straw mattress, covered by a thick woolen blanket.

The house was small, with wooden beams overhead and walls made of wattle and daub. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows, evoking a sense of the ancient and rustic life of the 16th century.

Suddenly, shouts pierced the quiet night. “Fire! Fire!” The cries were frantic and urgent.

Kendrew sprang up, heart pounding, and rushed outside. The cool night air was filled with the acrid smell of smoke.

In the distance, he saw flames licking the sky, illuminating a nearby barn. The barn’s wooden structure, thatched roof, and surrounding hay stacks were engulfed in a fierce blaze.

People from the village, dressed in simple linen tunics and woolen cloaks, were running towards the barn, carrying buckets of water from the well. Their faces were illuminated by the firelight, reflecting fear and desperation.

Kendrew's mind raced. He needed to help, but how? He had no equipment. Then, an idea struck him. He dashed to a secluded spot behind a large oak tree and whispered, “All Sufficient System, I need a fire extinguisher!”


In a flash of light, an anachronistic red fire extinguisher appeared in his hands. It felt heavy and cold, a stark contrast to the medieval surroundings. Not fitting at all.

He emerged from behind the tree holding the fire extinguisher. The villagers’ eyes widening in shock as they saw him and what he held.

"Who might he be?” one man shouted.

"Is that a firearm?” another asked, bewildered. "Verily, he must be one of the vagabonds!”

“Nay, it doth not appear so. 'Tis a serpent gun! Its pointer is supple.” a woman exclaimed, trying to make sense of the strange object.

"What manner of model is that gun?” a young boy asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Kendrew ignored the idiotic questions and focused on the task at hand.

He ran towards the burning barn and aimed the extinguisher at the flames. With a pull of the lever, a powerful stream of foam shot out, coating the fire.

“Is that snowfall?” an old man gasped, his eyes squinting in confusion.

“It doth appear like powder?” another villager speculated, watching the foam smother the flames.

“He is a witch!” someone cried out in fear. “That must be black magic!”

Despite the murmurs and cries of witchcraft, Kendrew continued his efforts, and soon the fire was under control. The barn was saved, though smoke and soot lingered in the air.

A woman rushed forward, her face a mix of relief and gratitude. “I thank thee for saving my husband’s barn,” she said, her voice trembling. “We must take him to the king. He is a foreigner and possesses powers beyond our understanding.”

"Aye, I think she speaks true. With such a gun, we can prevent many fire outbreaks.”

As the villagers murmured in agreement, a message flashed in Kendrew's mind.

[NOTIFICATION: Good Deed Accomplished! System awarding +100 Energy Points and Fire Control Skill Unlocked.]

Kendrew felt a surge of new energy and capability. He knew that this was just the beginning.

Kendrew stood among the villagers, feeling weird. The flames were out, but the whispers and suspicious glances were growing louder. In a calculated speed, the villagers hijacked him, tying him to a horse's tail.

One villager climbed on the horse, and a few others got on their separate horses. They began to pull him along like a prisoner, leading him by a horse. He was being seized and taken to the king!

[You are not ready to be seen in public yet]

[What has happened would be nothing but a myth if you hide]

[No one here would believe a number of eight persons who witnessed something bizarre and unheard of]

Kendrew tried to think of a way to escape. He needed to. He suddenly said, "I need to relieve myself."

The men halted their horses, exchanging confused looks before turning back to look at Kendrew. "What meanest thou by 'relieve thyself'?" One asked.

"I need to make water come out of me," Kendrew tried to explain, realizing that these people were utterly historical and spoke outdated words.

"Make water? Is that some form of alchemy?" Another villager questioned, scratching his head.

Alchemy? WTF! Do I look like a damn magician?!

Frustrated, Kendrew blurted out, "My dick needs to do its thing!"

The villagers gasped and looked at each other in shock. "Why didst thou meanest by that?" One of them asked.

"Thou have shamed us with such foul words!" Another yelled.

Kendrew sighed, mentally facepalming himself. They totally think he insulted them by saying the word ‘Dick.’

[Perhaps, you could say: Please, grant me leave to go to the bushes]

'Huh? How is that related to me wanting to Pee? Humph!'

Kendrew then cleared his throat, speaking. "Please, grant me leave to go to the bushes."

He repeated the verbatim, and the villagers, no longer puzzled and understanding what he meant, agreed and led him to a nearby bush.

Once out of sight, Kendrew seized the opportunity to sneak away. He ran as fast as he could, the night air cool against his skin.

As he ran through the darkness, he overheard snippets of conversation from a hidden group of people he couldn't see.

"...overthrow the king on his birthday..."

“....it would be better to poison him to….”

“....the queen….”

Kendrew hesitated for a moment thinking if he should listen more and then save whoever they wanted to poison but then he pressed on on his running. He needed to get away first.

[You must return to the point of the cliff to go back to modern Coston City, your home]

"How?" Kendrew asked silently.

[All Sufficient would provide directions]

[Turn left]

[Now, turn here]

[Then forward]

Kendrew followed the precise instructions, his heart pounding with each step. Finally, he reached the cliff's edge. He took a deep breath, gathering all courage he could find in him, and then jumped.

It was dark so he couldn't see what he was jumping into. Hopefully, water.

He felt a rush of wind and a disorienting sensation of falling but didn't feel himself landing whether on water or land or.. anything. When he opened his eyes, he was back in his bed in his miniature room in the Hughes House.

[NOTIFICATION: Mission Accomplished! Time Travel Skill Unlocked]

[Current location: Hughes House, Modern Coston City]

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