0006: Act Like A Child

Kendrew sat up from and in his bed, his mind replaying everything that had just happened. Whether it was real or just a dream, he didn't care, he just wanted to live like this forever.

He then took time to look at round where he was. The familiar, cramped confines of his room in the Hughes House felt surreal after his journey to the past.

Before he could gather his thoughts and come out of it, the door burst open, and the head butler, Elder Ray, stepped in to clear the room.

The death of Kendrew had been told to every living thing in the Hughes House and secrets like that remain buried in the house as for employees, they took the Hughes secrets to their graves and Kendrew's suicide was just one of them.

Immediately, he got in Elder Ray's eyes widened, and he let out a shriek. "What in the name of— Ghost! Ghost!"

The shouting soon drew the attention of the entire household.

Within moments, the rest of the family and servants rushed in, their faces plastered with a mix of shock, confusion, and disbelief.

"What’s going on here?" Mr. Hughes demanded, his stern gaze locking onto Elder Ray who then gestured to Kendrew sitting on the bed. “Jesus Christ!” Mr. Hughes shrieked, holding his chest.

Kendrew’s face twisted as he tried to restrain himself from laughing. At same time, he just remained silent and kept ogling at the horrified people.

[All Sufficient System Analysing Host's relation with people around]

[Relationship found and stored under the file ‘Toxicity’]

[Means of survival suggested to the Host for these relationships]

[SUGGESTION: Pretend you know nothing. Act like a child]

‘Hmm, that was quick. Accessing my relationships with over eight persons here?’ Kendrew marvelled. After all the system was All Sufficient.

Putting on his all for the act, Kendrew took a deep breath, and then his face shifted into an innocent, confused expression. "Daddy? What’s happening? Where am I?" he asked, his voice high-pitched and childlike.

The room fell silent, the Hughes family exchanging bewildered glances.

“What in Christ's name do you think you are? What are you!” Mrs. Hughes yelled at Kendrew hatefully but instead Kendrew pouted like a kid.

"We need a doctor," Mr. Hughes said finally, his voice shaky.

“What doctor? Are we handling a sick person or a dead one!” Mrs. Hughes nagged. She wondered why was her husband being a softie all of sudden. Turning to Kendrew, she snared. ‘If you are not dead then I'd kill you myself!’

[A soft heart spotted amongst the toxic humans]

Mr. Hughes turned back, glaring at Elder Ray. “I said call the damn doctor!” He yelled, commanding immediate action to his order..

A doctor was quickly summoned and began examining Kendrew. Unlike himself, Kendrew was not scared or afraid of the doctor's examination. He had All Sufficient, and Oh, remembering it's words; he took is All Sufficient, right?

As the doctor examined Kendrew, the All Sufficient System subtly manipulated Kendrew’s body, creating symptoms that aligned with the fabricated story.

"Doctor, what is wrong with him?" Mr. Hughes asked, his usual authoritative tone tinged with worry.

The doctor frowned, studying Kendrew’s responses. "It appears he may have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Perhaps he hit his head on a rock or something hard. He’s exhibiting signs of retrograde amnesia and seems to have regressed to a childlike state."

Mrs. Hughes clasped her hands over her mouth. "Will he get better?" she asked.

She was more than angry in the inside, why didn't he just die rather than being a liability?

‘Did he perhaps do this knowingly when he shot himself? So that he'd survive and come back for…. Revenge perhaps?’ her thoughts ran everywhere.

The doctor shook his head uncertainly. "It’s hard to say. This could be temporary, but if the behavior continues for more than three months, it might become permanent."

The Hughes family was visibly conflicted. They didn't know if they should be relieved that Kendrew was alive or be afraid of what he might remember if he regained his senses.

‘At least, he is alive and in a state that he could be manipulated,’ Mr. Hughes thought, sighing in relief.

Mrs. Hughes clenched her fists. ‘This fool is going to expose us sooner or later. He must die or remain a fool forever,’ she thought sinisterly, wiring her plans already.

‘How is he alive? I clearly saw him shoot himself. Why do I feel like I shouldn't trust this doctor's report?’ Kendall thought, squinting his eyes as he kept staring at Kendrew being all childish.

‘Keep being the fool that you're said to be, at least that's how you'd escape suffering again, hmmm.’

[Another soft heart spotted]

After the doctor left, the family gathered in the parlor to discuss the situation.

"We can’t risk him remembering what happened," Mrs. Hughes said, her voice low and urgent. "If he does, he could ruin us all."

"But he’s still our brother," Kendall said, torn between a fake loyalty and fake fear. "We can't just abandon him."

Mr. Hughes sighed deeply. "We’ll monitor him closely. If he shows signs of remembering, we’ll deal with it then. For now, we maintain the pretense that he’s a child."

As the family debated, Kendrew retreated to his room. He sat on his bed, listening to their muffled voices, and finally addressed the All Sufficient System.

"Thank you," he whispered. "For saving me."

[Congratulations, Host. You handled the situation well. Your act has provided you with a temporary shield. Use this time wisely.]

Kendrew nodded, determination filling him. He knew he had to play his part convincingly while planning his next move.

The Hughes family was still a threat, but now, armed with the power of the All Sufficient System, he had a chance to turn the tables and uncover the truth behind his adoption and the sinister secrets of the Hughes household.

Kendrew, lying in his bed and feigning sleep, whispered, “System, can you take me back to that place we were before? Before everything changed to Yukodives?”


[Initiating transport to System Haven.]

In an instant, Kendrew found himself in the familiar yet surreal landscape of the System Haven.

The environment was serene, with a gentle, pulsating glow that seemed to emanate from everywhere and nowhere at once. It was a place of pure potential, a liminal space where the boundaries of reality and possibility blurred.

[Welcome back, Kendrew]

[This is the System Haven which can be turned into your sanctuary and strategic planning area]

Kendrew took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm and clarity wash over him. “So, what can I do? What are the possibilities now?”

A holographic interface appeared before him, displaying a series of charts and graphs.

[Here are your current stats and achievements:

-Energy: 150/1000

-Agility: 80/100

-Intelligence: 75/100

-Endurance: 90/100

-Experience: 10/100

-Total Points Achieves: 405]


1. Survival Instincts: Successfully navigated a dangerous situation by pretending to have amnesia.

2. Compassionate Healer: Healed an old woman, earning goodwill and shelter.

3. Firefighter: Extinguished a fire in a 16th-century setting using modern technology, creating a significant impact.]

[Core Skills Achieved:

1. Healing Skill: 7/100

2. Time Travel Skill: 2/100

3. Locked

4. Locked

5. Locked

6. Locked]

[Current Ratings:

-Overall Rating: C+

-Potential for Growth: B]

[Next Level Objectives:

1. Integrate Knowledge: Use the System to understand and manipulate both past and present environments effectively.

2. Build Alliances: Form alliances that can offer protection and resources.

3. Resource Accumulation: Acquire necessary resources and tools to sustain and enhance your abilities.]

[Remaining Tasks to Level Up:

-Complete Five Primary Missions: You have completed one primary mission so far.

-Achieve a Minimum of 500 Total Points: You currently have 405 points.

-Upgrade Core Skills: Increase at least three core skills to a minimum of 90 total points.]

Kendrew studied the display intently. “So, what’s my next move? How do I complete these missions and level up?”

[Your first mission of making a safe haven for yourself in Yukodives have not been done]

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