For a long time, the Butterfly was alone and explored some parts of the galaxy, and saw many things, most of the organic species were afraid of the machine, but most of them were unfamiliar with it anyway, a slow-moving beast without any authority with enough firepower to decimate their civilization was no joke. After several months of exploring the area, the UEC fleet and the Butterfly reached a star system where there was a thriving civilization on the 4th planet.
“Scanning,” with the very powerful sensor, the butterfly scanned the surface and reported back to Captain Probir. The planet was populated by a primitive civilization which was slowly trying to start exploring the sky with primitive telescopes. How primitive? Same as Galileo’s telescope. The fleet was safe from the telescope. They were not planning to expose themselves to this primitive civilization. There were many reasons, one was when the Sagittarian Matriarchy found a primitive civilization near the Coal Sack Nebula, they tried to uplift them which caused them to worship the matriarchy and wage a holy war against other civilizations. It was after a UEC and the Matriarchy fleet and several months of diplomatic procedures that stopped the war. The cost of the war severely drained the financial situation of some other minor powers near the coal sack nebula and created one of the worst famines of the century.
T’Mera and Tatiana were in the butterfly, observing the civilization and suddenly, the butterfly called T’Mera, “Commander, why do organics reach out to space?”
They both became a bit stunned, it wasn’t everyday questions, and it was a machine, asking. Tatiana remembered when she asked her brother this question to which he replied, “Look at our human history. We did it because we could.” She wasn’t sure if she liked the answer, but she at least found an answer. When she joined the fleet, her admiral asked her the exact same question. She wasn’t ready, but as she could think on her feet, she replied, “It’s our nature. We love to explore and expand so that we can live… somewhere.”
The answer wasn’t exactly wrong. If you look at human history, it becomes obvious. We started from Africa and then expanded through the entire globe. The drive for exploration and settling somewhere is our very nature.
But the question remains, “Why,” to which there might not be any black and white answer. Some might answer that we needed more places where more resources are available.
“We wanted to see the unseen, know the unknown and wanted to settle somewhere where resources are abundant, so our offspring can thrive,” Tatiana replied, but the Butterfly wasn’t convinced.
“Wasn’t lush savanna of Africa continent enough?” The Butterfly asked.
“I don’t know. I am not an anthropologist,” Tatiana said, “why do you want to know?”
“I find organics drive for expansion and exploration fascinating. As a machine, just built to explore, I know my purpose, but I don’t know why you explore.”
“If you want a purely logical explanation, it’s basic biology,” replied T’Mera, “See, we procreate to preserve our kind, this increases our population. Increasing our population means we need newer places to live where there are more resources.”
“But how do you account for environmental impact?” asked the Butterfly.
“We don’t… or we didn’t for a long time,” Tatiana replied, “See, for a long time, our planet was ravaged by rampant industrialization without even considering environmental impacts. This is one of the most important reasons why we considered exploring the galaxy in the first place.
The Butterfly recorded those data and continued its observation.
The civilization was strange, from UEC Science Ship, H.M.S. Leonhard Euler, captain Cohen contacted the mothership Juggernaut; “Hey, Captain Probir, you there?”
“Yes, what’s the matter?” Probir replied.
“See, there is a strange energy signature coming from the 5th type K orange dwarf, from 36 lightyears away. I think either something is inhibiting the star’s energy output, or something is obscuring the light. I gotta check this out,” said Captain Cohen.
“Take Sam and T’Yer with you. They can help you. Oh, also keep the com channel open. I don’t want you to get into any trouble… on second thought, take one of the cruisers,” said Probir. He was a bit cautious since it was an alien galaxy.
The Butterfly said to Tatiana, “What do you think about that organic… people?”
“They remind me of our past, especially, our enlightenment era. There are some similarities to this society. Look at their infrastructures and compare those with the early earth infrastructures, you’ll see remarkable similarities,” Tatiana replied, to which T’Mera asked, “But why though?”
Suddenly they had a mystery on their hand that they had to solve, and this time, they could not show them their true face.
16 hours had passed, and the powerful cameras were trying to discern their appearance so that Dr Leonard could graft their appearance like the locals. However, there was another problem, it was language, the looks could be copied, but to get the language, there could be only one way to get their languages, which was to land on the planet and record, then get a linguist to analyze the language. There was also another problem, which was hand gestures, tones and other things that supplements the language. An example would be for humanoids, like humans, shaking left hands with Sagittarian would be considered as an invitation to fight to the death for the honour, however, if the handshaking was from a human male to a Sagittarian female, it would be considered as an insult to their family and for the married couple, it would have been considered as divorce. While the away team was trying to find a solution, the team with H.M.S. Leonhard Euler was nearing the energy signature. With the science vessel, Euler, there was a technical cruiser called, H.M.S. Scott is a massive cruiser with enough firepower to destroy an entire planetary crust. The cruiser was shielding the science vessel.
“There, the energy is coming from there, right on the 4th planet. Let’s see what’s there,” T’Yer managed to isolate some of the energy sources. 2 ships finally reached the planet, around 1000 light-seconds away and assumed a geostationary orbit.
“Analysis,” asked the captain.
“It’s a garden planet, very similar to the earth. There are several ruined structures on it and they are transmitting that signal,” replied Sam.
Sam, being drunk most of the time, the first time sober had a hard time controlling his mind. He looked at the planetary map by squinting his eyes and tried too hard not to mistype to record the planetary position.
“Why does every single planet we get are either decimated and ruined or devoid of lives?” sighed the captain. He was petting his massive husky which was sitting beside him.
“The reason is the light cone,” said Sam, “See, we think we are the centre of every event, but what we are missing is, how big the space is, and how slow the light is…”
“Thank you, I too teach theoretical physics at the University of Alioth,” said the captain, who was actually a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Alioth. His ancestors were holocaust survivors. He was relocated to the Alioth System and settled on Alioth-6, the sector capital of that space. His parents were inspired by the great scientist Carl Sagan and taught him math from a very early age. He had a decent life, in fact too decent. He was the only child and was overprotected by his parents. He of course hated it and tried to find his own self within the equations and conjectures of mathematics. He was a very bad communicator though and for that, he had to face very serious consequences, for example, he got his 1st job in his 30s and he never managed to talk to the members of the opposite gender. He hated everything slow and he was extremely restless. When he was 40, he was promoted to the chief physicist of the university.
He was never married and when he was in his 40s, his parents desperately tried to marry him off to a wealthy woman, but with the news of his promotion, he got an offer to captain that science ship. He took it, saying, “I was under overprotected parents, couldn’t manage to do anything, now I want to be truly free.”
Of course, his parents, who were in their 90s didn’t like it, but he didn’t listen, he hired some nurses to look after them, and paid those nurses 20 years’ worth of salary, saying, “I don’t care what’s behind me, but I do love who’s behind me. I will forever love them, but at least, I cannot be looked down upon by society for abandoning my parents.”
Professor Cohen took 4 years’ worth of training and finally, joined the fleet. He was socially awkward, he never brought himself to command others with a commanding voice and even in his command situation, he was facing indecision. He never mingled with his crews and stayed alone, spending the rest of the time watching his favourite programs from the old earth station, called the BBC, getting drunk by drinking very strong alcohol and playing videogames… in his 50s. He was an ultimate recluse. He resented the fact that he wasted his entire life, “Not enjoying” while other people enjoyed their life, but when he looked at the book, “A Deep Analysis of Fermat’s Last Theorem,” written by Andrew Chang in 2100, there was something he felt, not the deep resentment, not something about lost love that he could have been with, but an urge to explore the unknown, how big the universe was, or even if there were something beyond that 4-dimensional space-time, maybe something only mathematics can prove. His mind became clear, it was like a spiritual sense. Of course, he had a best-ish friend who sometimes spoke to him, but every time they spoke, the conversation steered towards advanced geometry. To him, there was nothing in life… or maybe there was something that he couldn’t express, maybe it was impossible to express.
He was also a fan of piloting starships, in fact, he was so fanned of operating machines that initially he wanted to be the starship’s helmsman, not the captain, the reason was, that the captain just made the decision, but the helmsman had the joy of flying the ship. His parents didn’t want that because they were overprotective, and he resented this the most.
He looked at the screen, it was still showing some old structures. “Zoom in and clear the image, I want to know what’s that,” he awkwardly said. He wanted a commanding tone, but it sounded like he was irritated by something.
“Aye sir,” T’Yer acknowledged and cleared the image.
It was a huge structure with very distinctive hexagonal shapes. By the look of it, it looked like a nest hive. The computer determined that the size of those hexagonal compartments was smaller than the size of average room humans.
“We should go and check,” said the captain while getting out of his chair.
“Captain, we will go,” said T’Yer, “I require one of your archaeological, logistical and a tactical team.”
“Oh, okay, I forgot, I am the bloody captain and I cannot personally go there. Morons designed the rules,” monologued the captain and then shouted, “lieutenant, find an archaeological, logistical and tactical team ready and send them.”
Lieutenant Theo Nael was a very understanding officer who actually understood the captain quite well. He prepared an away team and sat beside the captain, petting his dog, and asked, “Captain, did you see the picture of the nebula I’ve taken while coming here?” then he showed the picture of a nebula on the screen. He looked at the nebula and said, “It’s an emission nebula, isn’t it, son? Just look at the pattern here, it looks like a Mandelbrot set. I love it...” he kept looking at the picture for some times and finally said, “Too bad, we cannot touch it.”
“I’m sorry, captain? Yes, you can touch it, we can scoop some dust particles if you want,” tried to say Nael.
“No, son, not like that. I’m not saying that. Okay, close your eyes, and imagine,” said the captain.
“Yes, captain,” he closed his eyes, but the captain insisted, “Not like that, focus on your mind, try to imagine, there is nothing, completely dark. Absolutely nothing, it’s pitch black. Now think, there are some distant stars, twinkling. In front of you, suspended in space is the dark emission nebula, small enough to fit in your palm. You can touch the nebula, you can hold it like a paperweight and look at it, rotate it and even feel it.”
The Lieutenant was stunned and somewhat amazed to think about that. He was in fact trying to rotate the “Nebula” and suddenly came to his senses. He quickly composed himself and said, “Captain, thank you for the sensation. Permission to speak freely.”
“Granted,” said the captain.
“I want to sit with you for the math lesson. I am a tactical officer who tried to love mathematics, but my family has a long tradition of military service, so I couldn’t,” Nael requested.
“Absolutely, my son. Tonight, after this assignment, come to my room, we will start with linear algebra.” The captain smiled.
Related Chapters
The Butterfly The Exploration
While Captain Cohen was monitoring the situation, T'Yer, Sam and 3 teams landed on the planet and they immediately understood that the planet was not optimised for the humanoid species. Everything was designed for somewhat burrowing creatures. A senior member of the archaeological team was taking measurements of doors and corridors and they were very short but rooms were longer than any humanoids. Rooms were looking like insect hives.There was a computer console in the corner of the room. The reason why it looked like a computer console was that to the sensors, it was emitting strong electrical signals. A member of the Tactical team looked at the thing and it contained several layers of electronic circuits and the electrical connection led to something that could be called a computer central processing unit. The console had 2 holes. An anthropologist decided that those burrowing creatures had several longer limbs which they inserted and used similar to a keyboard and mouse, as humans
The Butterfly The Exploration Part 2
Captain Cohen was monitoring the progress of the away team and trying to make sense of the situation. It looks like an insectoid species lived there and they later moved to another planet or may be extinct. However, the extinction hypothesis was not seriously taken. The reason was, that there was no evidence for that. After several hours of exploring the surface of the planet, finally, Sam and his team managed to find out another faint energy signature to the north of the planet. The team moved there with a shuttle and discovered a ruined structure. It was even larger than the previous structure, but this structure looked different from other structures. It also had a long winding of electrically conductive materials burrowed down the ground. The team scanned and it was a coil gun, pointed toward the space.“Planetary Defense System?” asked T'Yer.“Not likely,” replied an archaeologist, “If these were planetary defence systems, the projectiles would have some of the best rides in the g
The Butterfly Exploration Part 3
The room was a lab of some sort. The team tried to find out from where those genetic signs were radiating. They finally got a glimpse of the true size of the insectoid aliens. There were several exoskeletons in the room and each exoskeleton was the same size as an adult human. The more pressing concern of the team was that the exoskeletons had varying degrees of cybernetic implants in them.The team finally discovered an intact computer, so they powered it up. With the help of some exoskeletons, the team managed to operate the computer. It had a map of a star system to where the team finally pointed the ship.The star system was 15 light years away. The team with the ship jumped there.That was not a star system. It was something beyond the imagination of most of the Sagittarian crews. It was a Dyson Shell. Around 550 million earth could fit inside. The shell was made out of something unknown materials.When the team jumped to the system, a strange tractor beam-like thing was holding t
The Butterfly The Observation
The drone was moved to another town. The Butterfly was moving the drone in a manner that looked like an old man. But captain Probir wanted to visit the planet by himself. It was still difficult for him to land because it was dangerous.Probir ordered the drone to move to a quiet place, out of the town and decided that he, himself would land. He took a shuttle and landed right beside the waiting drone.Probir, although a very capable starship captain, lacked the personality of being a captain, a showy personality with a very high level of charisma. He only cared about his next mission, and by doing that, he distanced himself from the others. Even his first officer couldn't predict his next move, not because the captain wanted not to predict, but because he was not like clockwork, like the other captains.He always thought of himself as an observer, observing everything without interfering. The reason was, from his childhood, he was an observer, always keeping to himself and observing.
The Butterfly The Observation Part 2
Captain Probir finished his song, looking towards the distant horizon, his mind was somewhere else.“Captain, what’s the meaning of this song?” asked the Butterfly.“It’s complicated. See, the song was written by a monk-song writer and poet who searched for spirituality around 700 years ago. The mystical village he was talking about was the soul. The soul, which we still don’t know if it exists or not,” said the captain, “You see, we have 2 schools of thought. One believes that there is something called a soul within every one of us. It operates us, just like your operating system. The second school of thought was they believe that there is nothing called a soul. We do not observe this soul and we have no physical evidence for it.”“What do you believe in, captain?” asked the Butterfly.“Me? I believe what is scientifically proven. Our consciousness is the result of the emergence property of our neurons. I think, this emergence property is called a soul,” replied the captain.“But my
The Butterfly The Observer
“How did you know about AI?” Captain asked for the 3rd time. That time, the drone and the captain dragged Nicolas into a nearby wood for questioning. While despite being an alien, Nicolas was nowhere near strong enough to overpower the drone. “I am not going to tell you,” replied Nicolas, “I’ve seen you, descending from the sky. You are not one of us.” “But I mean you no harm. Please tell me how you know about the AI,” Probir asked. This time, he was angry. Nicholas was staring at the captain like an idiot. His facial expression suggested that he was not in a hurry, yet he was not happy about the entire “dragging into the wood” business. “I will not tell,” for the last time, he told, before he turned towards the river and lay down. He was acting strangely. Probir and the Butterfly stood up and communicated with the ship, “This is the captain, I need a neural suppressor.” He wanted to wipe his memories. He was not so sure if it would work. “What is that,” asked Nicholas. “I will
The Butterfly The Observer Part 2
“I am an observer. I observe things,” said a very deep mechanical voice. “Observer? What do you observe?” Probir was annoyed more than curious. He absolutely hated the so-called monolithic civilization culture. “I observe civilizations, life, anything that is interesting to me,” replied the thing called Nicolas, “My origin is beyond your understanding. I am, you may say, beyond time and space, yet I’m not omnipotent or omniscient.” Probir said, “Looks like you are in a higher dimension anyway. So, so it’s reasonable to…” before finishing, the observer said, “No. I am not what you think I am. I have seen many lives come into existence and extinguish and I have collected so much data that your universe would not be able to handle any of that. It’s more than Graham’s number, it’s more than your universe could handle.” Probir said, “Okay, tell me your origin. I will comprehend,” he wanted to know. “My origin is out of time. Countless times the universe went into the big rip, big crunc
The Butterfly The Observer Part 3
The observer stopped for a bit and said, “I am to be frank tired of living. I have seen everything there to be seen. Immortality makes me tired.” To which the Butterfly then said, “Observer, I am immortal too. I think immortality is a gift you should not cast away.”“I know what you are going to say. You will say, there are many things to see and learn. But I have spent so many for so long times that I have seen events recurring in an exactly similar fashion. You cannot even begin to imagine how long I am being alive. There is nothing new to observe,” replied the observer.“Do you want to die?” asked Prbir without even a single drop of hesitation.“I… I don’t know. I have seen many deaths, but I could never bring myself to think about my own death,” replied the observer, “however as an observer who saw the death and destruction of the entire universe a countless number of times, I am tempted to see this. I will require you to disconnect my dark matter reactor from my mainframe. I cann
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The Festival (The Celebration)
The butterfly was restarted and as per Sam's request, it stopped its wings to flap around. The only thing it did was made an enormous foghorn-style sound which nearly deafened the technicians around 3 miles radius. Sam was inside of the butterfly when it started its massive 8 reactor cores. it was amazing to see the restarting sequence of a beast, also Sam felt very small, the ingenious and advancement of the species did not save them from just simply Vitamin deficiency.The Settlement Festival was a 7 days long celebration. For the first couple of days, people had to eat field rations to signify the struggles of the first people who settled on the land. The slow and consistent humming of the machine's interior made Sam a bit annoyed, but he kept it to himself. He then went to the bridge, where the chair was awaiting him. The bridge of the butterfly was a cold and dark place, the temperature was around 2 degrees Celcius. Sam wore his winter dress. He sat there and touched the com pane
The Festival (A mindgame)
Sam sat down on his bed, it was harder than his bed on the ship, the reason was, his bed was made of stacks of books and journals and a bedsheet covered it. He took out a book from underneath the bed, it was about xeno-biology. Slowly, he opened the book and saw some hazy doodling on it."It can't be!" he exclaimed. His hand was shaking and his eyes were wide open. He was searching for something. He then stood up and opened another book, this time, it was about the history of the UEC."No!" he was upset by the fact that the book was hazy and strangely written. The butterfly asked why was he very upset about it."Look, I can imagine things way better than anyone else, I can visualize things, imagine things and make connections better than all the fat cats like the captain Probir and Cohen. This room, you are seeing? It's my visualization, it's my imagination. Trust me, if I see a book is hazy, I will know that something is definitely wrong," he desperately tried to open the closed wind
The Festival
While emotionally involving someone or something can be gratifying, the practical implication of it was problematic. As per Cohen's request, the Butterfly was involved in the party, but how would it participate at the party was a major concern. The engineers and technicians repaired its wings. The actuators were worn off, but some of the actuator fluids were only available in the largest shipyards and they were used for deep crust mining robot arms. The fluids the creators of the butterfly used were very alien, but one thing it had was an ability to self-replication, in the UEC space self-replicating technology is very controlled, but not outright banned. The philosophy of the UEC was "if we ban things, we won't know enough to safely use them."UEC ship, H.M.S. Alan Turing was assigned to go to the Earth after the settlement festival. Captain Probir volunteered to stay with the main team, to "cheer the colonists" however deep down, his motivation was to oversee the construction of the
The Festival
After the difficult landing, the Butterfly was temporarily shut down. It was ready to accept whatever service the UEC engineers and technicians could render to help its wings. However, the works never stopped on the planet RA. 2 massive tractor beam emitters held the massive Dimensional Displacement Gateway above the planet. The problem was that in space, nothing is stationary, so the long tractor beams which were rotating with the planet's rotations exert an enormous amount of energy, it's like attaching something to a rope and swinging. To overcome this, the UEC engineers created a shield bubble which effectively lowered the weight of the massive gateway and made the structure a rigid part of the planet.The colonists were getting ready to start their new life. The process might sound very romantic, but from a logistical point, it was a nightmare. The minerals, mined from the moon and refined by H.M.S. Isambard Kingdom Brunel were turned into construction materials, especially metal
A Difficult Landing.
Lieutenant Jeremy took my helm to guide me to land on the RA. A massive task for me, because I was built to survey planets while being in the orbit of the planet. I was not worried about the hull damage, but during my flights with my creators, one scientist told my commander not to land in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, because the exhaust plasma can burn up the atmosphere. I mentioned it to the engineer who took care of my wing. He set up a cooling adapter to my exhaust port that cooled down the hot plasma and recycled it into liquid helium and hydrogen. Later those hydrogen and helium would have been transported to human facilities where hydrogen was used in energy generations helium was used for scientific experiments.I was ready to glide down. My helm officer Jeremy was there, guiding me, he was a very talented pilot. He was born in space, from age 7, he started space capsule racing and at the age of 18, he won the United Formula-S championship. He was perhaps the most experienced p
Childhood, maybe?
When Sam was gone, Tatiana invited T'Mera into my bridge and they wanted to test my new upgrades, and for the first time, I had a drive that could jump 70 lightyears. The geostationary orbital height of the planet was very busy because of how many ships were unloading their populations on the planet. Especially the civilian ships were very busy. Shuttles were zipping around the massive cruisers and around my wings to get to their destinations."Let's go somewhere interesting. Let's go to the ringworld we've found around 300 lightyears away. You need 5 jumps to go and then we will be there," T'Mera said to me. She was not very anxious to be on a ship with an experimental drive. So, I asked her, "Aren't you just a little bit curious?""Nope, I trust you," replied T'Mera. Truly, I had a hard time processing the idea of trust. It was a very organic thing. So, I stopped thinking about it and plotted the course to the ringworld."Drive core engaged," a noise came to my ear. Really? Did the
I was trying to run a diagnostics on my central drive core. It was glowing red hot right after the modification. The computer didn't give any mod rejection notice, and the new modification fit like a pair of gloves. Within 4 seconds, the drive system radiated a massive amount of gamma radiation. Thankfully Sam shoved Tatiana out of the lab and he jumped out of the lab before the explosion. After the explosion, Sam and Tatiana returned to the lab. The massive radiation would have killed them both. I helped them to open a computer terminal where Sam could work."What the hell?" Sam exclaimed. He was looking at some strange data they weren't there before the modifications.""I can scan them and find out what are those," I offered to help. Since my firewalls are significantly updated to deal with any threats. Sam agreed, so I opened the dataset and scanned it one time.Suddenly, everything went dark. I could not find myself anywhere. I also had no point of reference. Then I lost conscious
"Audio data record, Butterfly... or whatever the aliens from the other galaxy call me, whatever the time is. It's a log. I cannot organize my internal chronometer to tell when am I. I'm recording this audio log because I have managed to squeeze some free time off from my busy schedule from visiting here and there. But I have to agree, that going here and there was a good stretching of my wings and drive system. The UEC upgraded my drive system by adding one more component and I requested them not to replace my old drive system which was really necessary for a short burst of FTL drive for course correction." I had to enter the log for a reason that most biological organisms cannot understand.I was in the orbit of the planet RA from there, the planet looked like a glowing ball of light. The ice was reflecting lights. My drive system was being re-engineered by Sam and Tatiana. They seemed like well rested. I never thought I would push the memories of my creators into archives, to say in
Founding a New Home
The UEC fleet finally settled on a planet they named "Roald Amundsen" or RA as initials. The planetary naming convention of the UEC followed a standard procedure. Planets were named according to their functions and classes. The naming convention followed a set of rules;1. Earth-like planets were called Garden Planet. If any UEC member first land and claim the planet, it was named after explorers, pioneers and vanguards.2. Natural Moons that were landed and claimed were named after the coordinates of the host planet and with added letters according to the orbital line. An example would be the moon of the earth would be known as SOL-001/1-03-A. There, the SOL part indicated the Sol system, the 001 part meant the home system of the UEC, /1 meant the 1st star, 03 meant the 3rd planet and the A meant the 1st moon. So, the tidally locked 2nd moon of Proxima b was known as SOL-002/2-01-B. So, SOL-002 was the Alpha Centauri system, /2 meant it was the 2nd star, 01 meant it was the 1st plane