Related Chapters
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer Interlude II: A God Rebuffed
A small glimpse...⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛"Heather! Wait!"Dio shouted as his date all but ran away from him, her body language betraying her own awkwardness and shame at her previous actions. The COO grit his teeth as he can only watch his subject disappear through the bar's exit. This was not what he had planned for this evening! Can he-"Your orders..." Their previous waiter announced, before tapering off as he realized that the COO was now alone in his table. "sir..""Tch." The miffed COO stewed in his seat, too perplexed at what just happened to him. "I'll foot the bill."Mechanically, the businessman pulled out his credit card, simply not caring about the large amounts of food that were still in the waiter's hands. Wh
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer IV.I Old Friends
Time moves forward...⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛A chilly Saturday afternoon greeted the red-haired teacher as she tugged on the sleeves of her usual white cloth jacket. While walking the long stretch of road that was the University Belt wasn't exactly her ideal scenario of reaching her destination, the weather was at least pleasant enough that she won't sweat for the few minutes of brisk walking that was currently required of her."Tch. Another accident down the road I assume."Heather clicked her tongue as she continued to trail the reason for her slowly aching feet. It wasn't a common occurrence, but traffic tended to build up fast whenever some sort of accident happened down the way. Noting that her taxi wasn't moving anytime soon, the teacher elected to simply walk for the rest of her brief journey; getting out just before h
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer IV.II Old Friends
The pair were currently seated right in front of the counter of the bar side of the Sun and Moon. Often called the Velvet Room by its bartender and owner, its cool atmosphere and delicious drinks made it a popular drinking spot for both young and old alike. And while it also served the city's more... 'unsavory' clientele, it didn't stop Heather from appreciating its velvety blue charm whenever she actually decided to go for a round of drinks. It also helped that the owner was a mutual friend of theirs."You broke my door.""I most certainly did not, Soap! Don't make me pay for it!"And right now, it was certainly a good thing that they were pretty close acquaintances with said owner.Heather can't help but put a palm on her forehead as she watched Liz frantically sign her way out of her own stupid stunt, with their silver-haired bartender
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer IV.III Old Friends
"So," Liz started, her voice now weaker than it already was before the night started. "Ready to talk about it?""As ready as I'll ever be."Heather nursed what she counted to be her 5th glass as she contemplated on how to break the news that she actually went on a date last night. While the two older women were people that she could trust with her life if push came to shove, she didn't exactly want the endless teasing that would undoubtedly spring forth from the discussion the next time they met up again."Promise me both that you'll never make fun of what I'm about to say." The redhead demanded, but she knew deep inside that she's pleading more than anything."Of course." Soap affirmed, a serious tone coloring her voice. "It's only proper.""You know that I'm the very image of confidentiality." Liz seemingly
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer IV.IV Old Friends
To both of their credit, Liz and Soap merely blinked at the revelation of her date's identity; their expressions still as serious as they had been before they had the information. Heather briefly observed them both, determining whether or not they had any questions for her.The silence between them was the only indicator she needed for her to continue."He- How should I say this... propositioned me? On a visit during my school's Foundation Day." Heather recounted, arms crossed under her chest as she felt the curious gaze of her friends land on her face. "He was apparently a principal sponsor and thus invited to give an opening speech on the first day.""Huh. Interesting." The blonde stroked her braid with her left hand as the other stayed put on the right side of her choker. "Quite a surprise considering he's not one for humble celebration."<
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer Interlude III: A Silent Promise
A small glimpse...&nbs
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer V.I Respite
Time moves forward...
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer V.II Respite
"What were you thinking?!"
Latest ChapterA Word from your Author
It's over! It's finally over!- E-eherm..Well wasn't this a trainwreck of a story.Heartstrings was supposed to be over well over a month ago. If it weren't for an arbitrary chapter and word count requirement, as well as poor planning, this thing would've been done in just over 80 to 90k words just like its predecessor. Now, at the very least, I had some takeaways from writing this thing, so do keep in mind that this serves as both a gigantic author's note and as a reflection for me to read as well.Let's get started, shall we?I never expected to write this kind of story in the first place; one that involved CEO bullshit that I always saw dominating the recommended pages of literary sites. In fact, this tale wasn't even on the master timeline that I always referred to in my note. It just... materialized in my head, per
The Flow of Time
Time moves forward. And while this tale slowly comes to an end, their stories continue on their own...⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛A new dawn... A new day...Another day of her miraculous third shot at a normal life.*"Top stories tonight; the Alexandria Heir's killer still at large, Kardia's impact, and the 2016 Mollucan National Elections."*Walking across her living room, one Heather Littman ignored the blaring news coverage being shown on her TV in favor of brewing a small cup of tea. Repeatedly dipping the tea bag in her mug, the English teacher wistfully sighed as she checked the date on the calendar."First week of March, huh..." the red-haired teacher muttered to herself as she sipped on her common beverage. "Summer's almost here..."&n
XVII.VI Confrontation
"Goodbye, Dio. And good riddance."Charlie couldn't believe it. Ms. Littman actually defeated the monster! She was so strong! He had been hiding behind the crates despite hearing his homeroom teacher's voice, but he had been watching the fight go on from the sidelines...And it was so cool!He didn't know why Ms. Littman started acting the way she did, but it just made her more badass as she went along and hit the old man right on the legs and arms! If he wasn't safe when she just showed up, then he was essentially home free once she downed the man entirely.He could finally go home! Lina actually got help!With a goofy smile on his face, Charlie finally emerged from his hiding spot in favor of getting to his beloved teacher's side. She'll be so surprised when he shows up with minimal injuri
XVII.V Confrontation
It was going so well!*WHOOSH!*At one moment, he was in complete, and total control. His subject was clearly terrified; holding onto a piece of metal pipe like her life depended on it. She was flustered, stuttering even! The revelation of his side-activities even seemed to put her more off-balance as he made his approach!*WHOOSH! WHOOSH!*Then all of a sudden, his subject swung the pipe at him, clearly aiming for his head! Even now, he was doing his best to dodge as he carefully backed away from the blushing woman. Did he do something wrong?*WHOOSH! CLANG!*A resounding clang echoed throughout the warehouse as his subject's pipe collided with a stray metal cabinet. Any other woman would've been hurting if their arms rattled with such a force, but Dio could only watch as his blushing teacher simply went on like nothing even happened.What was this woman made of?"Why are you running?~" Heather
XVII.IV Confrontation
"Charlie?!"Heather called out to the proverbial ether as she stepped inside the suspiciously lit warehouse. With every intrepid step, her instincts screamed at her to always look behind her back, and she was more than ready to heed its advice.'Keep an eye out...'Nodding to herself as she fully entered the building, the teacher noted the surprisingly chilly air within, as well as the open lights that illuminated the area. It was clear that the warehouse was currently being used."Charlie?"Delving deeper into the warehouse, she couldn't help but feel that danger was just around the corner; her heart hammering with excitement as she cautiously turned another corner. Her right hand itched with anticipation; practically nagging at her to take some sort of makeshift weapon with her in case the
XVII.III Confrontation
He was late. Livid, and late."BRAT!"Dio found himself screaming in anger just as he finished checking the time on his phone. It was already past seven, and he had yet to do the things that he wanted to do for the day. He hadn't dumped his refuse out of his car, he hadn't made headway on his later responsibilities, he hadn't even begun trying to tie up another loose end that he had to shut up.For fuck's sake, he could go on!*CRASH! CRASH!*He never managed to eat his breakfast at six, take a shower at six-thirty, or even read the newspaper by this time of day. His entire day was already thrown off schedule with this minor stunt, but it would be totally thrown off the window if the brat continued to evade his ire.*CRASH! THUD!*"Fu
XVII.II Confrontation
"Yoohoo!~ Mr. Dio?~"It had been a few minutes since Helly had begun her search on the massive place that was the Alexandria Docks. The constant walking was uncharacteristically getting her feet sore despite being relatively short, but she supposed that that was because she hadn't done some long-distance walking in good a while."Anybody here?~"It was kind of nostalgic, to be quite honest; doing some basic searching for someone that she absolutely loathed. Quite the thrill, especially after years of boring schoolwork and teaching.'We love teaching...'But it never compared to the rush and satisfaction of removing scum off the streets~ She knew in the back of her mind that her rationale was screaming at her to stop, but her right hand was just aching to be let loose on someone that truly de
XVII.I Confrontation
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