chapter 17. Jack the life savior

Kyle started breaking sweat, Mr. Richard has stopped breathing. He had perform CPR on him thinking that would help him, but he made it worst and Mr. Richard has stopped breathing.

"what the hell have you done!, you have killed Mr. Richard!", The bodyguard shrieked in shocked and motioned to others to gripped him.

"I... I don't kill him, he passed out by himself!, please, I did nothing to him",He immediately pleaded, His voice already Shakey.

"I told you not to touch him, look what you have done, you will be killed, there is no any way out", the bodyguard hauled.

Kyle faced mike, "Please help me, Mr. Richard died on his own!".

Mike sneered, "When you know you can't save him, you should have not intervene".

Emily wanted to intervene but Ms. Paulina whispered at her , "Don't say anything, it will only spoil your reputation, let him face it alone".

Kyle looked around, his lungs screaming for help, and his shirt is already soak with sweat.

{chosen one!, He is not dead}.

The low soot
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