Somewhere in the boundless waters of the Larpotian Sea, the Serenity fleet continued moving at a leisurely pace through the sea waters.

At this moment, the white-bearded old man who now stood inside his cabin, looking out through the window at the sea raised his head slightly to look up as the familiar portal appeared before him.

An ethereal voice that struck directly at the soul reverberated.

“Master, the task is completed- the enemy is dead. In the process, I discovered his secret, he is a Necromancer and the Shapeshifter Vice Admiral helped him”.

“He appeared in a strange Wraith form, this is how he looked”.

Immediately as he heard that and saw the soul picture depicted before him, the old man’s deep eyes constricted slightly as thoughts went through his head. A necromancer with a doppelganger with such strength.

He knew no one else but him who could fit into this position.


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