Along the sea waterways leading to the relatively unknown Naga Island, a fleet of 4 ships moved through the waters straight in the direction of the island.

Though all 4 ships were made from wood, they had a certain ferocity and majesty to them that was attractive and could strike a sense of awe.

In the periphery regions of the Island, 2 small boats moved in the water as a group of fishermen engaged in combined fishing. When they saw the 4 ships coming from the distance, they were shocked.

Fear gripped their hearts, but they did not hesitate to leave their fishing equipment behind as they rapidly switched on the boats’ engines to flee towards the island.

As soon as they docked beside the new makeshift harbor at a certain part of the island, they got down and immediately started running towards the settlement town on the island.

Compared to before, a makeshift watchtower made from wood was already built in the 4 vantage points of the island.

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