After the high-level battle between Morales’s group and the mad witch ended, things became a lot easier for everyone.

All of them suffered various degrees of injuries, with Tigerclaw and Bigfoot suffering the most. Morales surprisingly suffered the least injuries despite being the focus of the mad witch’s attack a few times.

As they settled down, this was when they finally asked for the identity of the green-haired Esper. Morales intended to ask in a civilized way, but a brainless fellow beat him to it.

“Who are you?” Bigfoot blurted out after wiping away the blood on his lips as he sized up the green-haired fellow.

“During the battle, you showed off some nice strength. How about we spar a bit? I hope you’re not a scaredy-cat like Morales”.


The room suddenly descended into a chilly silence as everyone subconsciously inclined their head to look at the green-haired fellow, their mouths opened wide.

“Is your brain so much filled with lead that you can no longer recognize a grade E superhuman powerhouse?” Morales felt like attacking this- big fist small brain Bigfoot immediately, but he held himself back.

They were all relieved after noticing that the man did not take any offense in the question. Instead, he smiled good-naturedly and quickly summarized who he was to them.

“My name is Foster”.

Morales already recognized him when he came as he was the prisoner who he saw during his previous escape, but he still pricked his ears to know his real identity.

They were surprised as according to him, he was the brother of their companion, Lionel.

Though they haven’t established any layer of friendship between themselves yet, this man surprisingly told them everything about himself.

He was from a family of 3 boys. He was the eldest, Lionel was the next, and there was the last born, Elliot.

According to him, their lastborn was kidnapped by a group of slave traders, so he and Lionel embarked on a rescue journey. Due to an unexpected accident, he was separated from Lionel.

After a lot of ups and downs, he finally traced his youngest brother to this dungeon. Unfortunately, as Shasha said, they already transferred him to a more dangerous dungeon.

After they knew his identity, Morales and the others finally softened up to him. They quickly got set to leave the room to help the others, they could still hear the rumbling sounds of an ongoing battle.

Under the leadership of the green-haired Esper, they all rushed back to the main hall where a fierce battle was still raging, and joined the fray without any second thoughts.

With their addition, the delicate balance of the battlefield was finally tilted in the favor of the attackers.

In not more than 15 minutes, all traces of dungeon guards were wiped out of the surface of the dungeon. Not a single soul was left behind by the guards, the vengeful prisoners vented all their frustration in a go.

Despite this vengeful sweep, they still obeyed Morales’s orders and left the guard with the highest rank that was only below the dungeon protectors alive for him to interrogate.

Morales rubbed his hands in anticipation as he went to meet the still stubborn guard. At last, after enduring for months, he could finally get some knowledge about the background of the body that he possessed.

Since he transmigrated into this world, he only knew that he was a descendant of Clifford which was clearly inadequate information, he wanted to know more.

With Nightwing’s help, the stubborn guard resisted his unconventional interrogation techniques for only 5 minutes before succumbing. Morales finally had access to all the information that he needed.

Even though he already mentally prepared himself, the information that he just got still shocked the hell out of him.

Not only him, but all his companions were also shocked as they now started looking at him in a completely new light. Some of them even showed scared expressions, his background was far more formidable than he thought.

A lot of things went through his mind as he processed all the information that was just dumped at him.

His system interface also lit up at this moment, flashing a notification.


[D-Rank Mission completed successfully: Discover the one who wants you dead.]

200,000 experience gained

Mission completion rate: 58%

Bonus reward:  80,000 experience gained

Special mission requirements failed: Kill all dungeon protectors of the underground dungeon.


Seeing the wonderful rewards that he got from the mission, his mood brightened up a bit. The fact that he did not fulfill the special mission requirements did not faze him at all, he was staring at an experience goldmine.

He guessed that his mission completion rate soured up to 58% because he was the one who drafted all the plans for the attack. That was some considerable contribution.

He wanted to find a quiet place to think of the consequence of the information that he just got, but he knew that he had to settle all these escapees that followed him here first.

During the time that the last guard was being interrogated, under the leadership of the mischievous Tigerclaw, the dozens of escapees already went and scoured around the whole dungeon for loot.

After Morales snapped out of his daze, he joined them as they did a thorough sweep of the dungeon, leaving it naked at the end of the day.

Their harvest was fairly bountiful. Though it was not as much as what they got from the mining base where they slaved, this was still a considerable amount of loot.

Morales was not stingy; he distributed the loot equally between all the survivors to appease them. It was a sacrifice that they made to follow him here, and he was grateful for it.

After dividing and sharing all the loot, every one of the survivors used various means to carry theirs away.

They all left the underground dungeon shortly after. Just like in the mining base, this was not a location that they should stay at for long. Reinforcements were probably already rushing here to get them.

Due to the hastiness of the situation, Morales no longer had the luxury to give the escapees a special appreciation speech.

They already became free men, and it was time to go back to their various home cities. He quickly thanked them before letting them go on their way.

The prisoners that were just rescued also expressed thanks to him profusely before leaving, they were now freemen also. After all these, Morales finally turned to his 5 closest companions.

Though the familiarity of old was still there, he could still feel that his companions now looked at him in a different light after knowing his identity.

Bigfoot was nonchalant as usual. Tigerclaw was excited, Hero was calm but his eyes kept flickering with unknown emotions in them, Nightwing was quiet, Lionel had a complicated expression on his face.

“I never knew that you came from such a big background. What happened actually?” Lionel hesitated but he still asked in the end.

“I don’t know, I think I was attacked and I bashed my head or something. I can’t remember anything”. Morales lied with a straight face.

“Well, I think this version of you is better. A compassionate young noble is always better than his arrogant counterparts. Keep this up and I can promise you that you will reach great heights in the future”.

Foster added after his brother with a genuine smile on his face.


You have received favor in the sight of the grade E superhuman: Telekinesis master Foster.

Favorability has increased by +10

Current relationship: Friendly [10/20]


Seeing this, a smile finally broke into Morales’s face. It was definitely a good thing to have a relationship with such a strong powerhouse, there was no harm in making friends.

“What of your brother, how will you look for him? If you have any need for help in the future, don’t hesitate to ask”. He added to kindle the fire.

During his brief stay with Lionel, he already recognized the latter’s talent. Now that he knew that he had a stronger brother and a more talented last born, he was going to tighten his relationship with this family.

“Ok, thanks. If I need your help in the future, I’ll surely ask”. Lionel smiled. “And don’t forget to reciprocate if you ever fall into trouble”.

“Do you even need to ask that?” They all burst out laughing.

“You guys took it so calmly, but I never once dreamt that the Morales I knew was a prince. I’m speechless, really. Should I call you your highness now?” Tigerclaw joked.

“You can call me so if you want, I don’t care though”. Morales laughed.

“Hmph, you’re still nothing but a scaredy-cat to me. A Pugilist that is afraid of sparring, you’re just a piece of shit”. Bigfoot’s rough voice suddenly sounded at this point.

The others ignored him.

“So, what will you do now, Prince Morales?” Nightwing finally asked after silently listening from the side all this while.

“I don’t know, I think I’ll first find a nice Pugilist dojo to train while using the time to probe to know why my life is being sought after”.

“Ok, Goodluck”.

“Thanks for your help Morales. Without you, I previously thought that I would rot in that mining base after I was captured”. Hero also joined the conversation.

“Ok, let’s hope that we meet in the future”. Morales tacitly ended the conversation and stretched his hands outwards with his fists clenched.

The others understood and also stretched their hands to place on top of his.

“Hmph, acting like children. Aren’t you guys ashamed?” Bigfoot snorted but he still placed his hands on top in the end.

They bumped fists before quickly going their various ways. They were not girls, they would not start crying because they were about to separate, that was super cringy.

Morales felt goosebumps thinking of it. “How the hell do girls even do that?”

Well, he didn’t care. Though he felt a little pinch as he separated from his buddies that stayed with him for the past 2 months, he knew that life had to move on.

Now, the first thing that was on his mind was where should he go.

After learning that he was a prince of the main branch of the Clifford family ruling the current planet Beiger, he was shocked. With a huge background came huge problems also.

He knew who owned the dungeon, so he was able to put the pieces together.

The fight for the throne already began and his elder sister clearly targeted him. Shasha was his sister’s best friend, they were 3 childhood friends actually- Melinda, Shasha, and Lucia.

Back then, the players nicknamed the 3 of them the 3 musketeers. Not only were they extremely gorgeous, but they were also incredibly powerful and dangerous.

Now, he had to face these 3 musketeers. His days ahead were clearly ominous. What a transmigrated life this was!


Thanks for reading.

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