After leaving the dungeon, Morales went alone Northwards. As a player who was extremely familiar with this world, he knew almost everywhere and how to navigate all the locations.

Just like he told his companions, he intended to go to the nearest town and get himself admitted into a Pugilist dojo.

In Space World, for all 5 main classes, there are specialized associations that are recognized across the planet where all main class holders are accommodated and trained.

For Pugilists, it is the dojo alliance. The alliance has its roots spread all over the planet, which guaranteed more chances of meeting and accommodating awakened Pugilists.

For Espers, it is the Gene liberation corporation. For Mechanics, it is the Machinery temple. For Psychics, it is the realm of deities corporation, while the throne of magical arcana is for Mages.

The dojo alliance is the biggest among all the 5 main classes associations, this was because the planet was still literally being ruled by the Clifford family.

The Clifford family had no intentions of letting these associations so loose, but they could do nothing as the power currently wielded by them was already too much to casually remove them from their seat of power.

Despite the power that all these associations wielded, the Clifford family was still the undisputed ruler of the planet.

The family utilized the aristocratic system in ruling the planet.

The current ruler of the Clifford family is King Alexander IV. He had only 2 dukes appointed under his rule to help look over his territory, with dozens of Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, and Barons.

The owner of the body that Morales currently occupied was one of the numerous sons of the King. Just like his ancestor, Clifford, the king was a vigorous man who had many wives and concubines.

           The chaos of the royal family started a year ago when the king fell ill. After over a year with no improvement in his health, it was already concluded that he would die.

           This was the catalyst that spurred the current battle for the throne.

           As the king of the planet, the best healers all over the planet were already summoned to attend to him, but they could do nothing to make his situation improve.

           A lot of princes and princesses already mysteriously died since the battle for the throne began, and it seemed that Morales was the next target.

           Among the royal children, not everyone was as incompetent as Morales. There were some fierce ones among them that people already recognized to have better chances of getting the throne.

           The most recognized ones were Princess Melinda, who was after him, Prince Henry, and Prince Arthur. These 3 were the most exceptional of all the king’s children.

           Among the 3 of them, Prince Arthur had a decent background as he was the favorite son of the king. His mother was the king’s favorite, which transferred some of the love to him.

           Princess Melinda had the most formidable background despite not being the king’s favorite or any of those. The daughters of the only 2 dukes of the kingdom were her best friends.

           Lady Shasha was Duke William’s only daughter, while Lady Lucia was the favorite daughter of the Rising sun Duke, Duke Richard.

Among the 3 fiercest competitors, Prince Henry was the only one with a more modest background.

           Just like Morales, he was just one of the countless sons of the king that never attracted his attention. The one thing that separated him from the rest was his talent, he was the strongest heir to the throne.

           At this time, he is still a grade E superhuman just like Shasha, but a dozen Shasha’s cannot take him on if he decided to give his best. His talent made him a fierce competitor.

           Apart from the royal territory that was directly under the control of the royal family, the other parts of the planet were divided by the king and given to his nobles to control.

           The 2 Dukes naturally had the biggest territory, which indirectly translated to military strength. This is why Princess Melinda had the most formidable background, she had the backing of the 2 Dukes.

           “Why didn’t I reincarnate as Prince Arthur, the king’s favorite?” Morales felt like crying when he thought of it.

           If he reincarnated as a commoner, he would have even appreciated it than this empty vessel of a body that he reincarnated on.

           Not only did the owner of the body not give him an advantage in the battle for the throne, but he also left him under the mercy of one of the fiercest competitors, Princess Melinda.

           “What a scam! I want to go back to earth, I was not born for this”.

           Despite his grumbling, he knew that it would not result in anything useful, so he instead decided to become optimistic about his survival chances.

           No matter what happened, he wanted to survive. Not only that, he wanted to find his fellow earthlings to know what really happened that brought them here. If it was the experiment, then the scientists should get ready for his wrath.

           The only thing that came as a relief to him was that the owner of the body that he was occupying was one of the most useless princes, so nobody knew him. As the system said, he was just a spoilt brat without purpose.

           This was the only reason why he decided to locate a Pugilist dojo, no one would recognize him anyway.

           After observing for a while, he already recognized where he currently was. The closest town to this place is the Border town, and that was his destination as he remembered that a dojo was built there.

           The Border town is the territory under the jurisdiction of a Baron under the King, Lord Marvin.

           Though this Baron was under his father, he was confident that no one would recognize him. Even if by mistake someone did, he already had a contingency plan in place to counter it. 

           The associations of the 5 main classes on the planet had real power and influence, sometimes, they even had more governing power than some of the nobles appointed by the king to govern territories.

           If he could get admitted into the Pugilist dojo successfully, he was confident that no one could come and take him away nilly willy.

           He already formed a blueprint in his head. His current plan was to get to the Border town, locate the regional Pugilist dojo, try everything to get admitted, and slowly gather strength.

           And of course, the most important point was to hide away from the subsequent search attempts from his sister. After what he did to the mad witch, he was sure that she would come back looking for him.

           With the help of his system, there was no way that he would not grow stronger. This gave him confidence that the dojo would probably recognize him as a rare talent, and no dojo ignores talents.

           When he got strong enough, this is when he would finally start probing more about the world to know where he stood. He also planned to reveal his identity later, he had no plans of forfeiting the benefits of being a prince.

           After perfecting his blueprint in his head, his confidence finally started soaring. His pace increased subconsciously as his walking speed took a positive leap upwards.

           His journey across the forest was fairly eventful as he encountered 5 mutated beasts. He killed them of course, thereby serving as an additional bank of experience to his stockpile.

           From his slaughter in the mining base, the assassins that were sent after him, the battle in the dungeon, and the D-rank mission that he recently completed, he already harvested a sizeable stockpile of experience.

           He used none of them though. When he finally got himself admitted into a dojo, that is when he would use them all as they would yield him more benefits then.

           He traveled for 2 hours before he finally started seeing the signs of human settlements, indicating that he already reached the town.

           He wiped his body of anything that could indicate that he just came from the forest, used his hands to clean his dark hair of dirt before walking into the boisterous town.

           He quickly blended into the sea of people going about their daily activities.


Time for some world-building, I hope you're enjoying this.

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