As soon as night struck, both Dave and Chloe went to the space at the corner of the room that was designated to them for practicing their techniques and skills.

As Pugilists, almost all their training was associated with the control and use of the body. It seemed just like those weird cultivation depicted in novels to Morales but was much more systematic.

Seeing them go to train, Morales also joined them to act the part. He already confirmed that he could level up through his system’s interface, so there was no need for training normally like others.

Unlike them, the main reason why he went there was just to relax in a comfortable position and check his interface for his current attributes.

He was so hyped up to gauge his current power base after awakening his bloodline.


Name: Morales Clifford

           Race: Human/Space Neonate.

           Model: Mutated NPC.

           Level: 25 [Can proceed with advancement]

           Main Class: Pugilist [Novice]- Lvl. 10/10 [Can proceed with advancement]


           Young Lord- Lvl. 10

           Agent- Lvl. 10

           Health: 820/820

           Stamina: 950/950

           Attributes: STR 42, DEX 25, END 17, INT 6, CHA 14, LUCK 2

           Free attribute points: 29

           Energy: 160 [Lvl. 3]

           Lvl. 1 [10]- [STR +2, DEX +1, END +1, MAX STAMINA +15]

           Lvl. 2 [50]- [STR +3, DEX +2, END +3, MAX STAMINA +50]

           Lvl. 3 [100] …

           Grade: F [Normal Human]


           [You only need a little more growth to reach the Grade E superhuman realm. You now have some strength to your name, but overall, still a spoiled brat.]

[NEW!] Special Race-specific skills:

Space bomb- contraction: You have the ability to compress, squeeze, and contract space, thereby turning it into a giant pressure-killing machine.

Space bomb- detonation: Through your incredible control over space power, you can release bomb-like pressure attacks outwards at opponents.

[Remark: Tear them apart like a bomb!]

Space vision: When activated, you have an omnidirectional view of the world. If you have come into contact with someone before, you can see him/her without any distance restraints.

Energy cost: 10 Energy and Stamina per second.

Race-specific passive ability:

Eye of the Neonate- Encompassing space vision: You can now see by feeling your surrounding space. Your perception is now countless times higher and no one can ambush you without you knowing.

[Remark: You are the lord of the skies.]

You obtained a race specialty:

Space manipulation: You have impeccable innate control over space. Through training, you can have the power to move planets and cut through secondary dimensions.

The space is where you belong, it is your home. While others marvel at the sky in awe, you swim in it.

Renown: 0

Legend: 0

Equipment: Storm Sword.

[You now have some strength and real abilities to your name. You have taken the first step in the journey of becoming a Space Lord.]


As soon as Morales went through his new attributes, his body felt warm with satisfaction. He felt the urge to yell out in excitement but he restrained himself due to his 2 roommates that were around.

A player once said in the game that getting a combination of a main class with a tyrannical race bloodline is the ultimate definition of power.

His health and stamina literally doubled, that was his best gain from this sudden awakening.

Now, he could not agree more with the player’s statement. He was fairly confident that if he went against the dead Chakra alone now, he would last a good amount of time.

Lasting long was his conservative judgment, defeating grade E experts was not beans at all. As someone who already experienced the power granted by a leap in grade, he dared not underestimate it.

Though he felt excited about the increase in his attributes, he was more interested in the new race specialty abilities that came with it.

He tried to feel the only passive ability first as that was less likely to cause a commotion. He tried to concentrate a bit, directing his attention at his roommates that were training silently beside him.

It came slowly, but he soon started feeling the space around him shift subtly. The next second an image quickly appeared in his imaginary vision; it was his 2 roommates.

Dave had a sheen of sweat dripping down his shin, his eyes were closed as a pale gathering of air revolved around him. He sat cross-legged on the floor; his eyes closed in focus.

Turning his sight to Chloe, he saw that the girl was doing exactly the same thing. She sat cross-legged on the floor in meditation but unlike her male counterpart, a pale watery blue energy revolved around her.

Seeing this, Morales was stunned. Such energy convergence was the sign of a grade E powerhouse, he never expected this cheerful girl to be such an expert Pugilist already.

And they were all 18-year-olds.

“Damn, I need to work harder”. During his conversation with the girl, he already found her a little to his liking but he never expected that she had the power to crush him in a fight.

He secretly used his system’s detect level utility on them.


Name: Dave

Main Class: Pugilist

Level: 28

STR 37, END 13, INT 7

Health Points: 580

Name: Chloe

Main Class: Pugilist

Level: ?

Health Points: ???


Seeing this, Morales was even more stunned. He already expected this of Dave, but Chloe? All her attributes being question marks meant that she was at least 10 levels higher than himself.

“Damn! If I decide to pursue her, which basis do I have to do it?” He cursed.

Temporarily pushing the thought of the girl behind his mind, he finally returned back to his senses to analyze the usefulness of this passive ability.

To him, the system did not lie at all. He was pretty sure that with such a messed-up passive ability, no one could come close to ambushing him as it would always remain activated.

Another point that he noticed was that he could now sense the slightest fluctuations in the air. He guessed that this was related to his new race specialty- Space manipulation, he felt giddy with joy.

He wanted to test all the new abilities now, but he held himself back. Unlike the passive ability that he just used, active abilities that he was not yet proficient in were more prone to complications.

Bomb was assigned to most of the abilities, who knew if he would suddenly blow this humble and innocent room to pieces. It was better to be prudent.

After suppressing his impulses, he finally started laying down his plans.

Despite the sudden spurt growth in strength, he knew the cold hard truth that he was still an insignificant being in the current Beiger planet.

He was currently taking refuge in a Pugilist dojo did not guarantee his safety also, he had not forgotten that this was just a dojo of a small backward town.

His current priority was still to gain more power, and the shortest way available to him was to enter the grade E superhuman realm.

He didn’t find a dojo just to get refuge, he came here to build his strength. He knew that among all the possible scenarios where he could train, training in a dojo was the best.

Not only did they have monthly training resources for every admitted student which consisted of attribute stimulating pills and others, but they also had the best training facilities imaginable to any Pugilist.

With his stockpile of experience, he was confident that he could enter the grade E superhuman realm a week after he got access to the training facilities and the resources.

The only thing he needed to do now was to scale the dojo dungeon as it would reveal his talent thereby also determining the number of resources that he would receive this month.

The dojo dungeon was just an underground structure built by the dojo where mutated beasts of various species are imprisoned.

It had 15 levels, and a sizeable number of beasts is kept at each level with their strength increasing at each subsequent level.

Across the whole Beiger planet, the highest record for a newbie was defeating beasts and crossing directly to level 7. The newbie record for Border town is only level 4.

Another important point of note about the dungeon was that students are allowed to scale it only once a day, and for each level crossed there is an equivalent dojo point that is awarded.

Like instructor Alexander said, dojo points are very important resources. If he wanted to become strong at the fastest possible speed, they were indispensable to him.

For someone with so much knowledge about Space World, he knew the best trajectory to take to level up faster.

For his level- his main class was currently stuck as he needed to complete the advancement mission.

In Space World, as he grew, the limit of his main class also increases with him. After his first advancement, the limit of the next Pugilist realm would increase to 20 levels.

For his race, it was 20 levels to a level-up at the first few versions.

Back then in the mining base when he leveled up to level 20, he encountered the race advancement mission but he finished it immediately as the requirements were much looser.

He didn’t gain much increase in attributes as he was still technically a normal human then, he just evolved a bit. Now that his Space bloodline also awakened, the increase in power was more significant.

After thinking of all this, his anticipation for the next day grew.

After his roommates takes him on a tour around the dojo, his next destination would be the training hall as he wanted to test all his abilities before he would finally go to challenge the dojo dungeon.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.


Sorry for not releasing yesterday, a lot of things went wrong in my day that made me frustrated. Don't worry though, I'll make up for it.

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