After their various buses picked them up, Morales finally knew the exact people that survived. His assumption was correct, the 6 Pugilists that ganged up on him knew themselves before now.

He learned the truth from the only team C Pugilist that survived.

According to the Pugilist, the boy who led the others to gang up on him was called Ethan, and all 6 of them were childhood friends who lived and grew up in Border town.

In the group tournament, only one Pugilist survived from team C, 4 Pugilists survived from team A, 3 Pugilists survived from team D, and the last survivor was from team B.

Team C proved to be the most miserable team. All of them died except one, who was their leader and he was among the 6 childhood friends.

Due to his strength, his teammates let him become their leader without knowing that it was a devil that was in their midst. Due to his cunning sabotage, they all became free targets to the other Pugilists.

Team B also had only one survivor, but that was entirely caused by their incompetence as the participants in the other teams were all stronger than them by a margin.

What surprised Morales the most was that his incompetent teammate survived and qualified also. He didn’t know what to say, that guy’s luck was heaven-defying.

Throughout the journey, none of his roommates spoke as they all sat at different corners of the bus. This was caused partly because they were exhausted, and mostly because of the strength that was displayed by him.

In the car, there was a small projector that replayed the final moments of their battle.

After secretly sneaking a peep at the projector, the other male in the bus almost pissed his pants on seeing the strength exerted by Morales.

His body pressed against the car’s frame tighter. At this moment, he really wished he had a skill that could make him invisible.

As soon as the 4 buses drove back to the Pugilist dojo, the people around waiting for them erupted with cheers immediately.

Team D! Team D!

Most of them waved vigorously at the team D bus, almost impeding its passage but the burly Pugilist guards did their job smoothly and restrained the unbridled crowd.

As soon as the buses parked inside the dojo building, 2 Pugilist instructors in white and black uniforms welcomed them before leading them all to the main hall of the dojo.

In there, they finally saw the participants of the other 2 groups.

In the normal settings, after the tournament, 30 Pugilists are always admitted but this paradigm changed today due to Morales’s actions.

The other Pugilists turned to glance at them as soon as they entered the hall. None of them spoke though, they all sat exhausted, using this opportunity to recover their strength.

As soon as the team C participants sat down, a door to the left of the hall opened as a brown-haired man quickly walked in. His figure looked frail but his energy presence indicated that he was a Pugilist.

Morales recognized this man. The wind progenitor, Alexander Schalke.

Almost every player knew this NPC as he played a vital role in protecting Beiger when version 1 officially started, his legendary feats were still remembered by the players even in later versions.

At his peak, he became one of the only Pugilists that crossed the grade C boundary. Though he was just grade E now, he already wrote various valuable notes on his insight of the Pugilist system.

“Why is such a talented Pugilist doing in such a backward town’s dojo?” Morales was suspicious.

“Congratulations on surviving the tournament, you are all now officially Pugilists of the Border town dojo”. Alexander commended them without much emotion in his tone, he even had on a poker face.

“As a congratulatory gift for surviving, you have all been credited with 10 dojo points each”.

“There are a lot of things you need to know about the dojo, but I won’t lecture you here, you’ll know everything after you get your dojo card”.

“After leaving here, go get your dojo card immediately as it is the most important thing if you intend to remain admitted”.

“Through it, you will have access to your room, your food, and you need it to retrieve your dojo points. Every transaction in the dojo is done through your card, so do well to safeguard it”.

“Another important fact you need to know about is the dojo dungeon”.

“Apart from learning new skills and abilities, challenging others to spars, and other methods to improve, grinding in the dojo dungeon is the next best thing of every newbie Pugilist”.

“Dojo points are very important resources, and they are the only accepted currency in the dojo. If you need skill booklets and training resources, you need to pay for them using dojo points”.

“And the dojo dungeon is the only place to get them”.

“Your performance in the dungeon is also the dictator of how much resources you will receive from the dojo monthly, that’s enough to emphasize its importance”.

“After getting your dojo card, try your best to read through the guidelines, and most especially the rules. They would help you a lot”.

“That’s all I have to say to you. Good luck, Pugilists”.

“Thank you, instructor”.

As soon as the instructor left, all the successfully admitted newbie Pugilists stood up and went out to various locations.

Getting admitted into a dojo was not an easy feat, so most of them went to celebrate it. They had a day to themselves before officially reporting to the dojo, so their movement was not restrained yet.

Unlike them, Morales had no time for parties. He left to get his dojo card immediately, he was itching to check his interface to see his attributes after his sudden bloodline activation.

It did not take much time before he got his dojo card. He was finally admitted into a dojo, he was happy as this step could guarantee his life a bit.

The dojo alliance and the royal family were never on good terms, so he was not afraid that they would suddenly abandon him if his siblings came to get his head.

The reliability of the dojo alliance was already tested and confirmed during his time in the game, this brought him much relief.

His information was printed on the card.

Name: Zero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Rank: Grade F

Through his dojo card, he quickly located his room. In the large dojo building, the first-year newbie Pugilists were all restrained to the 1st floor. Their room was there, including every resource that they needed.

Only the geniuses could break this established rule and climb higher for resources, that’s why performing well in the dungeon dojo was a must.

Though his main account in his previous life was as a Mechanical Pugilist, he still had various side accounts encompassing the other main classes, hence his wide knowledge.

He didn’t know everything about the dojo alliance, but he knew most of the common knowledge about it.

Through the information that he had access to after getting his dojo card, he found that he had 4 roommates. 2 of them were staying in the room for 2 months already, but the last one was just admitted with him.

“Who is he/she?” He felt a little curious as he didn’t expect such a coincidence.

Well, he had other important matters. 2 minutes later, he finally located his room. He gently knocked 3 times on the door and waited.


The door opened just 20 seconds after he knocked.

His eyes flashed. It seemed that his roommates knew that he was coming so they were waiting for his arrival.

“Welcome, you’re our new roommate, right?” A beautiful girl’s face greeted him as she extended her hand out to him.

He took the handshake. “Yes”.

“Ok, come in, we’ve been waiting for you”. She cheerfully replied.

“Hey, welcome bro”. Another boy waved at him as soon as he entered inside.

This was his other teammate. Looking around and not seeing anyone else, Morales quickly deduced that his last teammate was not here yet.

The room was built like the cabin of a ship. 2 double-decked beds were placed on opposite parts of the room, a clean medium-sized table at the corner, a small restroom door at the side, and 4 rubber chairs.

There was a sizeable space at the side where they could practice their energy control without obstruction.

Overall, Morales felt that it was a nice room.

“Hi, thank you”. He finally replied, waving back at the boy with a smile.

He didn’t know why. Though this was a Pugilist dojo, seeing 2 roommates brought him back to the nostalgic feeling of his high school days.

“My name is Dave”. The boy stood up and went to exchange a handshake with him.

“I’m Chloe”. The girl quickly chipped in from the side cheerfully.

“And I’m Zero”. Morales answered smilingly.

“Zero? That’s a weird name. Well, it doesn’t matter”. Dave spoke again.

“It’s a tradition of our small room that we must always welcome any new roommate by taking him for a tour around the dojo, but since our last roommate is not here, I think that can wait”.

“Have you been to a dojo before?” Chole asked.

“No, this is my first time getting admitted to a dojo”. Morales answered smoothly.

“Great! Let me tell you about it, our Border town dojo is the best there is. Do you know our instructors, they…?” Chloe led Morales to a seat before she started rambling on excitedly.

Though Morales felt the urge to shove her away and check his system interface, he forced himself to sit down patiently.

If things went normally, he would spend a sizeable amount of time with his roommates, so being in a good relationship with them was a must.

And he was relieved, they were both far more cheerful and receptive than he expected. From his observation currently, he deduced that he just got himself some nice roommates.

Chloe occupied him till night came.


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