2 days later, Morales woke up early in the morning again as he got set to go for his daily training. After these few days together, he already integrated completely with his other roommates.

And they already grasped each other’s personalities completely. Fortunately, they were all compatible. With the cheerful Chloe around, they could not fall out with each other even if they wanted.

Just the next day after their tour around the dojo, Chloe noticed that he and Rose were keeping a certain distance from each other.

She was puzzled at first but she quickly deduced that it was probably an old grudge. When she probed and they didn’t react as she liked, she pestered them for the whole day till they revealed everything to her.

Morales was like. “She bullies boys that are weaker than her only to cower before those stronger than her. I hate people with such personalities, they are evil seeds”.

While Rose was like. “I’ve tried to make up to him but he keeps refusing, he treats me like I’m an evil witch”.

“It’s not like he’s righteous either. He knew clearly that he was strong, but instead of directly taking the role as the leader, he instead kept a low profile to let us make fun of ourselves. He’s a hypocrite”.

At the end of their argument, Chloe just looked at them with an amused expression on her face. “You guys are really still kids”.

“You’re 18 too”. Morales was quick to retort.

He felt a little sour by that statement. What did she mean? He was a 26-year-old veteran soldier in his previous life.

“It doesn’t matter”. Chloe calmly replied.

“As you are now my roommates, it’s my obligation to make sure that you both must reconcile. Now, apologize to each other”. Her tone deepened.

“What the hell?” Rose was the one angered this time.

Chloe used her strength on them for the first time, reinforcing the notion in their thick heads that she was the strongest in the room and therefore the leader.

In the end, they could only sulk up and apologize.

Morales still felt it ridiculous. He knew that she wouldn’t have used her powers on them, but he still apologized.

“What came over me?” He asked again for the umpteenth time.

“Oh, you’re awake”. Chloe’s voice suddenly sounded out, disrupting his thoughts. “You’ve been the most punctual among all of us since you came”.

“Yeah, I told you that I’ll surpass you in a week, so how can I laze about?” Morales replied while subtly hiding his burning face.

“Ha, you’re still holding on to that impossible goal. Well, I like your spirit”. By this time, she was already up as she quickly slid her slippers on and started going to the bathroom.

“You’re going to the library or the simulation hall this time?” She asked.

“The virtual simulation hall”. Morales replied, already guessing what she wanted to say.

“Ok, wait for me so we can go together”. She quickly entered to have her bath.

Morales sighed in resignation, dragged his chair closer, and plopped down on it. He watched his other 2 sleeping roommates to spend his time away.

Like usual, Dave was snoring in his sleep, making an unpleasant sound like that of a noisy blender. The deep sleeper, Rose had her eyes shut tightly like none of the noise could disturb her.

Yesterday, the official report of their admission battle finally came out.

To his roommates’ surprise, he came out as the best performer of the admission tournament which granted him an additional 20 dojo points.

This performance immediately brought him to the limelight. Though not many students paid attention to the newbies, his name was now slightly well-known due to the achievement.

For the past 2 days, his only destination every morning was either the virtual simulation hall or the library.

Through these 2 places, he already elevated his power to a whole new level. He already learned dozens of Pugilist basic knowledge without anyone knowing.

Due to his frequent visit to the library, he decided to pay 10 dojo points to get some Pugilist books and basic knowledge so as not to arouse suspicion from the librarians.

Now he had a basic proficiency on how to use the abilities that his race awakening granted to him.

With his vastly superior knowledge and attributes now, he was confident in making waves when he would eventually go through the dojo dungeon, and he decided that it was today.

He would first go to the virtual simulation hall to test his abilities again before he would go to the dungeon.

After Rose entered the dojo dungeon the other day, she spent a full 8 hours there which was normal according to Chloe. In the end, she came back bloodied all over after only getting to the 3rd level.

After staying with each other for 2 days, they already had more in-depth knowledge about themselves.

Surprisingly, Chloe had a special bloodline just like Morales. She was a hybrid of the well-known Water-Fairy race, which explained why her Pugilist energy had a blue color like water.

As Morales sat casually on the chair watching the ceiling, the door to the bathroom suddenly yanked open as a gorgeous fair figure wrapped in a white towel emerged.

Turning his eyes to look, he momentarily grew dazed for a moment.

“Hey, are you ready? I’ll be set in a moment”. Chloe quickly asked as she started dressing up.

“Umm, yeah, I’m ready”. Morales inclined his head to the side as he went poker-face mode immediately.

He didn’t know if she was doing this deliberately or not, but he already saw such a scene a few times since he started staying in this room.

This prompted him to bring his guard up a bit. Because they were roommates didn’t mean that he trusted them all completely, they had to undergo his test of time first.

After quickly slipping on a pair of blue tight jean trousers and a black combat vest, she hopped cheerfully to his side. “I’m set”.

“Ok, let’s go”. They both left their still sleeping roommates and left.

Getting outside, the dojo was already awake as students walked randomly around, doing various things. Some already climbed the battle arena to start friendly spars.

Walking with a beauty would always draw trouble even though that beauty was his roommate. Morales didn’t care though; he ignored the hostile stares coming his way and navigated to the simulation hall.

Getting to the door of the hall, Morales retrieved his dojo card and pointed it at the door.

[Ding! Student Zero has been identified, you can proceed to training.]

[Usage cost per hour: 1 dojo point.]

As soon as Chloe did the same thing, they both entered the hall. It seemed that they were the first to come here as nobody was on sight before them.

They quickly located seats close to each other, sat down, placed the virtual simulation helmet over their heads as they were quickly sucked into the virtual arena.

As they didn’t go for a team network, both roommates appeared in different simulated environments. Chloe quickly got into the mood and forgot her surrounding, Morales took longer but he also quickly immersed himself.

Opening his eyes again, he found himself in the forbidden forest.

Chirping sounds from birds filled the background as the wavy sight of the forest leaves swaying to the wind quickly drew him into this world; the simulation was extremely life-like.

He raised his hands to the sky to savor the feeling of this simulated world, it was a feeling that he never got tired of.

With his hands still in the air, he calmed his mind as he quickly concentrated. His hands suddenly stiffened a bit like he was grabbing the sky.


A soft dull sound suddenly reverberated as the air space above him trembled a bit. His eyes abruptly opened as his right hand swiped at the side while his left hand chopped down vertically.


A fierce shockwave erupted from his position as the air was visibly pushed aside, inducing loud air pressure sounds. The next moment, the trees that stood at his right were uprooted.

They levitated in the air a bit as another pressure-filled force chopped down vertically, dividing all of them into 2.

This was Morales’s race specialty, Space manipulation. He could control the air pressure to his will, manipulating them in ways that he wanted. Though it took energy from him, this was raw power.


Space Manipulation has been utilized.

Current Progress rate: 3.4%


Despite the power that was just displayed, his proficiency of the ability was still below 5%, which showed just how much potential it had.

As soon as the trees were chopped into fragments, he did not stop, he quickly changed his stance while bringing his hands down a bit.

The trees around that were still intact suddenly bent down as an enormous force pushed them down, the gravity surprisingly felt about 2 times heavier.

He played with the trees a bit as a warm-up, manipulating the air to either chop them to pieces or joggle them around.

After 5 minutes of doing this, he finally gave a mental command.


Dozens of animals started rushing from the forest, coming in his direction immediately. Despite this intimidating sight, he kept a cool face, calmly calculating the distance between them.

Through his passive ability- Eye of the Neonate, he felt like he had another invisible eye that could see everything. The tiniest movements of the beasts were clear to him.

When they were only a few meters from him, he finally acted. His arms separated, widening to the sides before forcefully slamming back together, the air reacted to his move immediately.

It felt like the atmosphere was being twisted.


All the beasts closer to him at the front burst into blood as the air visibly squeezed all of a sudden, rolling fiercely like a grinding machine crushing beans to powder.


Space bomb- contraction has been activated.

Current progress rate: 6%


As the beasts roared helplessly under this grinding machine, Morales changed his stance again. His hands separated again, he inclined his fingers like claws and pulled at the air.

It felt like space was just sliced through and ripped apart.

The air that was originally rolling together suddenly stopped, before rapidly expanding outwards to form a wave of fierce air pressure heralding death.

Before the beasts could react, they felt something tearing through their bodies tyrannically. Blood, dust, pieces of severed trees became the background decoration.


Space bomb- detonation has been activated.

Current progress rate: 10.2%


All the animals died immediately but Morales also fell down in exhaustion.

His energy was depleted completely but he didn’t mind this shortcoming at all, his eyes gleamed sharply.

Despite its fierce energy consumption, the abilities granted to him by his race were all tyrannical beyond measure.

“It’s time to raid the dungeon”. He muttered, grinning.


Here's the second chapter for today. Thanks for reading, it really means a lot to me.

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