Morales’s final preparation was complete, so he had no need of staying in the simulated forest any longer. He gave a mental order which the hall’s A. I acknowledged as the world before him quickly disappeared.

It took him a few seconds before his sight finally recovered completely but darkness was what stared back at him. He blinked a few times in the darkness before he understood.

After removing the simulation helmet from his head, his sight finally returned before the familiar hall again.

Despite the intense movements he performed just a moment ago, he didn’t feel anything, rather he felt light and relaxed as the special couch gently massaged his back.

The only defect was that he felt mentally drained. He could only rest back on the couch and wait it out till his energy recovered.

He slightly inclined his head to the side, where Chloe’s beautiful face presented itself before him.

Her eyelids twitched a bit, indicating that she was doing something intense in the virtual world, but overall, her body was relaxed and calm.

Though Morales already admonished himself previously to keep a safe distance from her, seeing her so close still made his male hormones react as they should.

           To him, her blonde hair looked more golden at such a close range. The fine contours of her slightly round face looked handmade by God; she was the perfect embodiment of beauty.

           Though she was only 18 years old, due to her rank, she looked even more perfect than a mature lady.

           Seeing the jean trousers that clung tightly to her long legs, he once again felt how beautiful this girl was.

           His eyes twitched as he suddenly felt someone staring at him, the person didn’t bother to hide his intense gaze at all.

           Turning his eyes to the side, his eyes clashed with a Herculean figured Pugilist. His face turned flat immediately, seeming like he was already used to this.

This man was the widely acknowledged strongest student among the first-year students, he was called Boulder due to his fighting style and his physique.

           The man’s large eyes flashed on seeing him look to his side, he made a warning sign while using his fingers to slash his throat.

The meaning was evident but Morales didn’t give a damn. He nonchalantly raised a middle finger at the bastard, stood up from his simulation couch, and casually walked away.

He already recovered his energy, so he had nothing to do there again.


           You have sown a seed of hatred with the grade E powerhouse: Boulder.

Favorability has decreased by -20

Current relationship: Hatred [20/20]


Feeling the burning gaze at his back, Morales only chuckled and left. As no fight was tolerated between students, the Boulder could only get angrier without being able to do anything.

“What a nice feeling it is to frustrate enemies”. He almost forgot the feeling already, he felt melancholic.

Leaving the virtual simulation hall, he wasted no time as he went directly to the location of the dojo dungeon.

By this time of the day, almost all the students of the dojo were outside training, so the atmosphere was extremely boisterous.

This liveliness made the environment packed up a bit, making him take more than he expected to reach the dojo dungeon. On the way there, he saw Rose, and they unexpectedly greeted each other.

He felt weird, it seemed that Chloe’s grudge settling tactic worked. He no longer felt the disgust he originally directed at her on seeing her, he instead just saw her as a roommate.

He shook his head to drive these silly thoughts away, they would not help him at this moment.

On getting to the dungeon entrance, before the cold-faced guards could ask him with their intimidating voice, he directly brought out his dojo card and showed it to them.

“Transfer the dojo points”. The one who seemed to be their leader demanded.

After transferring the 5 dojo points that were required to access the dungeon, Morales showed them the confirmation notification sent back before dropping his storage ring with them.

It was a rule of the dungeon that no student should carry cheat equipment that had unimaginable powers inside the dungeon, so everyone must drop his/her equipment before entering.

In the end, Morales could only take the storm sword inside, but that was already sufficient for him.

Seeing the magic teleportation door that was hovering before him, he took a deep breath to get his body’s internal regulation under control before taking the step inside.

With a warp sound, he disappeared.

[Participant 066: Your time starts now.]

[Objective: Wipeout every beast in this level.]

As soon as Morales felt his feet touching the solid ground again, this was the first thing that he heard. He already expected it though so he did not freak out, he instead watched his surroundings carefully.

He was in a small room that was surrounded by metal walls, there was little ventilation channel in here making everywhere seem extremely stuffy.

For every participant of the dungeon, the first level is always different every time, so Morales’s roommates could not give him advice that would make things easier for him.

He was expected to react on the spot.

Unfortunately for the dojo dungeon designers, he was someone that already farmed similar dungeons dozens of times. He had never farmed this particular level, but he knew of a player who had.

According to the player, this was called the unending labyrinth level and the best way to clear it at the fastest efficiency is to make noise.

Yeah, make noise. Lower-grade mutated beasts hated noise and were always attracted to it, which made this the best clearing strategy of this level.

The plan may not necessarily work in other levels as he had no means to make noise travel everywhere, but the metal walls of this specific level had sound amplifying properties.

As soon as he made all these deductions, Morales no longer hesitated. He rushed at the wall and started banging at it hard.

As this was the first level, he was also not afraid of being overwhelmed by the beasts hence his decision.

Thud! Thud!

It did not take long. Just a few minutes after he started hitting the wall, the thudding sounds of an incoming horde of beasts echoed out to his location.

He quickly stopped his actions and crept closer to the entrance of the part of the labyrinth that he was transported in. After getting there, he crouched before pointing his sword at the entrance.


His sword stabbed without resistance into the hide of the first beast that appeared. The animal howled loudly and shook its body roughly, but it amounted to nothing as it died a moment later.

Roaring sounds soon filled every corner of the room as beasts rushed in ferociously like they had no end to their numbers.

Morales did not perform any eye-catching moves nor did he use any of his race abilities, he used only the normal stab and kill move.

His storm sword proved to be a reliable companion at this moment as a stab equaled a kill, dozens of animal corpses soon filled most parts of the room with blood littering everywhere.

Another thing that Morales forgot originally was that this dungeon was a goldmine of experience to him. His face lit up into a smile as his system lit up notifications at him.


You have killed a mutated Tibetan mastiff, gaining 400 experience.

You have killed a mutated Polar bear, gaining 650 experience.

You killed 3 mutated beasts simultaneously with one attack; +10% attack speed for the next minute.


As soon as Morales wiped out the first wave of beasts, everything became easy. He didn’t have to go round the labyrinth again, he just followed the trails left by the beasts to locate the others.

Just like that, he started a massacre across the 1st level of the dungeon.

With his current attributes and his control over his strength, the beasts stood no chance against him. He was practically one-shotting them with them offering no meaningful resistance.

He carved a trail of blood behind him as he dove deeper into the labyrinth.

When he met a dead end, he just retraced his steps and there would be other beasts rushing at him brainlessly to show him further directions.

The metallic edge of his sword gradually turned from a grey metallic color to dark red, the overflowing blood already started dyeing it. It seemed to be undergoing a baptism of blood.


You have killed over 100 mutated beasts in a span of 10 minutes:

Milestone activated: Beast Archenemy.

+10% experience from beast kills.

Kill more beasts and you will receive special temporary bonuses to your attributes.

Current bonus: +5% to all attributes.


As soon as this notification flashed at Morales, he immediately turned from the emperor of death to the god of death himself. His killing speed skyrocketed upwards like a shooting star.

About 15 minutes later, the notification from the dungeon A. I to indicate that he already finished the first level flashed.

[Congratulations! You have completed the first level, and you also succeeded in breaking the Robo labyrinth level’s record.]

[Record time: 00: 27: 09.]

[Base reward: +5 dojo points.]

[Bonus reward: +15 dojo points.]

[Transporting participant to level 2…, transportation completed.]

Morales’s eyes flashed as he disappeared from the labyrinth and appeared in a new location, he was in level 2 already after just 27 minutes. It was worth noting that Rose spent 2 hours here.


I hope you're enjoying this, thanks a lot.

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