“He’s crossed into the 4th level already! Which monster exactly is scaling the dojo dungeon?” A student dressed in red tight-fitting combat clothes exclaimed exaggeratedly.

“And I heard that he’s among the newbies that were admitted just a few days ago. What a monster!”. Another one quickly chimed in excitedly.

When a student is scaling the dungeon levels, there is an indicator outside that shows the number of levels that he/she has crossed and the current level he/she was in.

This was Morales’s 4th hour inside the dungeon, and he was now in the 4th level. He spent only about an hour for the first 2 levels, but he spent about 3 hours just to clear the 3rd level.

Despite this, his speed was still record-breaking and already attracted the attention of the whole dojo.

Hundreds of students stood outside the entrance of the dojo, attentively watching the orange light that represented the 4th level.

This crowd started from a student that also tried scaling the dungeon. He saw when Morales entered, so he was the first person who discovered this record-breaking run.

When Morales entered the 3rd level after just an hour, he could no longer control his shock and let it out to others, hence the gathering.

The sparring arena that was originally boisterous became scanty after the news, almost all the first-year students came out to witness this rare pace-setter.

Due to the commotion caused by this, Morales’s roommates were also drawn here. On getting there, when Dave and Rose knew that it was Morales causing so much commotion, they went to get Chloe immediately.

“Is he really that strong? I never knew, though he worked hard”. Chloe muttered absentmindedly on getting there.

“Do you believe that he can break the newbie record?” Dave asked.

“Umm…, I don’t know. If it was so easy, others would have done it before now”.

“I don’t think so”. Rose suddenly commented.


“No, nothing”. She quickly denied it.

Unlike the others, she was someone that already fought a real battle alongside Morales. She didn’t know why, but she just felt like he would do it.

She didn’t understand her current feelings towards Morales. At times, she still loathed him for the embarrassment she felt during the recruitment battle. Other times, she felt grateful to him for saving her life.

“What chaos!” She sighed before concentrating back on the orange light alongside everyone else.

[Participant 066: Congratulations on getting to the 4th level, your time starts now.]

[Objective: Wipe out all 6 elite mutated beasts.]

As soon as Morales heard this, he wiped the bloodstains on the corners of his mouth away before alertly checking his surroundings.

The battle in the 3rd level drained a considerable amount of energy from him, he let out rapid gasps for air as he tried to regulate his breathing. The stuffy atmosphere of the dungeon did not help matters either.

When he scaled to the 2nd level, the setting there was more straightforward as he was transported to a large hall filled with beasts of various species.

His objective was to kill them all and he started a massacre without hesitation, killing them all in a few minutes.

For the 3rd level, the setting was much more complicated as he was tasked to kill a certain rare beast among the horde of beasts for him to qualify to the next level.

Not only was the horde of beasts in this level more than the previous levels, but his target was also an exceptionally slippery bastard.

Under the fierce, unrelenting assault of the other beasts, he forged ahead tenaciously for 3 hours before he finally caught and killed the slippery Dark Phantom Cat.

By the time this happened, his stamina and energy suffered a lot.

After getting to the 4th floor, the dungeon system did not give a damn about his plight, starting the challenge immediately.

As soon as the congratulatory notification of the system flashed above the dimly lit hall, 5 dark-red ominously glowing eyes suddenly flashed open from the corner.

Morales became tense immediately, he observed the 5 beasts alertly while gripping his sword tighter. They were all white-furred wolves.

As he observed, an opening suddenly came from the ceiling of the hall where a big cage was slowly dropped down. Inside the cage stood another wolf but unlike the others, it had dark red fur that looked like congealed blood.

Morales’s heart skipped a beat, this was a Vampire Wolf.


[10:00] [09:59] [0:58]

As soon as the cage touched the ground, a timer started counting. Morales needed no explanation; this boss-level wolf would be released in 10 minutes and it was advisable that he kill the 5 others within this time frame.

He didn’t act passive like before, he rushed out immediately even before the wolves could let out their intimidating growls.

The Vampire Wolf howled immediately while bashing its thick skin on the cage walls on seeing him move, but he paid no attention to it. His eyes were trained solely on the 5 targets before him.


It seems that the 5 white-furred wolves were also angered as they howled loudly before rushing forward to clash with him.

As soon as both sides got close, Morales dropped on his knees as he slid below the stomachs of the massive beasts. As he did this, his hand was not idle as his sword swiftly slashed outwards.

The wolves were startled by his sudden move, rendering them confused for a moment but it was not for long.

The storm sword slashed across the belly of one of the wolves, but its skin proved to be tougher than expected. Noticing this, Morales stopped his forward momentum and turned his slash into a stab.

Blood rained down on him as the sharp sword stabbed inside the wolf’s belly.



You have inflicted your target with the bleeding status. After calculating racial resistances, the following is inflicted: -1 HP for 5 seconds.


Seeing this, Morales’s guess was confirmed. These wolves all had thick skin and great regeneration abilities, not only that but great resistances also.

The wolf that was stabbed at finally felt the pain as it howled angrily, shifted to the side before biting down viciously at an extremely fast speed.

Morales quickly rolled to the side as his free left hand pushed at the air a bit. The air shifted the next moment, pushing the wolf’s face a few inches to the side, thereby granting him a perfect attacking opportunity.

His sword stabbed into the exposed side cheeks of the wolf, prompting another painful howl from the beast.

This was one of the things that he learned since he started scaling the dungeon, how to compliment his sword regular attacks with his race specialty- Space manipulation.

He didn’t have the luxury to attack again though as the other angry wolves finally rushed back at him.

Jumping back slightly to evade the initial attack, he dove back into the battlefield at the same time activating one of his active skills- Reinforced Diamond bones.

Using flicker to outmaneuver them, he quickly killed the first wolf.



You have killed a white-furred wolf, gaining 6000 experience.


Though he felt a lot of pressure fighting the fierce wolves, he still had the situation under control as he quickly killed another one.

His only worry was that he was in a race against time, both for the Vampire wolf still bashing at the cage and his depleting energy.


In the end, he could not kill another one before the 10 minutes elapsed.

He ducked immediately as a black vortex like a portal appeared at the side. His maneuver was not useless as the enormous head of the Vampire wolf quickly appeared from the portal and bit down, but he was already gone.

Unlike the other wolves, the Vampire wolf was a real boss as it had other abilities other than just brainless biting and clawing.

Dark red energy flowed around its body as it emerged from the portal. Its red glowing predator eyes stared Morales down arrogantly before it bolted at him again the next moment.

Its movement speed was next level.

Before Morales could raise his storm sword, it already appeared at his side with its opened maw biting down ruthlessly.

His eyes widened in alarm, he felt adrenaline coursing through his veins in this near-death moment as his left hand reflexively tightened into a fist, the air reacted accordingly.


The Vampire wolf was knocked backward as an invisible shield repelled it harshly, knocking a few of its vampiric teeth out in the process.

Morales briefly cracked his head. “In the end, it seems that I won’t be passing this level without using my race specialty extensively”.

He finally let loose as he raised his left hand at the atmosphere the next moment. “Come…, come and experience true power”.

The air suddenly started shaking, rotating and revolving like a spin wheel as he disappeared the next moment. When he appeared, he was already before one of the white-furred wolves.

The air solidified and struck downwards as a large hole was inflicted in the belly of the wolf. Before it could howl in pain, Morales’s sword stabbed inside the injury, aiming directly for its heart.



Critical hit -230

You have killed a white-furred wolf, gaining 7200 experience.


Anger blazed in the Vampire wolf’s eyes on seeing this. It intended to rush forward angrily but Morales acted before it.

His left hand aimed at its position and drew a cross shape on the air before forming a rough circle outline.

The next moment, the Vampire wolf was trapped in another cage. The air solidified and compressed to its positions, firmly restricting its movement to one place.    

Like that, Morales started one-shotting the wolves.

Whenever the Vampire wolf used its ability and teleported to his position, he just prepared another space cage for it before using his flicker skill to rush away.

In just another 7 minutes, he killed all the remaining white-furred wolves and focused on it. Their battle began properly.

After a few dozen minutes of battling, Morales finally beheaded the Vampire wolf but he was left exhausted all over. He had a bitter smile on his face, this was a real opponent.


You have killed a rare beast, Vampire wolf, gaining 15,000 experience.

You have gained a monster core.


As soon as the wolf died, Morales ripped through its body and brought out its monster core. For beasts with awakened abilities like the Vampire wolf, they had cores that could help supers in improving.

[Congratulations! You have completed the 4th level, and you also broke the newbie record run for the Border town dojo.]

[Record time: 04: 45: 32.]

[Base reward: +20 dojo points.]

[Bonus reward: +200 dojo points.]

[Transporting participant to level 5…, transportation completed.]

Despite the exhaustion biting at his bone, Morales smiled on seeing this. He broke the record!


Sorry guys for the late release. My laptop had a problem, which caused all these delays till I found an alternative. Thanks for sticking with me, I really appreciate it.

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