Outside the dojo dungeon, silence reigned like the lord supreme as the atmosphere became tranquil like that of a graveyard. The sound of a pin dropping could even be heard in such an atmosphere.

“What am I seeing?”

The hundreds of students standing and waiting outside rubbed their eyes in disbelief, the notification currently flashing on top of the dungeon entrance’s wall was too eye-catching to be ignored.

“F*ck, the kid broke the newbie record”. One of the more mature students finally broke the silence with a curse.

This seemed to be the fuse switch as the other students immediately started discussing excitedly.

“I can’t believe that he did it. I really want to see this genius kid; does he have a face like us?” One of the students asked excitedly.

“No, he has your anus as his face”. Another one retorted immediately but the other did not care, he still reveled in the joy brought by this historic moment in the history of the Border town dojo.

“I heard he’s a boy”. One of the female students spoke, her eyes flashing in determination. “Such boys are the ones worthy of me”.

“I know him”. Another one of the male students suddenly said, patting his chest confidently. “I have seen him before, he’s a mutated human with 4 arms and 2 legs as big as truck tires”.

“He is as handsome as the morning sunlight, the perfect embodiment of a man”. He muttered confidently in a dreamy tone.

“Really? Please, can you tell us more”. Some excited girls quickly flocked to his position.

“Naturally”. He replied matter-of-factly.

As all these chaotic conversations raged on, Chloe, Dave, and Rose stood at one side, completely stupefied in shock.

“He actually did it”. Chloe muttered in shock.

“Our roommate is a genius”. Dave yelled excitedly.

Rose kept quiet; she bit her lips as a thousand thoughts went through her mind at the same time.

“Master, a student just broke the newbie record of the dojo dungeon”. A Pugilist dressed in the dojo’s white and black uniform informed the head instructor respectfully.

Headmaster Daria Cinnabar sat cross-legged in his cultivation chamber.

The chamber was about 10 meters big, just like a normal room. The only difference was that weapons of various types were placed around the walls of the chamber, making it seem like a weapon warehouse.

2 devices were fixed at the ceiling of the chamber, they kept on pumping a mist-like gas into the chamber.

As soon as the headmaster heard what his disciple just said, he opened his eyes, pulling himself out of his concentrated cultivation.

“What did you say?” He asked for clarification.

“A student just broke the newbie record of the dojo dungeon”. The Pugilist standing at his front repeated in the same respectful tone.

“What is his name?”


“Hmm, such a weird name. It seems that he’s keeping his real identity secret”.

“Ok, I heard you. Tell me when he’s finally eliminated, and also check into his background. I want to know who he is, such a genius cannot be a nameless nobody”.

“Yes, master”. The Pugilist nodded respectfully and left.

As soon as his disciple left, the headmaster smiled. “Another genius, it seems like my dojo is experiencing a stroke of luck”.

“Let me see how far you can reach”. He pressed a button that was hidden on the floor of the cultivation chamber, prompting a holographic screen to appear the next moment.

On the screen, Morales was being projected and he was already in the 5th level of the dungeon.

[Participant 066: Congratulations on getting to the 5th level, your time starts now.]

[Objective: Wipe out the beasts in this hall in 30 minutes. Failure to kill all before the time means elimination.]

As soon as Morales was transported into the next level, he immediately took on a guarded stance and observed his surroundings expertly.

He was in a rectangle-shaped hall. The hall was completely empty, nothing was in the hall to obstruct his view, everywhere was vacant making him seem like a lone boat stranded at sea.

The next moment, the notification of entering the next level flashed. On seeing its contents, a bitter smile came on his face.

For such a setting, there was no way that he could fight conservatively to recover and preserve his strength. He had to fight aggressively to kill any opponents that appear at the fastest speed.

Well, he was no longer under much pressure as he was now the first grade F newbie Pugilist to enter the 5th level in the history of the Border town dojo.

That was a considerable achievement already but he wanted more. He wanted to try his best to break his limits here, the farther he got, the more resources he would be entitled to.

As he thought, the next moment, the sides of the hall on every side suddenly opened as hundreds of beasts started rushing in his direction. Sounds of roars filled his eardrums immediately.

Though hundreds of animals were charging at him, Morales paid attention to only 4 specific beasts that just appeared.

A mutated Lion, a mutated Black panther, a mutated Black bear, and a Draconic ape. All 4 beasts were roughly of the same strength level as the Vampire wolf that he just killed; his face grew solemn immediately.

What bothered him more was that all 4 beasts were not in a rush to attack him, they were clearly planning to wear him out only with their subordinates first.

Well, Morales was not about to dance to their tune. He would create his own beat, and every one of the beasts would dance to it. Even if they didn’t want to, he would force them.


You have activated Space bomb- contraction.

Current progress rate: 6.1%

You have activated Space bomb- detonation.

Current progress rate: 11.2%

You have activated Reinforced Diamond Bones.

You have activated Flicker.

Space Manipulation has been utilized.

Current Progress rate: 3.7%


Morales went all out immediately without any consideration for his energy reserves. For the 4th level, he only used Space manipulation with mild use of Space bomb- detonation from his race specialty skills to clear it.

This was the first time that he was activating the skill, Space bomb- contraction against real beasts in a real battle.

The effects of so many abilities being activated at the same time were obvious immediately.

The air solidified again, forming a defensive perimeter as all the cannon fodder beats rushing at Morales were kept at bay outside. The next moment, it erupted outwards.

The air rolled away, tyrannically cleaving the vulnerable beasts to pieces like a mill grinder. Blood dyed the originally clean hall immediately.

Before the beasts could recover their nerves, flicker took effect as Morales disappeared from the beasts’ perception immediately. His movement was like the wind and barely noticeable.


Blood blossomed deep inside the heart of the animal ranks, Morales directly penetrated into their middle and started a bloodbath with his sword while his left hand still wrath mischief with the air.

In just a little over 20 seconds, over 80 beasts died immediately, stunning the bosses that originally planned to take their time at the back.

Seeing this, all 4 beasts no longer hesitated. They rushed into the battlefield, bulldozing through their subordinates without any care of the world just to get to Morales’s position.

Another fierce battle began.


-100 [3×]

-123 [2×]

Critical hit -205

You have killed a mutated bear, gaining 500 experience.

You have killed a midnight phantom cat, gaining 2300 experience.


Morales could no longer keep track of the notifications being sent by his system’s interface at all, it kept on spamming him with damage notifications as the originally gentle air wreaked disaster under his control.

One thing that he noticed during the chaotic battlefield was that compared to their subordinates, his space abilities were less effective on the 4 beast leaders.

They only inflicted little damage on their thick hides, but the accumulated damage was still horrifying. Only his Space manipulation could hold them in space cages which they found troublesome to break out from.

Due to this, he now focused his Space bomb abilities on the weaker beasts. On these cannon fodders, the space abilities were god-tier, literally cutting through them like a hot knife cutting through butter.

It was sweet, smooth, and efficient.

The feeling that he got from his abilities wreaking so much havoc was different, he felt adrenaline course through his vein as he increased his attack on the 4 beast leaders.

It was already 20 minutes and counting, most of the subordinate beasts already died but none of the 4 beast leaders were dead yet.

Only the Vampire wolf brought him some trouble in the previous level; facing another 4 of the same level, the difficulty could only be imagined.

Despite this, Morales was not troubled as the animals that died to his Space bomb abilities already started climbing the scale up to a thousand. He was a reaper of life on the battlefield.

He dodged another bite from the mutated Lion, placed his storm sword horizontally to the side as he parried a claw from the mutated Black panther. Before he could rest, he saw something black coming to his face.

He could not dodge on time, the mutated Black bear’s claw hit him squarely on the face, removing a sizeable amount of flesh from his face.

His left hand suddenly swiped at the side, solidifying the air before his front but the enormous fist of the Draconic ape still hurled at him, breaking his defense and striking at his abdomen.



Critical hit -120

You have been hit by a Draconic ape’s fist. Your ribs have been broken: -2% DEX for 10 seconds.


Morales flew backward like a deflated balloon from the force, hitting his back against the walls of the hall. He coughed out blood but was still able to rush out from his position immediately, avoiding another attack.

He licked the blood on his lips, took a deep breath before activating another ability.


Adrenaline Rush

You fulfilled the conditions and successfully activated innate ability, adrenaline rush. +10% increase to all attributes for 30 seconds.

You have activated Special Weapon Ability: [Storm Domain]

Conditions fulfilled: You have activated the Earth Domain.

Earth domain: +10% END, +2% STR, +7% Counter [Melee]. A small earth domain is summoned which will grant all your attacks with the heaviness attribute.


Morales was stunned, fulfilling the conditions for the Adrenaline rush, and the Earth domain was completely random. It seems that luck was on his side today.

Due to the activation of the Earth domain, he suddenly felt a strange affinity to the earth. Something ethereal like an energy field revolved around him, he felt a lumbering aura of heaviness surrounding his storm sword.

“Bring it on”. He grinned.


Here's today's chapter, I hope you enjoy reading it.

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