Being the closest to Morales, the 4 beast leaders were also the first that felt the change in his aura. They immediately adopted wary attitudes, but this could not still suppress their bestial instincts.

The mutated Black panther, being the fastest rushed out in the front at Morales who gladly welcomed it with opened hands.


Breeze swiftly blew past first, then the heavy sword cut down tyrannically the next moment.

An unpleasant glaring sound of metal cutting through flesh reverberated, followed by a painful whimper, which formed a stark contrast to the originally chaotic noise from the battle.

The Black panther dodged after detecting the danger, but Morales’s sword still cut a deep injury across its back. The flesh underneath that was exposed heaved up and down as the mutated beast cried out in pain.

It was bloody.


Critical hit -340

You have inflicted your opponent with the heavy bleeding status: -3 HP for 20 seconds.


Despite the fierce innate damage resistances of the strong mutated Black panther, Morales still dealt his highest one-hit damage since he transmigrated into this world.

His hands shook in excitement.

He intended to finish the Black panther off, but the other beast leaders quickly rushed in at this moment to intervene.

He did not cower like before though, the heaviness attribute currently in his sword already evened the odds. He clashed directly without fear with the Draconic ape, cutting a deep injury across its arms.

The mutated Lion dived at him from the side with its wide maws opened but Morales easily formed a solidified air shield.

As soon as the Lion was repelled, he struck with his storm sword across, succeeding in removing one of its legs. The incapacitated lion roared in pain and retreated.

The mutated Black bear stopped in its tracks immediately, the example of its companions was enough to warn it against brainlessly rushing in.

All 4 beasts regrouped again. They no longer fought aggressively; they watched their opponent warily while slowly retreating.

Morales was not letting them be though, he had only less than 8 minutes before his time here elapsed so wasting time was not in his plans. He had to kill these beasts, and he had to do it now.

He suddenly leaped up as the surrounding air revolved and clung to his body, forming something like a space armor. He now seemed like the space emperor.


Falling back down, he directly cleaved the carefully arranged formation of the 4 beasts apart. Before real strength, every strategy must bow!

These intelligent beast leaders were now on the receiving end, suffering what Morales was suffering a minute ago.

Despite Morales’s focus on the 4 beast leaders, he still did not forget the cannon fodder beasts that were still brainlessly throwing themselves at him. For them, he had a special treat, bomb!

Some of the beasts suddenly exploded into a blood mist, their flesh rolled, squeezed, and were destroyed to pieces under the fierce crushing force of the Space bomb- contraction ability.

Other beasts shot backward with mind-blowing speed, hitting the hall’s walls and being turned into meat paste under the strong pressure force of the Space bomb- detonation ability.

The other ones that survived this, temporary cages that were created from the solidified air trapped and held them in place.

Through the impeccable air control granted to Morales by his Space manipulation race specialty, none of them could wriggle away and escape no matter how slippery they were.

They were trapped, keeping them perfectly intact for the next round of the Space bomb tearing.

In summary, the subordinates of the 4 beast leaders could only be said to be pathetic. They had no use in this battle other than to be trapped and bred, only to be crushed the next moment.

This way, it did not take long, in another 2 minutes Morales finally finished ending the lives of all the subordinates.

After using his race abilities for so long, it could be said that he was currently standing on needles as his energy reserves were almost depleted already. He felt weakness striking his fragile brain.

Despite this, he was confident as he already calculated that if he used his abilities smartly, he could win this battle without burning out.  

Biting his teeth to stimulate his concentration, his eyes gleamed sharply at the 4 beast leaders. “Finally, I can now focus on you guys”.

He grabbed his storm sword tighter and threw himself at the beasts.

The air tore left and right, restraining and attacking the beasts at the same time, providing the perfect opportunity for Morales to wreak havoc with the advantage of his temporary heaviness attribute.

Bam!! Bam!!

The battle devolved into a situation of a tiny young boy pursuing 4 strong fierce-looking beasts, the visual effect was extremely impactful and exciting to look at.  



You have killed a mutated Black panther, gaining 14,800 experience.

You have gained a monster core.


After a minute of fast-paced battling, the first beast leader finally succumbed to the damage inflicted by Morales’s sword.

The others made various strange whimpering sounds, but Morales did not relent for a moment as his storm sword kept on striking at the most vulnerable places in their thick hides.

It did not take much longer before the mutated Lion lost another leg, then the 2 forelimbs followed shortly after.

Morales could not end its life immediately though, the Lion’s vitality proved fiercer than the Black panthers.

The bonus from Adrenaline rush already reset after 30 seconds were exceeded, but he still held the upper hand in the brawl between species. The hall was already dyed blood-red on every part.

With a well-timed move, he finally hit the Draconic ape down which has proven to be his most troublesome opponent since he entered the 5th level.

He did not let it rise again as his sword stabbed dozens of times at it to finish it off. The remaining mutated Lion and Black bear no longer posed much of a threat, he finished them off in another minute.


You have killed a Draconic ape, gaining 16,500 experience.

You have killed a mutated Black bear, gaining 15,800 experience.

You have killed a mutated Lion, gaining 15,000 experience.

You have gained 3 monster cores.


As soon as the last mutated beast fell down dead with an unwilling roar, Morales also collapsed. He was thoroughly sucked dry, he felt light-headed and dizzy, making his perception shaky.

Despite this, he inclined his head to look at the time flashing red on the top of the hall.

[00: 02: 47]

After confirming that he made it, he fell to his knees immediately in exhaustion. His face lit up into a fulfilled smile.

“I did it!”

Just as if it wanted to compliment him, as soon as he said- I did it, the A. I of the dojo dungeon finally reacted with the expected words.

[Congratulations! You have completed the 5th level, and you have also set a new newbie record milestone run for the Border town dojo.]

[Record time: 05: 13: 32]

[Base reward: +25 dojo points.]

[Bonus reward: +500 dojo points.]

[You have proven yourself to be a once in a millennium genius, the absolute top of the selection. Once again, congratulations for setting this unprecedented record in the history of this dojo.]

[Transporting participant to level 6…, transportation completed.]

Despite feeling like his bones were already turning to jelly, Morales still smiled like a madman.

Not only did this dungeon run grant him a lot of experience, the dojo points that he got alone already set him at the very top among the newbie first-year students. He felt giddy with joy.

As soon as he was transported to the next level, he did not take on an alert stance like he normally did.

He had no hopes of passing this level, so why waste his strength? He just wanted to see how it was, that’s why he did not directly forfeit.

In the 6th level, the setting was based in a hall that was significantly smaller than the one of the 5th level. The objective was that he should kill only one beast.

The beast of this level was surprisingly a Titan.

With just one blow from the massive beast, the dungeon’s protection ring activated and Morales was eliminated immediately from the dungeon run.

This left him thinking, how did the newbie Pugilist holding the all-time record set it? What type of monster would such a person be?

In the dungeon run, he used all his abilities except one, which was the Attribute regulator that he got from the system lottery draw.

He had no intentions of revealing it here though. The moment he broke the first record, he already knew that the higher-ups of the dojo would begin watching him.

He would not easily let others know that he had such a trump card.

Overall, all his plans for the dungeon run were fulfilled.


Thanks for reading.

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