Morales’s vision spun a bit, rendering his perception temporarily distorted and disoriented. When he finally opened his eyes, he was not outside the dojo dungeon’s entrance like he expected. He was surprisingly in a room.

The room had a sci-fi look to it, its grey metallic walls that were gleaming under the light illumination stole his breath away.

“Where is this? Why was I transported here?” He frowned.

As he did a 360-degree turn to check out the room and to confirm that he was not in any danger, he saw something horrifying.

A pair of eyeballs hovered at a corner of the room, focused and looking at him so intently like they wanted to peer through him. The sight was eerie-looking and could induce goosebumps in anyone.

Seeing this, Morales shuddered immediately.

“Oh, great eyeball, forgive my travesty for I have sinned. It was not my intention to barge into your humble abode”. He improvised on the spot, spilling a bunch of nonsense immediately.

Hearing him talk, it seemed that this was when the pair of eyeballs finally noticed that it was discovered.

A sense of confusion flickered through the pair of eyeballs for a moment, probably pondering what this student just said.

“What did you say?”

“I’m dead, the eyeballs can even speak”. Morales almost pissed his pants immediately. “Have mercy, oh great lord eyeball”.

Hearing this again, the eyeballs finally narrowed in understanding. A chuckle escaped from the eyeballs, and to Morales’s surprise, a human figure suddenly materialized out of thin air.

Morales finally came to an understanding, so it was a human who caused this. He wanted to curse but after recognizing the person that stood before him, he fell on his knees immediately.

“Head instructor”.

“Stand up”. The human that was finally completely revealed smiled. The headmaster was happy that a genius newbie like Morales recognized him immediately.

“I watched the latter levels of your dungeon run; I have to confess that you’re impressive”. He commented with a bright smile on his face.

“I’m flattered sir, its all due to the excellent teaching of the dojo”. Morales respectfully replied in a flattering tone.

The headmaster did not comment on that, he instead asked another question. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Zero, sir”.

The headmaster’s eyes narrowed. He peered deeply at Morales for a few seconds, but getting no reaction, he relented with a sigh.

“Ok. Your bloodline, is it the Fleeting leaf Ravager’s race?”

“No, sir, it’s the Space Neonate”.

Hearing this, the headmaster’s pondering expression turned to that of shock. He looked at Morales like he was looking at a prized possession.

“The race which ultimate evolution is the Space Lord?” He asked in an expectant tone.

“Yes, headmaster”. Morales answered carefully while trying to read this Pugilist expert’s thoughts.

“Great!” The headmaster wanted to shout this out immediately, but he held himself back in the end. He could not act childish before his student, he had to uphold his prestige.

After suppressing his excitement, he finally asked Morales a question that almost made him faint in shock. “Are you by any means related to the Clifford family?”

Morales tried his very best to keep a puzzled expression on his face. “No, sir”.

“I think you don’t know the history of the Clifford’s then. Only their descendants inherited the bloodline of the legendary Space lord, maybe you’re a descendant from a neglected side family”.

As if noticing Morales’s unease, he appeased him. “Don’t worry, as you’re already affiliated with our dojo, we don’t see you as a Clifford”.

“Take this. At least, you need to know the origin of your bloodline”. He threw something that looked like a book at him, but with a more mysterious back cover.

“Before I forget, congratulations. You made me and the whole Border town dojo proud, the record that you broke already cemented your position as one of our best geniuses”.

“The dojo does not neglect our geniuses. From this month, you’ll be receiving the largest allocation of monthly resources”.

“And I have a personal congratulatory gift for you. Take this pill, it is something valuable. I hope that you do not let my expectations down”.

“Thank you head instructor; I’ll remain steadfast to increase my level and meet your expectations”. Morales expressed his gratitude immediately.

The headmaster didn’t reply to him again, he just nodded at him with an encouraging smile before disappearing the next moment.

“I hit the jackpot this time! Let me hear Poking say again that his dojo has more geniuses than mine, my Zero can trash any of yours. I hope that the pill helps him become a grade E expert fast”. 

As soon as the headmaster arrived back in his cultivation chamber, he let loose, releasing all the excitement that he has been suppressing since. He really found a genius this time.

After confirming that the headmaster left, Morales didn’t rush to leave immediately. Instead, he opened the book that was given to him. He was also curious about his bloodline.

Opening the book, the first and most glaring thing that greeted his sight was- Space Lord Anastasha.

Below this name was written dozens of tyrannical titles. Titles like the Lord of the skies, the Ruler of space, Space progenitor, wife of the Great Clifford, dozens of other titles filled the first page of the book.

Seeing this, Morales immediately knew that this woman was legendary as the headmaster just addressed her.

It took him about 10 minutes before he finished the short history book, and he was left completely stunned from the knowledge that he just learned.

According to the book, Space Lord Anastasha was the strongest companion of the legendary Clifford, and she was also his main wife.

She was recorded to be a fierce warrior at her peak, that even the great Clifford had to take some time before he could defeat her in a spar.

As was natural that strong individuals had difficulty reproducing, she was only able to produce few offspring for Clifford unlike the majority of his wives that were practically breeding machines.

Due to this, the spread of her tyrannical bloodline was much harder and restricted than other bloodlines.

After reading through the book completely, Morales finally knew how lucky he was to awaken such a tyrannical bloodline. It could be said that with this bloodline alone, his future prospects were boundless.

Reading some of the legendary battle encounters of the Space Lord, he could not help but feel that Anastasha must have been very cool during her heyday.

“It feels nice having a strong ancestor”. He felt contented.

After going through this short history lesson, he finally got ready to go. He took one last look at the pill that was just given to him by the headmaster before resolutely keeping it in his storage ring.

He knew what the pill was, it was a miraculous cultivating resource that was concocted by alchemists from the nutrients in monster cores.

The monster cores that he collected had the same effects as the pill, but it was much milder. That was why alchemists were needed to concoct the pills to maximize efficiency.

Due to the actions of the headmaster, he confirmed that his plan worked.

           He was sure that he probably shocked them so much that they would grant him uninterrupted access to any cultivation resource that he needed. 

           After keeping his storm sword back into his storage ring, he dragged his exhausted body to the short-distance teleportation portal that was flashing before him.


           He disappeared the next moment from the small room. When he opened his eyes, he was before the dungeon entrance and an abnormally large gathering of students. 

           “He’s out!” “He’s out!”

           The crowd immediately erupted on seeing him come out, excited shrieks escaped from the female students while the male students chanted his name.

           “Master Zero, how did you break the dungeon record? What did it feel like to break the dungeon record? Can I be your best friend?” A student asked.

           “Hmph, you know nothing. Can I be your bed warmer? Master Zero, I’m very good at it” A more shameless student immediately yelled at a louder voice, outwitting her predecessor.

           Morales felt goosebumps immediately.

           “I’m willing to be your cultivation servant for the whole year, please accept me Master Zero”. A male student quickly yelled; they were not to be left out also. Not only girls had advantages.

           Morales needed no one to explain to him, his record-breaking dungeon run attracted all these guys.

           He would have been flattened by the energetic movements of the crowd already due to the weakness biting at his bones, but the dojo was perceptive enough to let guards come to lead him away.


           Your favorability with a lot of students has increased to Friendly.

           Your favorability with some students has increased to Adoration.

           Your favorability with some students has decreased to Hatred.

           Due to your actions, you have become well-known in the Border town dojo.

           Renown: Border town dojo celebrity.


           Seeing this, a smile lit up Morales’s face. This alone was proof that he was already making a mark in this world through his strength, it was a significant step for him as he still remembered his mission.

           He had to find his other earthlings.

As he was escorted away, Morales felt that he heard the voice of his roommates but he could not pinpoint their position among the horde of the excited crowd.

           He would meet them back in their room.

           That day, a new celebrity was born in the Border town dojo. A celebrity whose mark would never be forgotten in the history of the town.


Thanks for reading guys, you're the best!

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