Chapter 173
She pulled her phone out of her pocket as she spoke. She kept a hand over her gaping mouth for the next ten minutes. After a long while, she turned to look at Darius, “I’m so sorry about this. I had no idea you were so unfortunate.”Darius’ expression turned cold. No one had ever described him as unfortunate before. His lips couldn’t stop twitching. He couldn’t even think of the right words to describe his feelings. In the end, he chose to remain silent.This didn’t mean that his office was silent as well. Doris’ voice was getting louder and louder.Darius crossed his arms and leaned against the wall while observing her. She was pretty and had plenty of room to grow, but how she made a living limmited her potential. That wasn’t good, and he couldn’t just stand aside and watch while it happened. So, he walked out of the room while she continued screeching.He said, “Erin, I need you to find her an appropriate community college.”Erin was a bit suprised. She knew Darius was kind, and even if
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