Chapter Four

Donald's POV 

Rose’s mouth fell open, her eyes as wide. She took one step back, as though what I had just said was too shocking for her to comprehend. “What did you just say?”

“I didn't stutter, Rose.” I held her gaze, not looking away. “It’s quite obvious that you're very unhappy and that doesn't sit very well with me. I'm ready to give you a divorce here and now if you want it.”

She gasped, locating the closest chair so she could sit, still staring at me like I'd groan another head. “Are you serious about that?”

“Why wouldn't I be? It's what you want, isn't it?”

I don't know, I guess I wasn't expecting that from you, is all.”

I snorted, done with her lies. “Right, so you just expected to take the bullshit you throw my way while you fuck around?” That came out much harsher than I'd intended and I could see that my words struck a chord.

Her eyes sparked with anger and she rose from the chair, armed with a retort. “How dare you talk to me like that after everything I've done for you?!”

“I've done things for you too so don't you make it out to be like you didn't get something out of it!” I spat. Realizing that they were going out of context and if things went on like this, they wouldn't come to a conclusion. I wanted my freedom, not just to avoid being around Rose but also so I could find someone who loved and cared about me genuinely. “Do you want this divorce or not, Rose?”

Her lips curled up in a sneer before she answered. “You know what? You're right, I do deserve to be happy so yes, I do want a divorce-”

“Great. I'll have my lawyer draw up the documents.” I let out a relieved sigh.

“Not so fast.” She warned. “It’s just a month left, I can't wait until it's up and then you give my compensation f*e.” Folding her arms over her chest, she grinned like a cat that just got the canary.

A month?!

Staying with her in the same house while she flaunted David in his face was unacceptable. Just one week and he'd be inclined to shoot himself. 

“No. “ I rejected the offer, taking her by surprise. “You want the $1 million? I'll give you the money but you'll need to give me something to gather it then wire it to your account.”

At first, she smiled greedily, the thought of having all that money making her giddy but then it slowly faded. “Not so fast, I'm not signing anything yet until I see the cash. You're not going to pull a fast one over me.”

“I have no need to, I want you out of my life as fast you do.” I picked up my laptop bag and my other case, heading in the direction of the study.

It was visible from the living room so Rose was watching me as I wanted to go in. I paused though, one hand on the knob. “Oh, and one more thing, I won't be sleeping in the bedroom anymore.” 

Last night was a feat as I was constantly plagued with thoughts of what could have happened on the sheets that I was currently snuggling. 

It was unfortunate but I slept quite horribly as a result, from one, only fresh clean sheets would do the trick.

“Oh, come on, Donny! Don't you think you're taking this too far?” She called out exasperatedly. “The bed is wide enough for two people to comfortably roll around in without touching each other, there's no need for you to be dramatic.”

“I'm not.” I looked up at her. ‘I want my privacy and until we're formally divorced, this is the closest I can…besides I'd like to spend my night not imagining what might have happened on the sheets while I was gone.”

For the second time today, Rose's mouth drops open and she takes one angry step in my direction, her hands balled into fists. “Are you calling me a slut in my own house? Really?!” She pointed fingers accusingly. “It’s none of your business what I do with my body or who I sleep with! In fact, if there's anybody that should be called a slut, it should be you!”

“Me?” Now, it was my turn to be taken back.

“Yes, you! You sold your body to me just so you could secure your future!” She took another menacing step toward him. “Before me, you couldn't have dreamed of casually calling fighters like $1 million but here you are…I'd bet that the money you wanted to pay me with was from my father's company, isn't it?!”

My nostrils flared, anger building up with each derogative word slung my way. It wasn't true of course but I wanted to toy with her. “So? What if it is?!”

If I thought it wasn't possible for her to get any more upset, I was wrong.

“You see, I knew it!” She crowed. “The only reason why a lowlife person like you would want to attach themselves to someone like me is due to one reason and one reason only…money. You must think you're so smart, bagging a job at my father's company and making away with enlighten money to buy out your contract.” She let out a mocking laughter. “You must be joking!”

I stood there, stunned that such nasty words could come out of her mouth, surprised that this was what she'd thought of me all this time. Aside from her family wealth, I was drawn to Rose because of her gentle and sweet disposition.

While I knew most divorces could be messy, I tried to keep it minimal so if possible, we might remain cordial to one another after the fact but this…

I guess it was ironic that the person she believed was after her money was actually David and not me.

I saved my breath, not bothering to say a word…it's not like she would believe me anyway.

“Well, aren't you good to say something to defend yourself?!” She walked up to him, her hands turned to fists by her side, demanding an explanation. “You planned all this, didn't you?”

Staring at her, I saw the shell of a woman I thought I knew. I folded my lips shut, swallowing my words. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn't…it's up to you to decide,” I say tiredly, pushing the door open and I walk in, slamming the door in her face.

Unfortunately, my answer wasn't satisfactory enough because she kicked at the door for a while before walking away.

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