Chapter five

Donald's POV 

“Okay sir, but what do you think about this?” My secretary, Luna leaned over the table showing a bunch of new files that I had to sort. The templates we used for the last job got rejected, our client insisting that they were outdated as opposed to the recent ones. 

I sighed, perusing the new templates that she'd created. “They're good, better than anything I could have come up with.”

Luna hesitates, peeking at me from the corner of her eyes. “But?”

“But nothing.” I push the templates back to her. “I'm being serious, these designs are really good. If the Fowlers don't like it, then it's their problem, not yours.”

She beamed, relaxing back on her chair. We kept working in silence as I went through some backlog I'd forgotten to clear out in my haste from the previous months. I hadn't told Lana yet but as soon as the ink was dry on the divorce papers, I was hightailing it out of here.

It's not like Rose will want to keep him around so it was best he left, which was why he was clearing up his workload.

Being the manager of a company such as this was a huge task to fulfill and he only hoped the next person would have the capacity to carry it out.

The doors swung inward, cutting his thoughts off, and the last person I expected to where came standing in, claf in a power suit, makeup, and the entire thing.

I stood up at once. “Rose, what are you …?* The rest of my words died on my tongue when David strolled in behind her. “You didn't knock.” I finished lamely.

“I didn't need to.” She smirked. “I figured you'd be in here, which is good because I have some information for you.”

His teeth clenched against his jaw, bristling on the inside but I managed to keep calm. “And what might that be?”

Rose opened her mouth to talk but she caught sight of Luna cowering in a corner and frowning. “You…get out!” She ordered.

Luna didn't hesitate, racing out of the office like her pants were on fire but before she left, she turned around to give me a look I couldn't decipher.

Almost as though she was feeling sorry for me.

David, on the other hand, was smiling oddly and the suit he was wearing… looked new.

Now that they were alone…

“I don't appreciate you barging into my office and talking to my staff like that, Rose,” I say sternly. “If you wanted to visit, you could have told them I'd do some about it. By the way, why are you here?”

Rose set her bag down gingerly on the table. “It's quite simple. I realized that now that I've filed for divorce, there's no reason for you to be here anymore since you're going to be no longer my husband. I'd like you to hand over all your work to Donald.”

My eyes swung over to David who stood behind here, looking smug with his chest puffed out. “Really? You want this position?”

It was highly unlikely but I was intrigued to hear what he'd might say.

David looked around, pretending to be humble even though the proud set of his shoulders didn't come down an inch. “Look, it's no hard feelings man but yeah, when Rose asked, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind. I know that it's a lot of work but with a lot of study and time, I'll be the best manager they ever needed.”

I wanted to laugh in their faces at the ridiculousness of all of it. What David just spouted sounded like something he read off an article on the ‘Net.

Turning my focus away from David, I looked at Rose letting a small smile play around my mouth. “Are you sure about this, Rose? Letting a total stranger with no experience whatsoever rut around the company?” At his words, her mouth stilled around the retort that was on her lips but she recovered faster.

“David is no stranger! I've known him longer than I know you!”

“You knew him back then in college and are getting reacquainted several years later? Do you honestly think that he's the same person he was back then?” I let her stew on that one for a couple of minutes. “What about your parents, did you inform them about this new change? More importantly, did they approve?”

She grew uncomfortable with all his questions, vibrating like a well-tuned fork. “You don't have any right to question the decisions I make! And about my parents, I am the CEO of this company, not them and it is my work and my strategies that has brought about a sweet boom in the sales.” She said defensively. “It's been me, so yes, I will employ and fire whoever I want to.”

“That's right!” David backed her from behind her like the weak and spineless coward he was. He placed his hands on her shoulders, his eyes shining with love. “Rose, here has a good head on her shoulders, so I go with whatever she says.”

“That's because you're interested in kissing her ass ‘cos of the money.” I snarked, sick of the asshole.

Pretending to be chivalrous to win a few points, David walked up to me putting a finger in my face that I desperately itched to break. “What how you talk about her!”

I looked away from him, deciding that he was not worth the mental energy that I'd use to think about him.

Rose’s words echoed in my mind and I couldn't help but chuckle under my breath.

She thought it was her hard work that boosted the company's sales up 50%.

It's laughable because this is the same woman who barely showed up for meetings, briefings, or conferences until I had to drag her to come. The same woman who can't be bothered to add to the creative team's budget because as long as we're bringing in money, there was no need to panic.

If it wasn't for my sacrifices, my sleepless nights spent plotting and dreaming up new ideas on how to grow the company out of the horrible state it was into something as beautiful as this…she might not have a company to brag about.

“If you're certain that you did all this by yourself then I just commend you,” I say slowly, stepping out from behind the desk, all the while staring at her. “I really can't wait to see what else you'll do with it next.”

I got a little bit of satisfaction knowing how uncomfortable she now felt.

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