Chapter Six

Donald's POV 

I waited for her to say something but apparently, my words must have been more surprising than it was supposed to be. “Cat got your tongue?”

David's mouth moved and he glanced at Rose as if waiting for her to give him a sign before he said something.

Rose pressed her lips stubbornly together, not saying a word. David chose to improvise, taking a step backward. “Rose, I thought you said this wouldn't be difficult but now, it sounds like he's unhappy with me being here.”

I rolled my eyes heavenward, shaking my head. Oh, so that's how he wants to play huh?

Rose shifted on her feet uncomfortably. “It's just a question he asked, David.”

I crossed my hand over my chest, watching the both of them with amusement played across my face. “Yes.”

David sighed, not looking happy. “Do you not want to hand over the position to me?”

“With your inexperience?” I arched a brow. 

He scrubbed a hand down his face. “I know I'm not experienced but just like I told Rose, I'd be willing to do anything to learn. The rest of left to you…”

“To me, to do what?” I said, pretending to be clueless. It was fun toying with him.

David scratched his beard, looking uncomfortable, to say the least. “I was wondering…if you're not comfortable with letting me take over so soon, then maybe you could put me through?” 

“What are you saying?” I crossed my legs too, portraying a serious person. 

Rose tilted her head to the side, a small encouraging nod, and David went on. “I’ll offer to come on as a regular employee and learn from you…study for the position until I'm as good as you.” He reached out to hold Rose’s hand. “One day, I'll be good enough to handle the position, don't you think?”

Not to sound pompous or anything but even with the best tutors and a hundred years to learn this skill, I wasn't certain that he would be as good as I was.

Not even close.

There were some talents that were learned and some that were God-given. There's a clear difference between the two.

Rose placed a hand on her hips, expertly sliding her other hand from David's. “So, what do you say Donny?”

“Fine, I'll agree to it if he does.” I shrugged. 

As long as that dumbass didn't come close to my office, we were golden. 

Rose beamed, looking at David like a cat that ate the cream. “Good…it's just that I have one little condition.”

I stiffened, knowing that whatever she was interested in asking wasn't something that I'd like to do. “What is it?” I asked warily.

“I had a feeling you might be hesitant towards allowing him to work here, so I have a proposition…” she paused dramatically and I could almost hear the drumroll sound. “I’ll allow you to continue working here if…you give up the divorce.”

I was as shocked as David, only I hid mine much better. David was slightly behind Rose so she couldn't see his expression. His eyes widened, staring at Rose’s profile in shock.

From the look of his face, it's safe to say that he wasn't aware of Rose's plan.

Her lips were curled, her face smug as she was certain that I would agree to her demands.

After all, I was a gold digger…. desperate for some gold.

“What, are you expecting me to jump up in excitement that you want me back?” I pushed the desk, dropping my hands down. The smile vanished from Rose's face when she heard my words.  

“ Wh…what a…are you trying to say Donny?” she stammered out.

For the first time in a long while, it felt like I was winning, like I was on top and I had every intention of enjoying it to the fullest. “What I'm trying to tell you, Rose, is that I wasn't being difficult earlier because I wanted to stay. No, I was merely contemplating decisions.”

Her hands tightened into fists, and I could tell she wasn't appreciative of me trying to drag out the suspense. “Are you going to tell me what you're yapping on about or you'll just continue being silly?”

“I was thinking about interesting places that would make for a good vacationing spot.” I mused, not to her annoyance.

As I said it out loud, it felt right. The thing is, for the past three years, I've practically devoted my life to this company and Rose, both of which didn't belong to me and now it was time to do something for myself.

Such as planning an amazing treat and getting the rest I had missed out on all those years.

“Are you fucking serious right now or is this some sort of sick joke?” Rose spat, glaring at me. “I'm giving you the deal of a lifetime and you're saying no?”

The smile on my face remained, not moving a centimeter. “That's right.”

Rose's face got so red that I feared she might have a coronary or at the very least, burst from all the suppressed anger but then, her face cleared and smoothened out. “Okay, then.”

Behind her, David looked all too happy to hear that he was no longer interested in being married to his lover, and his face was wreathed in smiles. 

“From tomorrow, David's going to be the new manager, taking over your position and you're going to be okay with it?”

“One hundred percent.” I nodded.

She frowned and without looking at David, she instructed. “Can you please give us the room?”

For a moment, David wasn't sure that he was the one she was addressing pointing to himself. “You mean, I should leave?”

“Yes, David, I meant you.” This time she glanced at him.

David at the both of us for a moment before nodding, even though she could see him. “Of course.”

On his way out, he paused and twisted his face into a mocking look behind her back that was directed at him. I just shook my head in pity, looking away.

For me, David was just a clown and he wasn't even someone I could place much importance on.

When he was gone and it was just the two of us, I trained my full attention on Rose, raising an inquiring eyebrow at her. 

“So you really want to do this?” She asked, placing her bag on the table. “You're not going to take me up on my offer?”

“No, Rose. I told you before, I'm done with being your slave. I want to do things for me and no one else.”

“Fine then,” her eyes hardened and she stretched out her hand. “For someone who talked so big, put your money where your mouth is then. The compensation money?”

I smiled, having been waiting to hear that from her. Whenever she doesn't get her way, she resorts to blackmailing people.

I turned my back on her for less than a second, rummaging around for my wallet where I kept an array of credit cards.

Even though I loved Rose deeply, I'd always been smart. While I made money for the company, I wasn't foolish enough to squander all that I received, saving some and investing the others.

“Here,” I handed her my black platinum card. “There should be over a million dollars in there.”

She hummed at the back of her throat, inspecting the card. “Are you sure about that? Why don't I check” 

Directing a sly look my way, she proceeded to confirm if it was true or not, reaching out to the bank manager since it was the same one that handles all our accounts.

Even though I was fairly certain that I had money in that account, there was a bad feeling in my gut saying this might not swing my way.

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