
"Well, that's really fitting," added Doan.

I thought for a moment, "Hm.. Okay."

"Well then, I'll ask Erika where is the address of the social institution where Axton is now," said Doan.

I sat on the edge of the bed, I still couldn't understand it, how did the paper reappear, is this really an old chapter that hasn't ended yet?

"I've asked Erika, just waiting for her reply," said Doan.

"Okay," I replied.


Axton was asleep, but suddenly her eyes opened and turned white, her mouth opened and said something, I don't know what she said, because only the movement of her lips was visible and her voice did not come out. At that time, Axton was alone in her room.

Suddenly a black cloaked creature appeared in front of Axton, it bent towards Axton's face and blew something into her mouth.

Axton's hands moved and tried to strangle herself, Axton's face started to turn red, she was having trouble breathing because of those hands. The figure then pulled Axton's tongue which was starting t
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