Fly Symbolizes

Dominic touched the young man's hand, feeling it still warm, and urgently said: "His body is still warm; he might have just stopped breathing."

"To revive someone who's just stopped breathing, you need to perform rescue breathing. You do it." Aurora suggested.

"I..." Dominic looked down at the young man. Though his face was decent-looking and saving a life was critical, Dominic didn't know who he was, whether he had any contagious diseases, and moreover, the idea of performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on another man in front of two beautiful women meant he could never hold his head up again, feeling extremely troubled inside.

"What are you waiting for?" Leanne urged, unaware of his internal struggle.

At a loss, Dominic suddenly remembered the egg from the Gem Flower. The old man had said it was a divine remedy, more precious than ten-year deer antler velvet, more nourishing than a hundred-year ginseng, and that keeping it for over twenty years could bring someone back from the bri
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