Ryder twisted and turned on the couch. His ribs ached. He was only able to sleep for what seemed like a few minutes.
He sat up and groaned at the pain shooting throughout his torso.
Ryder looked at the bookshelves full of books. Saanvi would love this place. She always reads in her free time.
Ryder sighed and put his head in his hands. She should be here. With me. Safe. Not scared like she probably is right now…
If she’s still alive, one part of him thought.
Saanvi is alive! Don’t think like that! She’s probably just scared.
Or dead. She could be dead.
No! I won’t accept that! She’s alive!
How would you know?
Ryder paused. He tried to find an answer. He tried to find a reason she could be alive.
She’s strong. She wouldn’t give up easily, Ryder concluded.
He didn’t want to continue the battle in his head. He didn’t want to think that she could be dead.
She could’ve died a while ago.
She could’ve died right when you passed out. The Devil could’ve killed her.
You wouldn't have known.
Stop it!
You were passed out at and the Devil killed her. You didn’t save her.
She’s not dead!
She’s dead because of you!
No she isn’t!
It’s your fault she’s dead! The voice in his head yelled louder.
No! Stop it!
You didn’t save her! It’s your fault!
No it isn’t!
“NO!” Ryder yelled out loud. He clutched his hair and yelled out in anger.
Ryder took deep breaths. He had sweat on his face and his shirt had darkened patches where the sweat seeped through.
He rubbed his hands on his face and sighed. He needed to stop thinking about her. It was killing him just thinking about her dying.
Ryder got up and limped over to a bookshelf. He picked out a random book. He thought reading something might get his mind off of her.
He picked up a book at random and brought it with him to the couch. He sat down and opened a random page and started reading.
Ryder lifted his head slowly and looked around. He was lying on the couch. He saw the book in his hand and he assumed he fell asleep while reading.
Ryder turned his head to the sounds. He looked at the door and froze. It was opened a little bit.
The demons, Ryder thought. They're here for me and Luci. Wait... Where's Luci?
Ryder looked around, only moving his head so he didn't make a sound to alert the demons. He couldn't see Luci anywhere.
They already took him!
Ryder felt the daggers on his waist and legs. He heard the demon's pattering feet coming closer. Ryder took short breaths through his nose. The pattering feet came closer to the open door.
Ryder placed a hand on the dagger on his waist, ready to pull it out and fight.
The feet came closer.
And closer.
And closer.
Soon they reached the door. Ryder closed his eyes for a moment, ready for the demons to barge through the door and take him.
But they didn't come. They stopped at the door. Ryder held his breath. Then they started taking. It wasn't in a language he understood. He listened closely and realized he heard it before. But he couldn't pin point where he heard it.
There was one voice taking in a low and quiet whisper. Then the other demons spoke. It was a deep voice. Ryder held his breath and focused all his attention to the familiar voice.
After a moment of silence, Ryder heard a sigh and the familiar voice said, "Just leave the girl. Make sure no one kills her until it is time."
The other voice spoke until the familiar voice interrupted it. "No! Do not do that! Just leave her. That is all I am asking. I will take care of the guy. Now go."
The familiar voice pushed the door open as the other one walked away. Ryder closed his eyes a bit to make it look like he was asleep, but he had enough room between his eyelids to see.
The familiar voice stepped inside and shut the door quietly behind him. "My demons are so useless. I have to do everything myself," the voice said angrily.
Ryder thought, I've heard that voice before. I know who that is...
Just as the voice stepped into light, Ryder thought, Luci.
Luci paused in the light and looked down at Ryder. He smiled and said, "I love it when you sleep. You do not worry about Saanvi and ask to look for her. You are not annoying in your sleep."
Luci walked over to the coffee and grabbed a cloth. As he reached for it, Ryder saw blood on his hands.
Luci picked up the cloth and walked closer to Ryder until he towered over him.
He felt Luci lift up his shirt. Luci ran his cold hand along his bruise.
Ryder managed not to flinch at the cold touch.
Luci sighed and said, "I can not believe he threw you into a wall. He knows that we need to make you guys last six days. You are bleeding internally and will not last for long. It is fine... Just four more days and my plan will be set."
Luci walked away and sat down on the couch across from Ryder and sat down. Ryder could see the ghost of a smile on Luci's face. "Four more days, Ryder. Four more days until I put you out of your misery."

Sorry for taking a little longer to upload this chapter. I'll try to update more often :)
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The Devil's House Chapter 16
Saanvi Saanvi got up from the spot she had been sitting down for hours. She had just been thinking about Justice and the man. Saanvi had thought about Justice. She didn't deserve this, she had thought to herself. She didn't deserve to die. And neither did the other officer. Saanvi had thought about the man. Flashes of Justice being killed by him had flashed in her mind. She saw his black eyes. His sword on Justice's neck. Him cutting her throat open. Blood spilling out. Justice dropping to the floor. She remebered when she had ran up to Justice, screaming. She had expected to be killed as well but when she had looked back up, they were all gone. She had so many questions. But two were the most important. Where'd they go? Why didn't they kill me too? Saanvi sighed and looked down at Justice's dead body. "I'm so sorry, Justice," Saanvi whispered. A tear drop rolled down her cheek and she didn't bother to wipe it. "You didn't deserve this.
The Devil's House Author’s Note
Hey guys. Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I got locked out of my account and I’m trying to get back in.I have written a few more chapters and will post them when I can. I might have to move everything to another account when I’m able to get back in and u guys will have to continue reading there.I’m trying to get back on my account and I’m really sorry to the people who were reading and have to wait.I’m really sorry about this :(Anyways, I hope u have a great day!
The Devil's House I Fixed The Problem... Kind of
Hi! I have finally fixed the login issues! But now there are going to be some changes. First, I moved all of the chapters to another account. It's the same book name "The Devil's House". So just search that up and continue reading on that account. U can forget about this one. If u can't find it, let me know and I'll help u. Also, I changed some things in the book, like spelling mistakes and other things that may have been wrong. I also changed the heights of the demons. They’re going to be a little taller than they were before. Oh, and I changed the way Saanvi looked. It’s not a big difference, it’s just her hair. There were no important changes so you can continue reading from where you left off. I will continue writing on that account from now one:) I'm sorry for making u guys wait, but I have some more chapters that I will publish on the other account. If u have any questions, or trouble finding the book, please let me know. This might take a few days to full fix this situat
The Devil's House Author's Note
Hi guys! Just give me a couple more days and everything will be good again. I am going to delete this book in a day or two. After that, my book should be up on my other account in a couple days or so. The title is "The Devil's House". I am so sorry that u guys have to wait so long for this problem to be fixed :( I really hope u guys still want to read my book. I know it's not the best but I think the story line is really good. Please don't leave because of this problem. Anyways, Have a great day!
The Devil's House Author's Note
Tomorrow I will try to delete this book. After that's done, u guys will start reading my book on my other account. Everything is the same. It might take another couple days or so because I'm waiting for the contract so I can resign it. The name of the book will stay the same: The Devil's House Bye :) I can't publish this with less than 100 words so I need to add about 30 more. So this is just something random. U can move on... Almost there.... Just a few more words Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One Now I have enough. Bye
The Devil's House Author's Note
I decided against deleting this book for now. I'm going to keep this here until I get my other account settled. I'm sorry for making u guys wait for so long :( I'm just waiting for the contract to come so I can sign it... I'm trying to get this done as soon as possible. I am working on more chapters as I wait. Plz be paitent as I work on this problem. I am hoping I can get everything settled soon and get back to writing soon. I am so, so sorry for this... Bye! Have a great day/night!
The Devil's House Chapter 1
"Hey, Saanvi! I got a new case you have to investigate," someone said, slamming a folder full of papers on her desk. Saanvi looked up from her computer to see the police chief leaning on her desk. He had one hand leaning on her desk and one on his hip. She looked down at the thick brown folder on her desk full of scattered papers. Saanvi opened up the folder and went through the pages. On the first page, she saw eight pictures of different men and women. There were five females and three men. At the top of the paper, written in red bold letters was “MISSING”. She scanned through the rest of the pages which explained each of the people in detail. Saanvi said, "Wow. That is a lot of missing cases," she said. "But why do I have to work on so many different ones?" "They're connected. All of these people,” the police chief said pointing to each of the photos of the people on the first page, “went missing on a vacation going to the same place... A mansion on Blueberry
The Devil's House Chapter 2
"We're here," Ryder said, parking the truck on the opposite side of the street from the mansion. The mansion was a beautiful shade of cream and it was gigantic. The mansion was separated from the other house by a few yards on each side. There were many tall trees surrounding the mansion. There was a small forest behind it and Ryder suspected that they might’ve gotten lost in the forest. But Saanvi doubted that all of the people got lost in the same forest. She thought something else happened to them but she couldn’t figure out what. They got out of the truck and walked to the mansion. The front yard had beautiful flowers around a small pond on their left. They walked up a few steps to the front door. The two black doors rose above them. Right behind them were two pillars holding up a balcony above them. The pillars had detailed carvings of birds and flowers. The mansion was the most beautiful thing Saanvi and Ryder have ever seen. Saanvi knocked on the doo
Latest Chapter
Author's Note
I decided against deleting this book for now. I'm going to keep this here until I get my other account settled. I'm sorry for making u guys wait for so long :( I'm just waiting for the contract to come so I can sign it... I'm trying to get this done as soon as possible. I am working on more chapters as I wait. Plz be paitent as I work on this problem. I am hoping I can get everything settled soon and get back to writing soon. I am so, so sorry for this... Bye! Have a great day/night!
Author's Note
Tomorrow I will try to delete this book. After that's done, u guys will start reading my book on my other account. Everything is the same. It might take another couple days or so because I'm waiting for the contract so I can resign it. The name of the book will stay the same: The Devil's House Bye :) I can't publish this with less than 100 words so I need to add about 30 more. So this is just something random. U can move on... Almost there.... Just a few more words Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One Now I have enough. Bye
Author's Note
Hi guys! Just give me a couple more days and everything will be good again. I am going to delete this book in a day or two. After that, my book should be up on my other account in a couple days or so. The title is "The Devil's House". I am so sorry that u guys have to wait so long for this problem to be fixed :( I really hope u guys still want to read my book. I know it's not the best but I think the story line is really good. Please don't leave because of this problem. Anyways, Have a great day!
I Fixed The Problem... Kind of
Hi! I have finally fixed the login issues! But now there are going to be some changes. First, I moved all of the chapters to another account. It's the same book name "The Devil's House". So just search that up and continue reading on that account. U can forget about this one. If u can't find it, let me know and I'll help u. Also, I changed some things in the book, like spelling mistakes and other things that may have been wrong. I also changed the heights of the demons. They’re going to be a little taller than they were before. Oh, and I changed the way Saanvi looked. It’s not a big difference, it’s just her hair. There were no important changes so you can continue reading from where you left off. I will continue writing on that account from now one:) I'm sorry for making u guys wait, but I have some more chapters that I will publish on the other account. If u have any questions, or trouble finding the book, please let me know. This might take a few days to full fix this situat
Author’s Note
Hey guys. Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I got locked out of my account and I’m trying to get back in.I have written a few more chapters and will post them when I can. I might have to move everything to another account when I’m able to get back in and u guys will have to continue reading there.I’m trying to get back on my account and I’m really sorry to the people who were reading and have to wait.I’m really sorry about this :(Anyways, I hope u have a great day!
Chapter 16
Saanvi Saanvi got up from the spot she had been sitting down for hours. She had just been thinking about Justice and the man. Saanvi had thought about Justice. She didn't deserve this, she had thought to herself. She didn't deserve to die. And neither did the other officer. Saanvi had thought about the man. Flashes of Justice being killed by him had flashed in her mind. She saw his black eyes. His sword on Justice's neck. Him cutting her throat open. Blood spilling out. Justice dropping to the floor. She remebered when she had ran up to Justice, screaming. She had expected to be killed as well but when she had looked back up, they were all gone. She had so many questions. But two were the most important. Where'd they go? Why didn't they kill me too? Saanvi sighed and looked down at Justice's dead body. "I'm so sorry, Justice," Saanvi whispered. A tear drop rolled down her cheek and she didn't bother to wipe it. "You didn't deserve this.
Chapter 15
Ryder Ryder twisted and turned on the couch. His ribs ached. He was only able to sleep for what seemed like a few minutes. He sat up and groaned at the pain shooting throughout his torso. Ryder looked at the bookshelves full of books. Saanvi would love this place. She always reads in her free time. Ryder sighed and put his head in his hands. She should be here. With me. Safe. Not scared like she probably is right now… If she’s still alive, one part of him thought. Saanvi is alive! Don’t think like that! She’s probably just scared. Or dead. She could be dead. No! I won’t accept that! She’s alive! How would you know? Ryder paused. He tried to find an answer. He tried to find a reason she could be alive. She’s strong. She wouldn’t give up easily, Ryder concluded. He didn’t want to continue the battle in his head. He didn’t want to think that she could be dead. She could’ve died a while ago. No! She could’ve died r
Chapter 14
Saanvi Saanvi and Justice ran out of the kitchen. Saanvi tried to run to the right toward the door but a demon came out of a room next to the kitchen. The demon that came out of the room blocked their way. Justice tugged on Saanvi’s arm, pulling her to the left through the hallway. There were no windows along the hallways. It was narrow with doors on their right and left but they didn’t go into any of them because the demons would see and follow them. Justice pulled Saanvi behind her as the demons chased behind them. Saanvi turned to see the demon from the room running on two feet. The other two demon that had followed the order of the taller demon were running on all fours behind the demon from the room. Saanvi couldn’t see the taller demon. Suddenly the demon that was running on two feet tried to pounce on Saanvi. She screamed. When it missed, it growled and ran on all fours like the other two demons behind it. That’s when Saanvi saw the taller demon. It was
Chapter 13
Ryder “What about weapons?” Ryder asked as he took of his hoodies, leaving the shirt on. “What about them?” Luci asked as he changed into a black muscle shirt with full sleeves. The shirt was tight showing his muscles through the shirt. He pulled on black cargo jeans as well. Ryder looked at him and said, “Well, don’t we need weapons to protect ourselves from the demons. You should have some since you have stayed here for so long. Surely you had to fight some demons along the way, right?” Luci turned to Ryder and said, “Why would I fight my- I mean, of course I fought m- the demons. Let me go get some weapons. Give me a minute.” Luci walked past Ryder and suddenly froze. Ryder turned to look at him and asked, “Hey, Luci. You alright?” Luci didn’t respond so he poked him. Luci still didn’t respond. “Hey Luc-” Ryder was interrupted when Luci spoke in a demonic voice. He said something in a foriegn language. It sounded like the same language that he heard in h