A week in Shennongjia

Without realizing it, Vincent had stayed in Shennongjia for a week. He had spent the week drinking fresh spring water and enjoying the roasted meat of the animals that he had hunted inside his tent.

He had enjoyed the relaxing life. He was even able to communicate with some of the animals in Shennongjia using his mind power. However, they had little intelligence and their thought processes were very scattered. Sometimes, they would not answer questions posed to them, but Vincent still found it all very interesting.

Vincent knew that it was time for him to leave. He had collected enough species of animals and plants, a good number of which have now been proliferating widely within Gaia’s World.

This was especially so for the plants. The fact that Shennongjia had so many plants had helped Vincent complete the plant ecosystem in Gaia’s World. The ecosystem had gradually taken shape, but comparatively, the rules and completion of the world had slowed down its flow of time, reducing it to
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